ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE1 Organisational Structure Phillips Financial Services provides the services of Accounting and tax, business advisory and Self-Management Super Funds. It has been seen that the company is growing continuously and it faces the issues by hiring the large number of new employees at the workplace. The difference between the old age and young age always causes the issue of conflict. The other differences among the members promote the diversity but due to which the growth of the company is reduces. Nick Phillips is the only person who organises and handling the whole activities. (Source: Point Park, 2018) It is suggested that the organisation has to adopt the effective organisation structure in order to promote the diversity and reduces the issues. The company has to implement the flat organisation structure in which the each and every employee has their own work and responsibility to do the work. In this type of organisational structure, the organisation is divided into the divisions to perform their functions (Point Park, 2018). Different departments have their different head and supervisors and the other position under the head due to which
ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE2 each and every department perform their function well. Nick has to divide its department in the Marketing Manager, Chief Financial Officer as the main head of the departments. Under these head, the company has to appoint the supervisors or assistant who works under the departmental head. This structure reduces the risk due to informal or formal communication between the employees and managers. This structure also promote the ideas of employees due to which the chances of growing the business at the international level(Connolly, Lang, Gathegi, and Tygar, 2016). The people can also take the participation in decision making process as per the structure due to which the chances of growth is high as everyone has their own and fresh ideas(Maduenyi, Oke, Fadeyi, and Ajagbe, 2015).
ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE3 References Connolly, L., Lang, M., Gathegi, J. and Tygar, J.D. (2016) The Effect of Organisational Culture on Employee Security Behaviour: A Qualitative Study. InHAISA(pp. 33-44). Maduenyi, S., Oke, A.O., Fadeyi, O. and Ajagbe, A.M. (2015) Impact of Organisational structure on Organisational performance. Point Park. (2018)4 Types of Organizational Structures. [online] Available from:[Accessed 39/05/19].