
BUSM4554/4555 Integrating Strategic Management


Added on  2022-09-18

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Leadership ManagementLanguages and Culture
BUSM4554/4555 Assignment 1
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BUSM4554/4555  Integrating Strategic Management_1

BUSM4554/4555 Assignment 1
Article 1: Managing talent in emerging economy multinationals: Integrating strategic
management and human resource management (Total word count: ~375 words)
No. Question
1 Critically appraise the argument(s) presented by the author(s).
The article examines the challenges and obstacles Emerging
Multinational Enterprises face in conducting their overseas business in regard
with talent acquisition and management. The authors argue that integrating
strategic management and HRM could be an effective measure to resolve the
matter, as it will enable the enterprises to manage the obstacles with appropriate
talent acquisition and attracting competent employees with international
leadership skill.
The article represents case studies of expatriates, local talents, and
subsidiary leaders working overseas for the home companies as well as third-
country personnel working as managers without the expatriate benefits and
examine their roles and effectiveness in the context of Chinese EMNEs. Further
it argues that training and development plays a major role in employee
development and creating a competent managerial pool. Strategic management
plays a major role in resolving the obstacles and HRM drawbacks.
The proposal of talent development has a strong potential. However, the
argument can be criticized in terms of its lack of internal validity. It does not
take into account the employees’ perspective towards the job profile and
organizational values that may affect the leadership style and consequently the
2 What is the method – how do the author(s) convince their readers?
The study follows a quantitative research methodology with a correlational
design. It starts with the hypothesis of integrating strategic management and
HRM and proceeds with research methods involving surveys, interviews and
independent data collection and analysis. It presents case studies and interviews
from a number of employees serving as expatriates, local talents as well as third-
country managers acting as mediators between the home and host country.
The article tries to influence the readers by the assertions obtained from
the case studies and further drawing on support from various scholarly literature.
It also emphasizes different approaches such as talent management, institutional
influence and Social Psychology and Anthropology perspectives in order to
analyse leadership skill development in EMNEs.
3 Discuss the limitations of the research conducted by the author(s), beyond the
limitations provided by the author(s).
The research involves certain bias that limits the scope of its potential.
Firstly, the research does not take into account the employees’
perspective into choosing the employer brand.
Secondly, it proposes employee training and development as an effective
method of talent management, although it does not consider the aspect of
appropriate talent acquisition.
Finally, the research has further scope of defining the method and
underpinning philosophy of integrating strategic management and HRM.
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BUSM4554/4555 Assignment 1
Article 2: Contemporary knowledge workers and the boundaryless work–life interface:
Implications for the human resource management of the knowledge workforce (Total
word count: ~375 words)
No. Question
1 Critically appraise the argument(s) presented by the author(s).
The article is an endeavour to develop a comprehensive and advanced
theory to analyse work-life balance. Eventually, it produces the concept of
“Boundaryless Work-Life Interface” With the given case studies and data
analysis, the article argues that the knowledge workers perceive work-life
balance as a fuzzy and without a defined compartmentalization. It often is
regarded as overlapping interface. However, the study claims that this
overlapping approach generates enhanced empowerment for knowledge
workers, as it provides flexibility and permeability in managing work and non-
work responsibilities.
Besides, the article argues that the perception and identification of work
and non-work activity are purely subjective. Technology appropriation in the
form of increased use of ICTs and FWAs has contributed in blurring the border
even more.
The article emphasizes that this fuzzy, borderless work-life balance has
facilitated the knowledge workers with flexibility and permeability. However,
this overlapping feature of work-life balance can hamper the individuals’ life as
a constant binding element to their work. Besides, the article discusses the
subjectivity in the perception of work-life balance, the argument does not
withstand as it does not recognize the external influences such as social,
economic and cultural impact on the individual.
2 What is the method – how do the author(s) convince their readers?
The research in question is an explorative case study. It utilizes an
embedded single-case design with several study of sub-cases and semi-
structured interviews. The research method was analytical and interpretive. It
uses primary data from the transcripts of semi-structured interviews as well as
the policy papers, email broadcast and directory entry of the company.
The research claims that fuzzy work-life balance creates enhanced
empowerment for knowledge workers. It convinces the target audience of their
thesis by presenting persuasive case studies. It indicates multiple instances
where employees of the host company acclaims the boundaryless work-life
balance, for it provides flexible work hours and the permeability to manage
family related responsibilities. Also, it fortifies the claim by drawing supporting
thesis from scholarly theories and analyses.
3 Discuss the limitations of the research conducted by the author(s), beyond the
limitations provided by the author(s).
The article presents an exhaustive list for the limitations and further
scope of the research. However, certain limitations and research biases can still
be identified. The sampling involves obvious bias, as does the research
outcomes. The data collection majorly records case studies in support of the
hypothesis, although it does not indicate antithesis.
BUSM4554/4555  Integrating Strategic Management_3

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