
Managing Equality and Diversity in the Workplace


Added on  2022-12-30

13 Pages4342 Words68 Views
Business Research
Managing Equality and Diversity in the Workplace_1

Managing Equality and Diversity in the Workplace_2

“Human Resource”.
Equality and diversity both aspects are included as internal components of a company and they
connect with enterprise in instant form to accomplish and attain high level of profitability and
efficiency in an amended and developed form. Diversity refers to the sum of different culture
values, beliefs, religions, languages and many more on account of similarities. It indicates to
those aspects which make person unique from each other. Equality states to the similarities of the
individuals and workforces such as all the employees treated in same manner by the
administration of the establishment of the firm on the base of values, civilisation, beliefs, and
ethics in a firm (Bell, Bryman and Harley, 2018). If the establishment does not teat workers in
similar form then discrimination occur in working environment in diverse form like gender pay
gap, recruitment policy on social cultural background, gender and promotion etc. To deal with
these kind of confronts, human resource division play an effective role by designating effective
policies etc. This written report will consider information about research methodologies, research
instruments which are used within the research and conclusion etc.
Research aim
The main goal for leading out this research work is, “To analyse the impact of
maintaining equality and diversity in workplace on productivity and performance of
Research objectives
To understand the conception of equality and diversity
To identify the significance and importance of managing equality and diversity in the
To assess the impact of managing equality and diversity in workplace on the productivity
and performance of establishment.
To determine different ways of maintaining equality and diversity in workplace.
Managing Equality and Diversity in the Workplace_3

Research problem
It indicates out that number of studies has been performing on equality and diversity of
workplace (Hair Jr, Page and Brunsveld, 2019). This study is aggravated by the space left
unoccupied through a considerable number of investigation works that has been organised on
place of work equality and diversity and its importance on business civilization as well as
business establishment. In recent year’s equality and diversity management has been
considerable and as such have strained corporations to hold these conceptions in the firms with
the purpose of developing efficiency and profitability. This strained incorporation has made
deviation and indecision in the functioning environment, as organization is not capable sufficient
to manage the concept of equality and variety administration and it principles. In completion of
this learning, reliable hypothetical mechanism are included in context of determine the
components which could lead to the formation of a favourable workplace which concerns to
equality and diversity management (Ghauri, Grønhaug and Strange, 2020). In reality, it is also
significant to begin the insinuation this has on business organisations so as to make a very
conductive operational environment by making management on equality and diversity of
The concept of equality and diversity
Equality is about assuring that everyone has an equal opportunity and that each person is
not differently or discriminated against due to their attributes. As per the view of Meier K. S
(2019), equality refers to the process of providing equal and similar treatment of all the
employees of the company in term of development opportunities and pay as well as well being
capable to make full utilisation of the growth options on provide and to fulfil their potential. The
term equality relates to the understanding that all individual are treated as people without
judgements made on them supported to stereotypes. In context of a firm, by acknowledging and
appreciating the diverse skill sets in its workforce, the firm has the opportunity to be an employer
of choice.
Diversity is about taking account of the differences among individuals within the workplace
and placing a positive value on that difference. In other word, diversity can be describe as the
process of discriminating people of the basis of culture, gender, race, values and many more
Managing Equality and Diversity in the Workplace_4

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