
Different Types and Purposes of Public, Private and Voluntary Sector


Added on  2023-01-19

19 Pages5941 Words21 Views
Business & the Business
Different Types and Purposes of Public, Private and Voluntary Sector_1

Table of Contents
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3
P1: Different types and purposes of public, private and voluntary sector...................................3
P2: Explain the size and scope of a range of different types of organisations.............................4
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................5
P3: Explain the relationship between different organisational functions and how they link to
organisational objectives and structure........................................................................................5
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................7
P4: Identify the positive and negative impacts the macro environment has upon business
operations, supported by specific examples.................................................................................7
TASK 4............................................................................................................................................9
P5: Conduct internal and external analysis of specific organisations in order to identify
strengths and weaknesses.............................................................................................................9
P6: Explain how strengths and weaknesses interrelate with external macro factors.................10
Different Types and Purposes of Public, Private and Voluntary Sector_2

Business environment comprises of the aggregation of different individual entities as well
as factors that can or cannot be in the approach of an organisation to control, but definitely all
these factors hamper its growth and profitability. As every business irrespective of its large or
small size operate in the dynamic environment which make it essential for them to analyse the
external surrounding and function accordingly (Aithal, 2017). For the better understanding of
report, the trainee business analyst of the North west London chamber is to assist the businesses
like Morrison to become more successful. Morrison company has been selected which is a part
of retail industry and offer different food and non food items like vegetables, packaged eatable
items, drink, magazine, clothing etc. The company has the largest supermarket chains and deal
with customer via both physical stores and online platform. This report cover topics like
different, type, size as well as scope of the company. Analyse the interrelationship among
different functions of an organisation and how they are related with the organisation structure.
Determine the positive as well as negative influence of the business operation within macro
environment. Further, explanation of the internal strength as well as weakness of the business are
covered in the report.
P1: Different types and purposes of public, private and voluntary sector
Organisation basically refer to the entity that comprises of different type of people who
come together to attain the single objective. There are different type of organisation such public,
private and voluntary that have their own responsibility, structure and purpose which is
explained below.
Public organisation
It is owned, managed as well as operated by the government in order to generate the
profit for the social welfare. Here the organisation offer services at nominal rate so that different
category of citizen can avail the reliable services (Chi, 2015). Funding for these organisation are
raised from the taxes, fines and fees. The National Health Services or NHS offer healthcare
services such as optical care or dental care to the local residence of United Kingdom. Most of the
people rely on these services to get the prescription or surgery done from the professionals.
Different Types and Purposes of Public, Private and Voluntary Sector_3

Purpose: The purpose of public company is to enhance the economy by investing on
infrastructure, education and healthcare facilities for the low income group people that provide
them fair and effective chances to improve their livelihood. In context to NHS company its
purpose is to offer the same hospitality facility to the people of different social classes. This can
enhance the quality of life and services for different individual and families.
Legal structure: As public organisation is run by legal authorities due to which such
companies can be controlled by central government, state government or local authorities. Due to
which the governments is sole responsible to carry out all the expenditure as well as makes
precaution to carry out adequate functioning of firm.
Central: Central government is basically the apex body that function to regulate the
different departments in order to function for the welfare of society.
State: These legal authorities are basically liable to make the authority for the specific
zone. Based of this they monitor the functioning of different department in order to control and
restrict unethical practices.
Local: It include the role of municipal communities that usually manages the small area
which can be either town or village. Intervention of these authority enhances the legal practices
which help to build the lives of the local people .
Private organisation
Unlike public organisation, these companies are usually managed by the individual or
group of partner. The major objective behind these companies is profit maximization for which
they fulfil the need of customer and diversify their operations globally (Craig and Campbell,
2012). It terms of Morrison company does not involve the interference of government as it work
for self motive rather than social motive.
Purpose: The purpose of private company is to focus on the quality of product and
generate loyalty from the prospectus by delivering them suitable offering. Along with that the
company try to differentiate from competitors in order to enhance the brand loyalty. The purpose
of Morrison company is to become the global leader within retail sector , for which they adopt
innovative techniques to differentiate its services from the other.
Different Types and Purposes of Public, Private and Voluntary Sector_4

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