
Business Project Management Assignment


Added on  2021-05-14

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Environmental Science
Business Project Management  Assignment_1

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report attempts to generally introduce the relationship between the UK’s Net-zero Emissions Target 2050, and its Transportation Sector (particularly, the 2sectors are chosen to indicate in this report are Aviation Industry and MaritimeIndustry). Moreover, the UK Government has started the legislation for cuttinggreenhouse gas emissions down to minimally 100% by 2050; to successfullyexecute this plan, the government has passed the draft legislation of Climate ChangeAct 2008 (2050 Target Amendment) Order 2019 and amend Climate Change Act2008. As it is stated, the transportation sector is considered to be playing the biggestpart in releasing carbon emissions for the UK. Especially, the 2 chosen industries(Aviation and Maritime) are taking most of the emissions released by thetransportation sector. Therefore, in this report, the Regional SustainabilityFramework would be applied to clearly evaluate the key issues relevant to these 2industries that might be facing to achieve this net-zero emissions target, as well asanalyze their predictable challenges and possible opportunities. Finally, this reportwill provide a future scenario for these 2 industries, based on the previousresearches, reports, and articles; and therefore, appropriate recommendations foreach would also be proposed. I.INTRODUCTIONClimate change and its consequences have always been the concerning issues of themankind, as well as each country’s government. The UK’s government has been thefirst one to take actions and put effort to execute the Net-zero emissions goal by2050. Transportation is the indispensable part of this concern, therefore, this reportholds the purpose of precisely collecting data, information, then analyzing,PAGE 1
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evaluating and proposing recommendations for the 2 huge sectors of thetransportation industry: aviation and maritime. II.GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT TRANSPORTATIONINDUSTRY IN THE UKAs it is mentioned above, the Climate Change Act 2008 (2050 Target Amendment)Order 2019 has passed the draft of legislation to cut greenhouse gas emissions downto completely zero by 2050 ( (CCC) had this legislation came into force in May2019. Furthermore, transportation has always been the segment that released thebiggest amount of emissions compared to the number of emissions in 1990). Inparticular, the Committee on Climate Change in the UK (account for 28% of thetotal UK domestic emissions). Transportation emissions in the UK have decreasedby 3% (compared to 1990), but increased by 4% (compared to 2013); as is indicatedin the figure below:Figure 2.1: UK Domestic GHG emissions, 2018PAGE 2
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Source: 2018 UK greenhouse gas emissionsAccording to the figure above, it is statistically shown that between 1990 and 2018,there was a transformation (in terms of emissions released) in the sector of EnergySupply. Statistically, in 1990, the number of Energy Supply’s emissions were thehighest (with nearly 300 MtC02e (BEIS, 2021)); then gradually decline and hadsome fluctuations in the 2000s and the 2010s. After that, we have witnessed amassive decrease in the recent 10 years, turning the 2018’s emissions at roughly ashalf as the emissions in 1990. Another significant sustainable decline belongs to thesectors of Business and Waste. The number of emissions released from these 2segments was stable and continually decreased over the last 3 decades. Specifically,they went from 120 MtC02e (in 1990) down to below 100MtC02e (in 2018) for theBusiness sector. On the other hand, for the segment of Waste, started by nearly 60MtC02e, then declined to 25 MtC02e (from 1990 to 2018). PAGE 3
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III.GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE 2 CHOSEN INDUSTRIES1.Aviation IndustryAccording to the UN Climate Summit 2021, in 2018, the aviation sector accountedfor 7% of the total UK’s greenhouse gas emissions, an increase of nearly 90% since1990 - in contrary to significant decreases in other sectors. As other sectors such asenergy generation and industry decarbonize more speedily, aviation has kept at thislevel since 2008 and is predicted to be accounted for 23MtCO2e of emissions by2050, which will require a greenhouse gas removals balance.Furthermore, the Transportation industry contributed a huge part to the total UKdomestic emissions, the Aviation industry is also a significant sector ofTransportation. As the figure below would indicate more information:PAGE 4
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Source: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, 2021The emissions from International aviation bunkers were a constant growth from1990 to 2015 - which was against the Net-zero emissions goal 2050 of the UKGovernment. Specifically, at the initial stage, aviation’s emissions were near10MtC02e; but after that, they quickly increased and hit 35 MtC02e (in 2015).During the last 25 years, there were very rare and slight decreases in GHGemissions, particularly in 2000 and 2011. 2.Maritime IndustryAccording to the UN Climate Summit 2021, shipping has been ranked in the “hard-to-abate” segment. Meanwhile, technological growth in the last few years hasenabled “net-zero” GHG emissions from the maritime industry to become apolitically possible target, with many nations all over the globe putting attempts forit and taking action towards it.Shipping is accounted for 3% of the overall UK’s GHG emissions, decreased byaround a fifth since 1990 as emissions have been slowly declined during the pasttwo decades. Moreover, shipping has now consisted in the UK’s 6th Carbon Budget,there will possibly require more to be improvements to vessel efficiency, as well asthe use of zero-carbon fuels like ammonia (rooted from low carbon hydrogen) if thePAGE 5
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