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Business Organizations in UK


Added on  2023/01/05

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This report provides a detailed description of different types of organizations in the UK, including profit-making organizations, non-profit organizations, and public sector organizations. It explores the objectives, areas of functioning, and scope of organizations like Unilever Plc. and The Department for Children, School and Families. The report also discusses the interdependence between different types of organizations and analyzes the influence of macro environmental factors on the retail sector, with a focus on Morrisons (UK). Additionally, it includes a SWOT analysis of Morrisons and a PESTEL analysis on the UK retail sector.

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SECTION 1.................................................................................................................................................2
Forms of organizations................................................................................................................................2
The Transparent Hand.............................................................................................................................3
Objective of organization....................................................................................................................3
Area of functioning..............................................................................................................................3
Scope of organization..........................................................................................................................3
Unilever Plc.............................................................................................................................................4
Objective of the organization...............................................................................................................4
Area of functioning..............................................................................................................................4
Scope of organization..........................................................................................................................4
The Department for Children, School and Families.................................................................................5
Objective of organization....................................................................................................................5
Area of functioning..............................................................................................................................5
Scope of organization..........................................................................................................................6
Interdependence between different types of organizations......................................................................6
Diverse Business organizations...............................................................................................................7
SECTION 2.................................................................................................................................................9
Influence of macro environmental factors on retail sector.....................................................................9
SWOT analysis over Morrisons (UK)...................................................................................................10
Porter’s five force analysis conducted on Morrisons (UK)....................................................................11
PESTEL analysis on UK Retail Sector..................................................................................................13
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The following report gives detailed description about different types of organizations like profit
making organizations, non-profit organizations and public sector organizations. In view of this,
an analysis is made over the working structure, area of functioning and size of these
organizations. Herein, a real life business organization Unilever is used as example to understand
the working of different type of organizations. Similarly, Transparent Hand and the Department
of children education and family are taken as references to understand the functioning of
different form of organizations. This report also throws light over the interrelation between
different types of organization and gives a brief about the advantages and disadvantages of their
interrelationship. Moving forward the report describes the role of micro and macro factors in
influencing the business organizations like Morrisons UK. Lastly, PESTEL is conducted on the
retail sector of UK in order to analyze the influence faced by the sector from different variables.
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Forms of organizations
An organization refers to a place of work with group of people working for specific objectives; it
requires proper planning, arrangement and coordination to accomplish the objective. There are
different types of organizations, for instance “The Transparent Hands” of UK is a non-profit
organization whose main objective is to provide aid to the underprivileged people of
underdeveloped countries like Pakistan, and contradictory to this Unilever Plc. (UK) is a profit
making organization which earns profits by manufacturing consumer goods. Apart of these
organizations there is one more form i.e. government sector or public sector organizations whose
main objective is to provide best services to people without seeking any personal interest.
The Transparent Hand
Objective of organization
The main objective of this organization is to provide health care services to the underdeveloped
economies, which are facing difficulties to meet their own needs.1 The organization works for
the section of society, which is economically backward, thus the organization does not charge for
these services.2
Area of functioning
The organization works at international platform, it delivers the service in various
underdeveloped and destitute states. The organization has formed ties with a Pakistani non-
governmental trust which gives assistance to the organization to work effectively. The
1P. Drucker, Managing the non-profit organization,London,Routledge,2010.
2 S. P. Osborne, Voluntary organizations and innovation in public service,London,Routledge,2013.

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organization receives funds from donors to accomplish its goals. Presently there are around 632
supporting donors who have joined this trust as its members.3
Scope of organization
Mission of Transparent Hands is related to cure the sufferings of needy people by granting them
healthcare facility, which is free and easily accessible to them. Presently, the organization has
performed 565 surgeries, 13,582 medical camps and has spent around 507.22K US Dollars on
these operations.4
Unilever Plc.
Objective of the organization
Unilever Plc. is a multinational organization, which was formed after a merger of two big
business firms. It is a well-known organization around the globe for the quality of goods it offers.
After establishing a good repo in international market Unilever focuses on its profits and
margins. As Unilever is a private organization its main aim is to earn maximum profits with
optimum utilization of the resources.5
Area of functioning
Unilever is available in more than 190 countries throughout the world; it is one of the biggest
firms at the international level, which produces variety of consumer goods. Therefore in order to
maintain balance in the functioning Unilever Plc. follows the product division format which
means the brands owned by Unilever are filtered in 4 main product types, for instance health
3 S. V. Puyvelde and R. Caers et al., The governance of nonprofit organizations: Integrating agency theory with
stakeholder and stewardship theories’,Nonprofit and voluntary sector quarterly,41(3),2012,431-451.
4 P. Kotler and P. Kotler, Marketing for nonprofit organizations,US,Prentice-hall,2011.
5 S. Cole,‘The impact of reputation on market value’,World Economics-Abingdo,13(3),(2010),47.
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care, food and beverage, home and décor etc. There is no interference of government in the
decision making process of the organization.6
Scope of organization
The organization runs as per the set of values and principles, which states that in order to get
success “the highest standards of corporate behavior towards everyone we work with, the
communities we touch, and the environment on which we have an impact.” Unilever has
established its branches throughout the globe; it is selling around 400 plus brands in more than
190 nations. In daily life around 3 million people use products which are manufactured by
Unilever Plc.
The Department for Children, School and Families
Objective of organization
The department for children, school and families is a governmental organization of United
Kingdom whose objective is to ensure safety of children, providing them best quality of
education and also providing safer environment for their overall development. 7. Thus it becomes
clear that these organizations are nonprofit organizations but all the payments and expenditure
made by them is from the revenue generated by the government.8
6 R. L. Daft, J. Murphy and H. Willmott,‘Organization Theory and Design,Boston, Cengage Learning, 2010.
7 Great Britain: Department for Children, Schools and Families,‘Department for Children, Schools and Families:
autumn performance report’(Crown 2007).
8 P. T.Gooby, ‘Root and branch restructuring to achieve major cuts: The social policy programme of the 2010 UK
coalition government’, Social Policy & Administration,46(1),2010,61-82.
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Area of functioning
These organizations have a limited area of functioning like a state or a nation because every
country has its own set of rules and regulations which can only be applied within the specific
territory. These organizations are more powerful than the other organizations as government of
any nation is most powerful and its action can only be questioned by legal authorities.9
Scope of organization
The constitution of UK provides a framework according to which all these organizations
function. It must be noted that in the public sector organization regular interaction with citizens
takes place in order to ensure weather citizens are satisfied with the services or not.10
Interdependence between different types of organizations
All the organizations existing in the market are somehow dependent on each other, for instance
the non- profit organizations are dependent on the government only when their majority of
resources are aided by government. If the non-profit organization holds a good number of donors
the control of government over its actions reduces. Similarly, the profit making organizations or
private firms are dependent on the government as these organizations require legal authentication
for establishment of the firm in market, until these organizations get the legal certification they
are not allowed to sell products.
Performance of each organization can be measured separately. Strong bond between
organizations helps in increasing the business by publicizing the firm name. Interrelation
9S. F. Turner and V. Rindova, ‘A balancing act: How organizations pursue consistency in routine functioning in the
face of ongoing change’, Organization Science,23(1),2012,24-46.
10 A. Wæraas and H. Byrkjeflot, ‘Public sector organizations and reputation management: Five problems’,
International Public Management Journal,15(2),2012,186-206.

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between the organizations specifies the area of functioning this helps in reducing the chance of
Every organization has loopholes and these loopholes results in improper functioning of the
organization, if the functional structure of an organization is not proper the correlated firms will
also suffer. Apart from this lack of communication and understanding between the employees.
Diverse Business organizations
There are different sizes of business organizations micro, small, medium and large. The micro
enterprise holds a staff of maximum 10 employees; small size enterprise holds staff of 50
employees whereas medium size enterprise is made up of 250 employees. Then there are large
scale organizations like Morrisons UK and Tesco which holds thousands of employees. These
large enterprises hold big staffs who work in different branches of the same organization.
In UK an organization is considered as SME if its turnover is of not more than £25m whereas
the annual turnover of large scale organizations is more than £20 billion.11
All of the above the size and structure of an organization influences its objectives in various
ways, for instance Unilever being an multinational organization; it requires high amount of
human capital but in past 10 years half of its employees have left the organization which has
11 L. Spence and M. P.Morland,‘Ethics in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: A Global
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created shortage of employees. This eventually resulted in less productivity and major imbalance
in the management. The organizational structure of Unilever is product type division which is
beneficiary for the core objective of the company. Each product produced by the firm falls into a
specific category with this concept it becomes easier for the operations department to solve
queries and keep everything checked.12
Market share refers to the share of an organization, firm or a company in the market. It is a
matter of concern for organizations who deliver services at huge level, the ratio of their market
share depicts the value of their organization. If a company owns biggest chunk of the total
percentage of the market share among its competitors gradually the value the respective firm
increases. Similarly, profit sharing is one of the most popular concepts in the business
environment. Profit sharing refers to the idea of sharing the net profits earned by the firm with
the employees; the percentage of total share relies upon the quarterly and yearly earnings of the
Growth and stability are two other factors which are required for establishment of a successful
firm where growth includes the structural, productive and economic growth of the organization.
Stability of a company can be calculated in the terms of increase or decrease in the sales, facing
challenges in arranging capital, action of main employees of leaving the organization and loss of
key costumers.
There are various forms of organizational structures in the business world which can be helpful
construction of an organization, the transitional organizational structure; it is used when the
business is expanded to the international level. Under this the business is divided under either
12 S. Barmmer,S. Hoejmose and K. Marchant, ‘Environmental management in SME s in the UK: Practices, pressures
and perceived benefits’, Business Strategy and the Environment,21(7),2012,423-434.
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geographical division or product division. Secondly, the international organizational structure is
headed by Chief Executive Officer under whose guidance 4 major divisions function namely
operations, human resource, marketing and finance (all these divisions have separate area of
functioning). Lastly, the global organizational structure functions only on the basis of
geographical division. These are large organizations with massive turnover therefore it is
required to keep a check on every location where the products and services are supplied.
In order to become successful, an organization should focus on its functioning. The functional
structure of an organization keeps the main objective of the company in center of attraction, it
also helps in defining tasks to the employees each of them is entitled to perform particular task,
this increases the efficiency and coordination of workers. For instance, the transparent hand
which is a non-profit organization, its main aim is to provide aid to the needy people of different
Influence of macro environmental factors on retail sector
There are large numbers of Macro Economics factors which are affecting the retail market of
UK. An in-depth research work is conducted by various economist like Robert Altman who has
used the concept of “augmented distributed lags” in order to describe that the gross national
product, gross corporate profits and supply of money can make impact on the firm’s ability to
A part from this strict monetary policy and hike in the interest rate can alter the cost of
borrowing of a company, this makes the financial situation of corporate sector badly and hence it

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will lead to the destabilization of the corporate sector. Fluctuation in the inflation can affect the
consistency of cash flows and will surely diminish the firm’s capability to pay the interests over
its debts.
SWOT analysis over Morrisons (UK)
Morrisons is a superstore functioning in UK, Europe with more than 500 stores. The organization
has developed an online website which is helpful in providing services directly to the consumer
i.e. his home or office etc.13 Morrisons is basically a retail organization which deals in food
products , the company has its own production sites , this gives both company and consumer
satisfaction that the product are of good quality. In the 2017, entire income produced by
Morrisons was £16.3 billion, this made Morrisons fourth top supermarket chain of UK.14
Strengths- The strengths of Morrisons are as follows, the company holds a well-managed chain
of product dispersion. Prime aim of the company is to focus on needs of the households;
therefore it provides different articles which can be used by people in their daily living like
music, beverages, clothes and edible goods. As a result, the company has managed to earn the
title of leading chain of supermarket industry in UK. It has also listed its name in the London
stock exchange and FTSE index. One of the utmost strength of Morrisons is online services,
which has multiplied its income in last few years.15
13 D. Petrovici ,Jr Nagya and A. Fearne, ‘Nutritional knowledge, nutritional labels, and health claims on food: A
study of supermarket shoppers in the South East of England’, British Food Journal, 114,2012,768-783.
14 R. Scolozzi and E. Morri, ‘Ecosystem services-based SWOT analysis of protected areas for conservation
strategies’, Journal of environmental management,146,2017,543-551.
15 J. Cunningham and B. Harney, Strategy and Strategists,Oxford,Oxford University Press,2012.
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Weakness- Morrisons faces some weakness like the prior thing comes under notice is the
geographical reach of the company is comparatively far less than other brands. The legal matters
faced by the company in relation to the it poor previous experiences may leave a bad impression
on the mind of consumer. All these matters degrade the image of company in market.16
Opportunities- Morrisons had a great opportunity of tying up with other brands, Morrisons do
not need an introduction thus large number of firms are agree to join hands with it. This
partnership can be extremely fruitful because firstly they reduced competition. It also increases
the overall productivity of the organization.17
Threats- Last but not the least moving to onto the threats faced by the organization are the
competitive firms. The companies like Asda, Walmart, Amazon and boots are the organizations,
which pose serious threat over the sales of Morrisons UK.
Porter’s five force analysis conducted on Morrisons (UK)
Herein, the Porter’s five force analysis is also applied to the Morrisons supermarket. “The Porter’s
five force analysis includes the following aspects competitive rivalry, supplier power, buyer power,
threat of substitution and the threat of new entry”.18
16Howard, Simon, J.Adams and M. White, ‘Nutritional content of supermarket ready meals and recipes by
television chefs in the United Kingdom: cross sectional study’,Bmj,2012,345.
17R. Varley, Retail Product Management: Buying and Merchandising,London,Routlegde,2013.
18Howard, Simon, J. Adams, and M. White, ‘Influences of food hardness on the particle size distribution of food
boluses’, Archives of oral biology, 58(3), 2013.
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Competitive Rivalry- If there exists a rivalry among the firms in a market situation which is
intense then the prices of the product will decrease and the profit of the company will eventually
get reduced. Morrison Supermarkets functions in very fierce retail market.
Threat of substitution-The next aspect of porter’s five force analysis is threats from the
availability of substitute goods in the market; if a new product is launched in the market by some
other firm which can meet customer demands can pose a threat to the sales of firm. For example
if a new clothing brand launches same quality goods like Morrison it will affect the sales of
Threats from new entrants-This is basic fact that if there will be more seller for the same
amount of buyers the profits will get distributed within different firms. Therefore big brands
should ensure that they have least number of competitors. New entrants in retail sector not only
pose threat to the existing firms but also bring new changes in the style of marketing. Morrisons
can deal effectively with such problem by either declining the prices of its goods or by making
an alliance with the competitive organization.
Supplier power-Supplier power is one more aspect which falls under porter’s five force
analysis. As per this aspect the big brands like Morrisons have good negotiating powers these
organizations easily manipulate the dealers of raw materials and get the raw material at less rates.
Lesser the price of raw materials more are the profits vice-versa.
Bargaining power- Last aspect of porter’s analysis is bargaining power of the buyer which
states that a buyer when purchases a product bargains as he wants the product to be purchased at
19 J. Bentham, ‘Business and Economics in the News–Sainsbury's and Asda-the decade's mega-merger’,Teaching
Business & Economics, 22(3),2018, 11-12.

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least price possible. Therefore the following situation puts the Morrisons into the situation of
pressure where the firm is required to serve best product keeping the wishes of its customer in
view at the same time the firm cannot afford to bear heavy losses in its profits. Thus the
company finds a mid-way solution where it offers the customers discount over the purchase of a
certain amount this not only satisfies the customer but also the saves the firm from facing losses.
PESTEL analysis on UK Retail Sector
The PESTEL analysis can be used to under the ways in which macro environments can affect an
organization and its working. It is an overall analysis of the ways the political, environmental,
social, technological economic and legal factors of a nation can affect a retail chain.20 It contains
optimistic and destructive impacts, which the macro environment can pose on an association.
The retail organizations working in the United Kingdom are multinational these organizations
are dealing in mobile networking, edible goods production and broadband services.21
Political Factors- Political factor, which can leave an influence over the UK retail chains are the
tax rates imposed by the government of United Kingdom. Apart from this the political
unreliability of the country and the unutilized human capital force are responsible behind the
diminishing productivity of the retail chains in UK.
Economic Factors- It is a matter of fact that the economic factors can heavily affect the retail
market of UK. This is because the cost incurred on the production of goods, the selling cost of
the products produced and the marginal profits that comes in the hands of an industry depends
20P. Caplan, ‘Win win?: Food poverty, food aid and food surplus in the UK today’, Anthropology Toda,
21 N.Wrigley, N.M. Coe and S. Wood, ‘Capital discipline and financial market relations in retail globalization:
insights from the case of Tesco plc’, ) Journal of Economic Geography, 17(1), 2016,31-57.
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upon the economic fluctuations. Therefore, the firms are required to make great efforts to stay on
the top in retail chains. The companies may develop strategies like reducing the price of
commodities to increase the sales. 22 In Unites Kingdom the cost incurred over labor is
considered as an essential factor , the companies are required to pay higher amounts to the
employees. Supermarkets chains start focusing on borrowing costs.
Social Factors -The social factors, which are most protuberant, factors influencing the trades of
an organization. Retail organizations are known for providing goods directly to the consumer.
Therefore, it becomes essential for the retails chains. These organizations, which provide
consumer goods straight to consumer, believe in providing best services to the consumers.23
Sometimes the obtainability of similar product at nearly equal costs offered by opponent
corporations can draw the eye of the client. Hence, it is the responsibility of retail industry is to
preserve a check on near fighters. It may be found that the exchange in preference and taste of
the consumer is likewise a social component, which influences the unrefined income of
Technological Factors - Numerous technological factors, which have advanced the
organizations in terms of offering, pleasure to client; as an instance lately Tesco has released
RFID machinery in instruction to boom the in-shop revel in of patron. The firm has additionally
developed a new payment method PayQwid; this machine helps purchasers in making bills with
the assistance of their cell phones. The technological development has decreased the variety of
22 W. Jenkins and D.Williamson, ‘Strategic Management and Business Analysis’,London, Routledge,2016.
23 M. D.Souza and N. Hooker, ‘Comparing UK food retailers corporate social responsibility strategies’, British Food
Journal, 119(3),2017, 658-675.
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operating team of workers within the organization as maximum portraits are now automated.
Therefore, unemployment has left very bad effect of technical development. 24
Environmental Factors- Nowadays, days government of UK is focusing interest toward the
environmental intimidations due to the organizations. Thus, the agencies similar to Tesco are
responsible to deal with those troubles quickly. Tesco has made large steps concerning the
problem, the organization promotes E buying.25 Growing innovativeness states that they may be
presenting home shipping of the products as nominal costs, the van drivers will use the directions
so that it will shop the fuel and the promises may also gather the garbage from the consumers
and recycle them.26 Bad effect of the environmental element will be that clienteles every so often
may not get matters what they genuinely wanted as merchandise can be unavailable; the carriage
of produce can be a rely of situation additionally the purchaser can face demanding situations in
making online. 27
Legal Factors- Legal factors influences the total operations of UK retail segment. The legal
direction provided by UK government should be followed by the retail sector to reduce the
chances of mishaps. For instance, in the year 2016 around more than 15 workers working in
Tesco took a strict legal stroke in disfavor of Tesco in regards to their act of insulting the
employee on the basis of his oldness and sexual category. This incident left the workers angry
and they forwarded the task to desk of judiciary and law. The staff of Tesco were paid
24 S. Lebersorger and F. Schneider, ‘Food loss rates at the food retail, influencing factors and reasons as a basis for
waste prevention measures’, Waste management, 34(11), 2013,1911-1919.
25 J.A.Moult, S.R.Allan and C.N.Hewitt, ‘Greenhouse gas emissions of food waste disposal options for UK retailers’,
Food Policy, 77,2018,50-58.
26 W. Umberger,S. Anders and E. Goddard,’ Can Food Markets Result in Environmental Benefits?’,Protecting The
Environment, Privately,2015, 153.
TRIGGERING FACTORS OF THE CHANGE’, Managerial Challenges of the Contemporary
Society,Proceedings, 11(2),2018,81.

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comparatively a smaller amount for the night shifts. They were not granted basic leaves as well.
The company has received legal application from the end of the for misguiding them.
Initially the following task gives a detailed analysis of forms of organizations their objectives
accompanied by their scope of functioning. Herein the example of three different types of
organization is taken in order to explain the concepts clearly. Moving forward in the task a case
study is performed over the supermarkets of UK. The analysis of these supermarkets is
conducted on various grounds keeping the macro environmental aspects of business in concern.
Herein both PESTEL and SWOT analysis are used accompanied by the porter’s five force
analysis for analyzing the market situation of respective firm.
Drucker,P., Managing the non-profit organization,London,Routledge,2010.
Osborne,S.P., Voluntary organizations and innovation in public service,London,Routledge,2013.
Puyvelde, S.V.and Caers, R. et al., ‘The governance of nonprofit organizations: Integrating
agency theory with stakeholder and stewardship theories’,Nonprofit and voluntary sector
Kotler,P. and Kotler, P., Marketing for nonprofit organizations,US,Prentice-hall,2011.
Cole, S.,‘The impact of reputation on market value’,World Economics-Abingdo,13(3),(2010),47.
Document Page
Daft, L.R., Murphy,J. and Willmott, H.,‘Organization Theory and Design,Boston, Cengage
Learning, 2010.
Great Britain: Department for Children, Schools and Families,‘Department for Children,
Schools and Families: autumn performance report’(Crown 2007).
Gooby,T.P., ‘Root and branch restructuring to achieve major cuts: The social policy programme
of the 2010 UK coalition government’, Social Policy & Administration,46(1),2010,61-82.
Turner, F.S., and Rindova,V., ‘A balancing act: How organizations pursue consistency in routine
functioning in the face of ongoing change’, Organization Science,23(1),2012,24-46.
Wæraas,A.,and Byrkjeflot, H.,‘Public sector organizations and reputation management: Five
problems’, International Public Management Journal,15(2),2012,186-206.
Spence,L., and Morland,P.M.,‘Ethics in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: A Global
Barmmer,S., Hoejmose S. and Marchant,K. ‘Environmental management in SME s in the UK:
Practices, pressures and perceived benefits’, Business Strategy and the
Document Page
Petrovici, D., ,Jr Nagya and Fearne. A., ‘Nutritional knowledge, nutritional labels, and health
claims on food: A study of supermarket shoppers in the South East of England’, British Food
Journal, 114,2012,768-783.
Scolozzi, R. and Morri, E., ‘Ecosystem services-based SWOT analysis of protected areas for
conservation strategies’, Journal of environmental management,146,2017,543-551.
Cunningham, J. and Harney,B. Strategy and Strategists,Oxford,Oxford University Press,2012.
Howard, Simon,Adams, J. and White,M., ‘Nutritional content of supermarket ready meals and
recipes by television chefs in the United Kingdom: cross sectional study’,Bmj,2012,345.
Varley,R.,Retail Product Management: Buying and Merchandising,London,Routlegde,2013.
Howard, Simon, Adams,J., and White,M., ‘Influences of food hardness on the particle size
distribution of food boluses’, Archives of oral biology, 58(3), 2013.
Bentham, J., ‘Business and Economics in the News–Sainsbury's and Asda-the decade's mega-
merger’,Teaching Business & Economics, 22(3),2018, 11-12.
P. Caplan,P., ‘Win‐win?: Food poverty, food aid and food surplus in the UK today’,
Anthropology Toda, 33(3),2017,17-22.

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Wrigley,N., Coe N.M., and Wood,S., ‘Capital discipline and financial market relations in retail
globalization: insights from the case of Tesco plc’, ) Journal of Economic Geography, 17(1),
Jenkins,W., and Williamson,D., ‘Strategic Management and Business Analysis’,London,
Souza,M. and Hooker,N., ‘Comparing UK food retailers corporate social responsibility
strategies’, British Food Journal, 119(3),2017, 658-675.
FelgateM. and Fearne,A., ‘Analyzing the impact of supermarket promotions: a case study using
Tesco Clubcard data in the UK’, The Sustainable Global Marketplace,Springer,2015,471-475.
S. Lebersorger ,S. and Schneider,F., ‘Food loss rates at the food retail, influencing factors and
reasons as a basis for waste prevention measures’, Waste management, 34(11), 2013,1911-1919.
CHANGE’, Managerial Challenges of the Contemporary Society,Proceedings, 11(2),2018,81.
Umberger,W.,Anders,S. and Goddard,E., ‘Can Food Markets Result in Environmental
Benefits?’,Protecting The Environment, Privately,2015, 153.
Moult,A.J., Allan,R.S. and Hewitt,N.C., ‘Greenhouse gas emissions of food waste disposal
options for UK retailers’, Food Policy, 77,2018,50-58.
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