
Capabilities and Limitations of Homeland Security Report 2022


Added on  2022-08-27

8 Pages2007 Words14 Views
Capabilities and Limitations of Homeland Security
Capabilities and Limitations of Homeland Security Report 2022_1

Capabilities and Limitations of Homeland Security 2
“The biggest impediment to all-source analysis-to a greater likelihood of connecting the
dots-is the human or systemic resistance to sharing information” (The 9/11 Commission Report).
For years Homeland security has been mandated to ensure the safety of the USA territory and
even that of the entire world. It does this by collecting important intelligence data ceaseless that
could help deter or regulate crime from happening. Over the years Homeland security has
experienced steady changes that have improved its intelligence collection role. This transition
has been made possible by the different departments and agencies within the government, which
have cooperated with Homeland security in providing help, security data and intelligence
information, (Vaughn Lee, 2010). This essay will discuss the capabilities and limitations of
domestic intelligence in facilitating the roles of homeland security and also examine its
capabilities in fighting and foreseeing security threats in the future.
Capabilities of Homeland Security.
Homeland Security’s Department of Intelligence and Analysis does 4 roles to support the
works of Homeland Security enterprise in ensuring safety within the U.S These roles are to boost
a better understanding of criminal activities through intelligence contemplation; gather data and
security information appropriate to Homeland security functions; govern intelligence for the
Homeland Security Enterprise, and assist in the exchange of information fundamental for action,
(Vaughn Lee, 2010).To achieve these roles Homeland Security consists departments with an
exclusive goal to aid in information exchange from Federal to the state to local, Federal-state to
public and private sectors.
After the 911 incident, The Intelligence community redrafted its mission to ensure a
similar catastrophe do not occur again. Therefore it embarked on a working plan that is based on
Capabilities and Limitations of Homeland Security Report 2022_2

Capabilities and Limitations of Homeland Security 3
transparent partnership and collaboration with State, National, local and tribal Homeland security
organs. A different way of ensuring safety by sharing important information amongst the
different agencies, contrary to the process before 911. The local law enforcement (Intelligence-
led policing) improvement of the usual community policing was created (Ratcliffe, 2016). Its
main role is to facilitate the fight against terrorism. Mainly Intelligence-led policing relies on
data or information collected from citizens that could help in solving challenges communities are
facing and exchange of intelligence info on offenders with the public. Another department
Homeland Security created an effort to improve information exchange is the fusion center. This
organ is responsible for promoting information exchange between the federal levels and local
levels. Fusion centers were developed to circulate not only information but also products that
assist the Federal government, State, local and tribal sections in combatting crime. These centers
are involved in sharing information regarding domestic gangs, terrorist threats, hazards and any
other kinds of criminal activities (Naval Postgraduate School Monterey CA, 2011).
Another organ important in facilitating information sharing is the Threat Assessment and
Coordination Group (ITACG). This department was put up together with the fusion centers to
circulate information to State and local governments, (Graphia, 2012). Threat assessment and
Coordination Group makes sure that information or data that has been circulated is directly
connected to the local citizens, safeguarded and sent in a form that makes sense to local officials.
This asset is important to first responders like fire and local police units. ITACG also protects the
nation’s essential infrastructures and promotes an understanding of criminal activities, (Kelly III,
2014). All these two information-sharing organs are very crucial in ensuring the safety of the
Capabilities and Limitations of Homeland Security Report 2022_3

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