
Use of Calculators in Mathematics Class: Impact on Students - Research Paper


Added on  2023-06-15

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Running head: RESEARCH PAPER
Use of Calculators in Mathematics Class
Name of the Student:
Name of the University:
Author’s Note:
Use of Calculators in Mathematics Class: Impact on Students - Research Paper_1

The fundamental objective of this research is to assess the usefulness of usage of calculators
in mathematics class among students. Various factors were identified, and statistical analysis
was conducted to observe the positive and negative effects of calculators and similar
strategies were explored to eliminate the drawbacks of using calculators. The study was
executed through two tests taken by the selected 50 sample students from a middle school in
Temple, Texas. The students could have access to a calculator only in the second test. The
findings indicated a positive effect of calculators as per the separately addressed research
questions. Initially, the prime focus of the research along with relevant background
information and significance of the study has been presented in the Introduction chapter.
Various articles, journals, and theories have been discussed in the literature review section to
provide a thorough understanding of the subject matter. Relevant methodologies and schemes
used and applied in this study have been discussed in detail in the Research Methods chapter.
Furthermore, interpretations of the outcomes in the form of statistical tables and graphs are
presented in the “Results” chapter of this study. The outcome of this investigation is believed
to assist the teachers understand and overcome adversities of the students.
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction and Literature Review.........................................................................4
1.1. Introduction.....................................................................................................................4
1.1.1. Statement of the Problem.........................................................................................4
1.1.2. Background Information..........................................................................................5
1.1.3. Significance of the Study.........................................................................................6
1.2. Literature Review............................................................................................................6
1.2.1. Benefits to using calculators in class.......................................................................8
Handheld Graphing Technology........................................................................................9
1.2.2. Drawbacks of using calculators in class.................................................................10
1.2.3. Definition of Terms................................................................................................11
1.2.4. Research Questions................................................................................................12
Chapter Two: Methods and Procedures...................................................................................12
2.1. Research Design............................................................................................................12
2.2. Setting and Participants.................................................................................................13
2.3. Instruments and Techniques used to collect data..........................................................14
2.4 Instructional Techniques used before Data Collection..................................................15
2.5 Data Collection Procedures............................................................................................15
2.6 Data Analysis Procedures..............................................................................................15
Chapter Three: Results.............................................................................................................16
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3.1 Representation and explanations of the findings of Data Analysis................................16
3.2. Hypotheses:...................................................................................................................17
3.3. Graphs and Diagrams:...................................................................................................18
Chapter Four: Discussion.........................................................................................................23
Chapter Five: Conclusion and Recommendation.....................................................................25
5.1. Conclusion.....................................................................................................................25
5.2. Recommendation:.........................................................................................................25
Survey Questionnaires:........................................................................................................33
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Table of Figures
1. Bar chart of frequency distribution of time to finish the tests.........................20
2. Bar chart of frequency distribution of word count of answer sheets .................21
3. Bar chart of frequency distribution of number of errors................................21
4. Bar chart of frequency distribution of overall scores received by the students......22
5. Bar chart of frequency distribution of difficulty levels of calculation................22
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List of Tables
1. t-Test table for H0A.........................................................................................................23
2. t-Test table for H0B.........................................................................................................23
3. t-Test table for H0C.........................................................................................................23
4. t-Test table for H0D.........................................................................................................24
5. Data acquired from the two tests......................................................32
6. t-Test tables for easy difficulty level..................................................36
7. t-Test tables for hard difficulty level..................................................37
8. t-Test tables for moderate difficulty level............................................39
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Chapter 1: Introduction and Literature Review
1.1. Introduction
We live in an age of modern technology. Hence, we are memorizing multiplication facts
or working calculation out as pencil and paper has become out of date and waste of time.
Students learning of mathematical processes, concepts, operations and procedures are
advanced as calculators are used for an instructive purpose that goes beyond drill, practice or
checking work (Susskind, 2005).
Calculators have become an integral part of any student’s life. The students are given the
permission to access calculators only after the 7th grade. As majority of the tests taken have
the form of multiple choice answering system, calculators are becoming less redundant as the
closest answer to the calculations can be chosen as the answer. However, event test takers
have taken a note of that and the options provided have close to each other. Calculators are a
unique piece of technology, that when used appropriately can help in the calculations majorly
(Etlinger, 1974). With the increasing tendency to use the calculators even when not needed, it
has become a concern for the teachers as well parents.
It cannot be denied that using calculators save a lot of time that can be instead spent
focusing on comprehending and producing a detailed solution (Koay, 2006). Besides,
strategic utilization of calculators in the elementary grade students mathematically makes
necessary connections across mathematical ideas and methods in real-life circumstances
(Ellington, 2003).
1.1.1. Statement of the Problem
This research investigates the issue of the usage of calculators in mathematics class by
students and its impact. The statement of the problem is stated as – Use of calculator today
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permits students and teachers to expend more time increasing mathematical perception,
reasoning, sense of number and its applicability by decreasing time that was used to spend on
learning and performing monotonous paper and pencil work based on arithmetic operations
and algebraic algorithm in the past. The statement of the research is established in accordance
to the Act USI/CPMSA, 1997.
1.1.2. Background Information
According to Suydam (1987), more than 100 studies conducted on this topic show
that using calculators helps get work done faster with much greater accuracy. Using
calculators also help increase the understanding of the subject matter as more time could be
spent on comprehension of the subject (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2008).
However, over usage of calculator can reduce the ability to solve basic and easy sums.
Students who use calculators on a usual foundation tend to be habituated with it and in the
absence of calculators fail to solve relatively easier sums. Also, without appropriate
knowledge of the theories of the subject, students tend to indulge in problems that include
heavy calculations. It is necessary to have a thorough knowledge of the subject before
quantitative analysis is carried out. The inherent mathematical concepts or theories are often
missed out when using calculators to find the ultimate value.
Ultimately, all these give students a false impression of their ability to solve
mathematical sums and provide a false sense of confidence in them. It is obvious that every
piece of technology can be utilized in a good and bad way. It is up to the user either to use it
for enhancing the quality of output or just to minimize efforts. On the other hand, using
calculators take away many unnecessary efforts that could be tedious and boring (Deochand,
Costello and Fuqua, 2015). Without any such hindrance, students can focus more on the
conceptual part of the problem that in turn would help the student have better understanding
of the subject matter. However, with such progress in technology and in calculators, scientific
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