
BUSINESS STRATATEGY INTRODUCTION 3 TASK 13 a) PESTLE Model for environment analysis 3 b) Applying VRIO model to analyse strategic capabilities of organisation


Added on  2020-10-22

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Business DevelopmentLeadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentEnvironmental Science
BUSINESS STRATATEGY INTRODUCTION 3 TASK 13 a) PESTLE Model for environment analysis 3 b) Applying VRIO model to analyse strategic capabilities of organisation_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3a) PESTLE Model for environment analysis...............................................................................3b) Ansoff's growth vector matrix to analyze organisation's strategic positioning.......................5TASK 2............................................................................................................................................6a) Applying VRIO model to analyze strategic capabilities possessed by organisation...............6b) Strengths and weaknesses of organisation..............................................................................8TASK 3............................................................................................................................................9a) Strategies to improve organisation's competitive edge............................................................9TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................11a) Strategic Management Plan for organisation.........................................................................11CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................13REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................14
BUSINESS STRATATEGY INTRODUCTION 3 TASK 13 a) PESTLE Model for environment analysis 3 b) Applying VRIO model to analyse strategic capabilities of organisation_2

INTRODUCTIONBusiness strategy is defined as the modern approach which helps business organisationtake addition advantage from the market by attracting the number of customers. It is one of thatstrategy which helps to enhance the business by achieving the organizational goals. Businessstrategy helps to find what are the strength and weakness of any of the organisation throughwhich working condition becomes much easier. In this assignment, the report will be based onVodafone which is one of the oldest telecommunication service provider company in UK. Atpresent it almost deals across 29 different countries and it is among one of the leading serviceprovider company. Here, in this file number of models and theories are explained which ishelpful in achieving the targets and goals. The complete report will be based ontelecommunication sector which is one of fastest developing sector.TASK 1a) PESTLE Model for environment analysisPESTLE is defined as the marketing tool which helps to determine the external factors thataffects day to day working activity of an organisation. Almost every association uses this modelto find the factors which shows their impact on organisation. Even the manager of Vodafone usesthis factos to find the factors that is affecting the working policy of the company. It is describedbelow: Political Factor: It is one of the factor which show the impact of political factor and allother relevant policies of government due to which any of the business has to suffer. The majorgovernment policies which effect on business are trade policies, internal political issues,government policies and many more (PESTEL Analysis of Telecommunication Industry, 2018).In terms of Vodafone, it is necessary for them to change their policies as per the laws andregulations which are commenced by ruling government parties. It is important for Vodafonethat they perform their business activities as per the latest regulation of political party. Overall,the government of UK is stable due to which Vodafone have to not face different problem andthat has the positive impact on their business organisation. Economical Factor: The factor which is related with the economic structure and policiesthat affect the working condition of an organisation is known as economical factor. The area
BUSINESS STRATATEGY INTRODUCTION 3 TASK 13 a) PESTLE Model for environment analysis 3 b) Applying VRIO model to analyse strategic capabilities of organisation_3

which are included in economic factor are interest rate, inflation and many more. While talkingabout telecommunication industry, economic factor has the huge impact on day to day activity.Vodafone is required to dealt with the situation where interest rate is high because due to thiscustomer are directly affected from which company might have to suffer from various kind oflosses. Vodafone is required to work as per the situation of market and market investment so thatorganisation can get better working condition. In addition, this factor has a negative impact oncompany as their overall profit has reduces because of economic factor. Social Factor: Social factor is always related with the believes, norms values, cultureand attitudes of people as that have the biggest potential for impacting on business policies.Everyday demands and wants do increase of human being so it is necessary for Vodafone thathow they can maintain this. In this, opportunity can be developed by the Vodafone if they can beable to deliver the best services to customers which includes better data services, cheaper callrates and many more. This is one of the factor that has a positive impact on the working policiesof a company because Vodafone tries to update their plans and policies on regular interval. Technological Factor: Here, the main focus of market is on innovation, ideas andincentives because that can have a huge impact on working policies of an organisation.Technological factor mainly includes latest information, research on specific topic andtechnology legislation (PESTLE Analysis of the Telecommunication Industry, 2019). As modernsociety wants changes and growth, it is necessary that changes should be introduced in themarket so the targets can be achieved. In context of Vodafone, they must try to think that howthey can be able to deliver the best services to the customers with latest technology can be usedand which can be introduced at a low price. Here, Vodafone can try to bring the new technologylike providing GPS and Wi-fi facilities even in backward area through which customers can beattracted. Introduction to this plans will increase the customer but still it will required hugeamount of capital to be invested which will reduce the profit of a company. Legal Factor: This factor focuses on law, policies and regulation which are enforced bythe Parliament House which is one of the supreme body of United Kingdom. This laws andregulation do have the major impact on any of the business organisation (Amran and et. al.,2016) These laws and polices do have the impact on Vodafone because it doesn’t allow to utilizemost of the area due to which company is unable to deliver their best. If Vodafone can be able to
BUSINESS STRATATEGY INTRODUCTION 3 TASK 13 a) PESTLE Model for environment analysis 3 b) Applying VRIO model to analyse strategic capabilities of organisation_4

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