
Impact of Equality and Diversity on Performance and Employee Productivity


Added on  2023-01-13

32 Pages6258 Words1 Views
Impact of Equality and Diversity on Performance and Employee Productivity_1

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................3
Research Questions......................................................................................................................3
Literature Review.........................................................................................................................3
CHAPTER 2: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.............................................................................6
Research Type..............................................................................................................................6
Data Collection............................................................................................................................6
Data Analysis...............................................................................................................................6
Ethical Consideration...................................................................................................................7
CHAPTER 4: DATA ANALYSIS..................................................................................................8
Data Collection............................................................................................................................8
Data Analysis...............................................................................................................................9
Discussion and Finding..............................................................................................................16
CHAPTER 5: REFLECTION........................................................................................................17
CHAPTER 4: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION.....................................................18
Conclusion and Recommendation.............................................................................................18
Presentation slides......................................................................................................................20
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Research Proposal Form............................................................................................................26
Research Ethics Approval Form................................................................................................27
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Equality and diversity in the workplace can be described as promoting equal
opportunities to all people. Diversity refers to the diverse nature of people within an
organization. Mainly equality and diversity manage by a business for gaining effective
workforce within its daily operations. A business enable to give equal growth chance to all
employers, without considering employee's colour, religion, caste, gender etc. In case, when a
business employs equality and diversity in their workplace, then employees can feel valued by
the management. This is the major reason behind proper equality and diversity management.
To evaluate the impact of equality and diversity on performance and employee
productivity: A case study on Sainsbury.
To understand the equality and diversity in the workplace.
To assess benefits of equality and diversity on productivity of employees and
organizational performance.
To evaluate impact of equality and diversity on performance of organizational success.
Research Questions
What is the meaning of equality and diversity.
How equality and diversity can contribute in improvement of employees productivity and
organisational performance.
How to evaluate impact of equality and diversity on organizational success.
Literature Review
According to Perelberg (2018), equality and diversity management is too necessary to an
organization, because it can gain effective workforce with the help of this. Many of successful
businesses currently focus on maintain good equality and diversity management in their
workplace. This management is helpful to company to build an effective workplace for all
people. This type of workplaces necessary for all employees, because they can improve their
work efficiency. Many of the businesses was Equality give equal opportunities to employees for
achieving goals which they want. Many businesses in world was gained great brand reputation
by employing equality and diversity in their workplace. Diversity makes able to all employees
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for come together to achieve common goals without considering colour, age, caste, gender,
religion of any person. Some role and importance of equality and diversity;
Maintain Business Ethics: Equality and diversity promotes business ethics within the company.
As illustrated by Combs and et.al., (2018), Business ethics are very helpful for an organization to
build positive work culture. With the support of ethics a company can remove many conflicts
within its daily operations.
Improve Employees Performance: Equality and diversity plays great role in improving all
employees' performance in the workplace. These give opportunities to employees for learning
many new things at workplace. Employees feel valued by the company, if the management can
systematically manage both in the workplace.
Build Positive Brand Image: Equality and diversity management within an organization
contribute in build positive image in the market. Employees can improve their skills with the
support of proper equality and diversity management. In this case, these skilled employees
become great resource to the organization to innovate some exclusive range of products. At the
end, when organization provide their exclusive products in the market, then it'll automatically
able to gain its positive brand image in the market.
Provides Huge Competitive Advantage: With the support of systematic equality and diversity
management a business can achieve huge competitive advantage in the market. On the basis of
Pilkington (2018), currently very high competition in the market, in which each business want to
beat their competitors in the market. In this case, when business employ equality and diversity in
the workplace, then it can achieve effective workforce. This type of workforces always work
hard to the business. Then at the final result, that business can achieve huge competitive
Total £100 Needed for completing this research project.
Areas of Investment Amount
Internet Charges £40.00
Books & Journals Charges £10.00
Consultancy Fees £20.00
Food Charges £10.00
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Travelling Charges £10.00
Salary of Assistant £10.00
Total £100.00
Quality control is too necessary task during collecting research data, because many times
many resources not give accurate data (Zahra and Burr, 2018). Quality check is very important
task in this project. Data which mentioned in this research project is completely accurate,
because many quality checking techniques used during collection of data.
There are various resources has been used for collecting data, like; Internet, Books and
Journals, Newspapers, Fund, Smart Phones, Blogs, etc.
There are certain risk factors associated with this research project.
Budget Exceed: A researcher always prepare a specific budget for completing its whole project
on decided time period, but many times it needs to put additional money in the project because
budget exceeds.
Exceed Time Limit: Many times a researcher can't achieve final result of its project on times.
This is also a big risk factor in the research project.
Risk of Data Stolen: This is also a big risk factor to a researcher. Suppose a researcher putted
huge efforts for collecting various data to systematically complete its research project (Razai,
2016). But suddenly their collected data stolen by any other researcher. So, this is big loss to that
researcher who collected data.
Research purpose: The main purpose of author to choose this topic is that equality and diversity
is the hot topic nowadays because researcher know that this research will play crucial role for
industries as well employees who gives their services. The personal purpose of the researcher is
that to understand basic concept of equality and diversity management within company.
Timeline can be defined as a list of important events or activities which is managed in
order in which they happened. In simple word, a graphical demonstration of a period, on which
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crucial events are marked. The main goal to take timeline in research is that it highlights each
research operation on the basis of time. By the timeline can be determined each operation time
which will apply for research.
Activities 1st week 2nd week 3rd week 4th week 6th week
Deciding objectives
Literature review
Data collection
Data analysis
Preparation of final report
Research Type
There are generally two types of research existing qualitative research and quantitative
Qualitative Research: Qualitative research is simply a scientific method for observing things
(Block and Noumair, 2017). This research refers to the concepts, characteristics, definitions,
meanings, description, metaphors and symbols of things.
Quantitative Research: Quantitative method is a way to investigate a specific phenomenon by
met mathematical, computational and statistical techniques. The quantitative research includes
various methodologies, theories, and terminologies which support to a researcher to identify
Qualitative research was used to complete this research project.
Data Collection
Data collection is the one of the major task within a research project. Through this task a
researcher enable to find such data which highly needed in their research project. Without data
collection process a research can't be complete. In short, collected data is the second form of
research. There are two ways of data collection available primary and secondary. In the primary
data collection data is collected by researcher on its own by methods such as interviews, surveys
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or discussion. On the other side, secondary data collection technique helpful in collect data from
books and journals, magazines, business papers, etc. Both ways of data collection was used in
this project, because both are great sources for collecting needed data.
Data Analysis
Data analysis is basically a process where a researcher clean, inspect, model, transform
data for the purpose of discovering important information, conclusion, decision-making support,
etc. This is also a necessary task within a research project, because with the support of this task a
researcher enable to identify which data is important to the project or which not. Data analysis
process mainly promotes accuracy within collected data. There are mainly two types of
techniques available for analysing collected data, one is a thematic technique and second is
statistical technique. Thematic technique of data analysis was used in this project for analysing
collected data. This technique of data analysis is very important to get positive results from
Sampling is an important activity within research project where a researcher choose
things like; group of employees, products, objects etc as a sample for collecting necessary data.
Probably and non-probably are major techniques for sampling (Rees and Smith, 2017). In this
research project non-probably technique was used for collecting data. With the support of non-
probably technique there was taken 10 random employees to meet or to take interviews for
collecting data. On other side, when a researcher take selected people for sampling, this
technique is called probably technique. But most researcher uses non-probably technique to get
accurate data. Probably technique is also too productive in provide accurate data.
Ethical Consideration
Consideration is one of the most important terms in a research project, because. This
basically promotes an ethical environment within the process of research. According to ethical
consideration a researcher need to respect people's emotions and views. The researcher is always
responsible to complete its research project in ethical manner. There are many things which a
researcher needs to consider during collecting data. It responsible to respect employee's privacy,
it responsible for not asking such question from employees which demotivate them in personal
life. Avoids ask personal questions from employees is also a big part of research ethics. This
research project was not harm any employee's feelings. There are asked employees only such
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