
Consultancy in Practice: Improving Skills and Key Skills Required by the Organization


Added on  2023-01-11

11 Pages1896 Words90 Views
Professional Development
Consultancy in Practice
(Individual Report)
Consultancy in Practice: Improving Skills and Key Skills Required by the Organization_1

Task 1...............................................................................................................................................3
Develop and improvised skills...............................................................................................3
What I know now that I didn’t know......................................................................................3
Confidence level.....................................................................................................................3
Impact of learning in near future............................................................................................4
Task 2...............................................................................................................................................4
Three skills and action plan....................................................................................................4
Task 3...............................................................................................................................................6
Key skills required by the organisation..................................................................................6
Task 4...............................................................................................................................................7
LinkedIn Profile......................................................................................................................7
Appendix 1.............................................................................................................................9
Appendix 2...........................................................................................................................11
Consultancy in Practice: Improving Skills and Key Skills Required by the Organization_2

Present report is going to be enclosed with different skills that are improved and identified
while working on a project to resolve client’s business problem. Also, this report will be
delivering information in relation to skill gap of my own, plan of action and lastly knowledge
will also be improvised through seeking among different key skills that are required by an
individual while working in a business company in order to solve client’s issue.
Task 1
Develop and improvised skills
While working on the project which was given by client in order to resolve the number of
issues faced at the time of conducting business. In present context, it can be said that I have
developed my own different range of existing skills and these aretime management skill, team
working skills, leadership quality, analytical skill, problem solving skilland so on in order to
serve the best to the customer.
What I know now that I didn’t know
Just when I started the whole project, I have realised that time management is one of the
crucial challenge which can be faced by an individual while working with the team because of
many reasons like different perspectives on a particular goal or objective. Another challenge that
I have got to know when I started the whole project is that customers nature stays dynamic when
it comes to pull out the best results and it is much required to understand the every single
necessity of the need in order to fulfil the satisfactory level of client (Oliver, 2018).
Confidence level
I have become pretty much confident due to many reasons like I communicated with the
client, specifically finish the whole project in the given time frame, I also become able to deliver
the best results out of the limited resources which was given by the client. This will help me in
conducting different range of projects in the difficult times as well.Also, I somehow plan to
communicate every single task to my team members as this may lead them to gain the
appropriate knowledge about the whole project and it also improves the relations because of the
transparency of the overall work and the situation (Armstrong, 2018).
Consultancy in Practice: Improving Skills and Key Skills Required by the Organization_3

Impact of learning in near future
While utilising the democratic leadership style, I can see that listening to others specifically
leads to the better outcomes if all the gathered resources are analysed in an appropriate manner.
Learning has given me full confidence to perform different range of projects in your future
which I will be finishing before the time frame that has been given by the client (Sokol, 2020).
Task 2
Three skills and action plan
In present context, there are three different skills that are requiredproper attention for the
success in near future and these are time management, problem solving, and team working skills.
Time Management skills: In this skill, I will be giving myself 10 out of 7 rating and in
order to be successful in near future it will be required by me to have this skill
approximately to 9.5.reason behind why I have given 7 rating in present context is
because I am lacking somewhere in this skill and I have to take help from colleagues and
other individuals in order to finish the work in much effective and in efficient manner.
Problem solving skills: While when I started the overall investigations in order to
conduct the clients project for the business I have realised that I am not that much
effective enough in problem solving skill and this is where I will be giving 10 out of 6
rating. In order to become a successful project manager it will be required buy me to have
around 9 as rating. Reason behind why I have given myself 6 rating over here because I
am not that much effective enough in solving the different range of problems that client
gives (Ampe and et. al., 2016). It is because I am less able to pull out alternative
outcomes for a particular situation. These impacts negatively up on overall performance
level of my own and raise questions on my job and this is considered to be the reason
behind why it is necessary for me to improve the skill so that I can effectively deliver the
best outcomes to both company and clients.
Team working skills: 10 out of 8 is particularly being considered as the rating that I can
give myself for team working skills as I am good and working with the team but it will be
required by me to have it around 9.5 through following different range of leadership
styles and bring the perspectives of my team members (Gunter and Mills, 2017).Why I
have given over here myself as the eight rating because of my communication skill as I
Consultancy in Practice: Improving Skills and Key Skills Required by the Organization_4

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