
Comparing two research methodologies in business research


Added on  2023-01-03

13 Pages4389 Words410 Views
Professional DevelopmentData Science and Big Data
Business Research
Comparing two research methodologies in business research_1

Table of Contents
Section 1: Comparing two research methodologies........................................................................3
Research problem............................................................................................................................3
Selected key readings......................................................................................................................4
What is concept of talent management........................................................................................4
Explain different strategy of talent management in firm.............................................................4
What are the impact of talent management strategy on business firm........................................5
Two appropriate research methods..................................................................................................5
How they are applied...................................................................................................................6
How the methods were deployed to provide a worthwhile contribution to theory and research 6
What gaps the methods may leave that could lend the area to further analysis..........................7
Discuss pros and cons of methods in the context of the proposed research question / research
problem; and demonstrate full awareness of constraints and limitations deriving from
Section 2: Instrument and Conclusions...........................................................................................8
Section 3: Research Dissemination...............................................................................................13
Relevance and audience.............................................................................................................13
Communication of research.......................................................................................................13
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Section 1: Comparing two research methodologies
Research problem
Business research is that business part which is related to providing brief to business
function and using these functions according to needs. This is essay form business part which
helps in meeting needs and performing function in effective way (Kumar, 2018). In context of
current research report there is use of effective business tools which are related to managing
business. Here, British Airways is considering as a main focused firm. It is an international firm
which is performing business activates and providing services in airlines. This is operating in
international level where firm has to achieve business objectives and manage roles in acceding to
business objectives. Under these, a major issue which is used is related to human resource
department of firm. In this firm is focusing on employing talented employees in order to meet
objectives and perform its business activate according to it. This is business research include
discussions about talented manage and strategies which are used by business firm in relations
talented employees. Under this, there is discussion about key relevant literature along with
detailed critique of at least two well-used research methodologies. There is also use of detailed
reflection in this report which has to be covered in order to perform this in effective way.
Aim: “To analyse the impact of effective talent management strategies in airline
industry”. A case study on British Airways.
To identify concept of talent management.
To identify different strategy of talent management in firm
To identify impact of talent management strategy on business firm
Research question:
What is concept of talent management?
Explain different strategy of talent management in firm?
What are the impact of talent management strategy on business firm?
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Selected key readings
What is concept of talent management.
According to view Thunnissen, 2016, Talent management is a process or its a visual
technique to achieve a suitable right talent on board and help them to develop their optimal
capabilities .Basically , it conclude attracting retaining high qualities employees . There should
be main concern should be organisational goal and criteria in mind. The process includes major
steps which should be consider (Ørngreen and Levinsen, 2017).
Identifying the gap and vacant positions as well
on boarding the suitable person
developing needed skills and growing them fairly
training for expertise
Talent management is very essential for any organisation to grow in a certain era as it
attracts top talents, motivate employees, increase employee performance, improve business
performance etc. Some of the strategies used for talent management are detailed job description,
person-organisation fit, collaborate-coach-evolve, recognize and reward right, opportunities for
continuous improvement, etc. The primary objectives or we can say purpose is to motivated
employees who stay with organisation long run (Taherdoost, 2016).
Explain different strategy of talent management in firm
According to the viewpoint of Taylor, 2018, it is identified that there are different talent
management strategies which India adopted by the organisation. And this form can use effective
feedback approach as well as managing the functional system to use performance management
for staff performance management is an effective strategy which helps in boosting the
performance of employees and attaining a maturity level (Fletcher, 2017). Under the
performance management system majority of the organisational function can be utilised
according to the requirements for staff providing training and development as well as reducing
workplace harassment by implementing effective policies will also help in managing talent. This
is effective way to motivate the talented employees and retain them for a longer period of time.
According to author there is one more strategy which can be used by the firm is related to
providing incentives and motivational benefits. This effective technique which helps in providing
benefits to the employees and boasting their performance.
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