
Capstone Experience in Health Care


Added on  2022-11-24

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The capstone project which is also known as culminating project, senior exhibition or
capstone experience. It is found to be one of the multidimensional assignment which assists
as an academic and intellectual student experience. These practice is typically performed
during the student’s final semester of any academic program. The concept of capstone
experience is to develop critical thinking in the practitioner in order to enhance challenging
problem solving and also skills development which includes better communication, research
skills, teamwork, literacy, aim setting (Russell, Conley & Hill, 2017).
The idea of emerging various esteemed capstone processes for nursing field is not
difficult; the main secret of nursing project success is to start with the list of your capabilities
and clinical interests letting you approach the subject by having a complete understanding
thereof and elucidate what the zone of your interest is (Miley & Reinisch, 2016).
The next step is to search for the evidence on the related subject – go through the
recent publications, then convince them with some acute insight which are related to what is
crucial in the field of practice. This initial search in the field will provide your ideas on the
further topic’s purifying, and making the study process for the nursing practice change
smoothly (Ross & Carney, 2017).
The Capstone experience was essentially originated in order to be involved with the
contributing and fluctuating knowledge, information, skills, viewpoints that are gained
through any previous project, which will thus be demonstrating program’s results accurately.
It relies on the reflection on the community context, the body of the appropriate literature, or
the theoretical framework on the basis of which the person’s capstone work postures a major
contribution. It helps in bridging the coursework and the subject to the person’s careers after
the particular course. It also aims in preparing the students in their life-long knowledge and
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learning process (Trepanier et al., 2017). The outcome of the capstone experience is a
perceptible product which is to be presented to the public that can be either done as written
work, verbal representation, multimedia creations that can be done using various forms which
are websites, DVDs and CDs. In the study the topics or the field of study are nominated by
the students and are then approved by the respected faculties. The Capstone experiences
comprise of, but are not restricted to senior project, thesis, achievement portfolio, internship,
culminating senior experiences, practicum, comprehensive examination, co-op experience,
field experience, study abroad clinical assignment (Smit & Zeller, 2018).
The capstone exercise is generally practiced at the end of any healthcare based
undergraduate program. It is essential in every course to practice the Capstone experience in
their profession. This following capstone knowledge will help to recognize the appropriate
knowledge within the health care personnel and the other department of healthcare. The
purpose is also to platform the different strategies to reduce the occurrence of any healthcare
error and other risks and issues that are related to inappropriate management in the health
care employees in case of pressure ulcer (Smallheer, Hunt & Smith, 2018). The Capstone
experience can be very helpful when implemented as a capstone progression or capstone
experience which is spread out in various fields and courses in any degree program (Glynn et
al., 2019).
The pressure ulcer is a health condition which is a type of localized injury of the skin or
the underlying tissue, which is usually occurred over the bony prominence, that is an outcome
of unalleviated pressure. The predisposing factors of pressure ulcer are classified as the
intrinsic such as poor nutrition, limited mobility, aging skin and comorbidities or may be
extrinsic which are friction, pressure, moisture and shear (Demarre et al., 2015). The
preventive measures of pressure ulcer include the identification of the at-risk persons and
then the implementation of précised prevention techniques and measures. These measures are
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followed by a patient relocation schedule; these includes keeping the head of the patient of
the bed at the bottommost safe elevation in order to avoid shear; also using the pressure-
reducing exteriors; and the measuring of nutrition and providing appropriate supplementation
as per the requirement of the patient (Bhattacharya & Mishra, 2015). When a pressure ulcer
condition occurs, it is important to prepare proper documentation of each of the ulcer such as
the size, position, granulation tissue and eschar, odour, undermining, exudate, sinus tracts,
and infection and suitable staging which is from I through IV, these are essential factor for
the wound assessment of the patient. The pressure ulcer treatment involves the management
of indigenous and distant infections, elimination of the necrotic tissue, preservation of high
moist environment for the wound healing process, and then possibly the surgery process.
Debridement is found to be indicated when the necrotic tissue is existing (Aziz & Bell‐Syer,
2015). Crucial type of sharp debridement must be accomplished in cases of advanced
cellulitis or sepsis occurrence. There are Automated, enzymatic, and the autolytic
debridement approaches which are distributed under noncurrent treatments. The wound
cleansing process performed rather with normal saline and the appropriate dressings is said to
be the backbone of the treatment for the clean ulcers and also after debridement approach.
The bacterial burden can also be accomplished with the cleansing of the wounds. The usage
of Topical antibiotics is observed to be considered in conditions where there is no sign of
improvement in healing is observed after 14 days. The systemic antibiotics are often used in
case of patients those are advancing osteomyelitis, cellulitis, or systemic infection (Qaseem et
al., 2015). The field of pressure ulcer nursing is a bit complicated as it involves majorly the
older population of a community. Thus it makes it essential to understand and have proper
idea regarding the health condition for providing better healthcare and treatment. the capstone
experience is one of the important step one must take to develop a better knowledge and
understanding about specific health conditions for better service (Norman et al., 2016).
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The capstone process involves various other practice which is found to be very effective
and helpful in assessing one’s own faults and mistakes and to understand the condition in a
much better manner. These practices help in improving and growing in particular fields. One
of the practice in understanding the topics in a better way is Self-assessment which is the
initial step in any career planning and it means the finding out more and more information
and knowledge regarding what you want and seek from the particular work (Van Horn &
Christman, 2017). It involves the analysis of your values, assistances and comforts in order to
find out what you require from your career and filed of practice. The chief goal here is to
figure out the roles which contest with maximum number of one’s personal qualities as
possible (Smallheer, Hunt & Smith, 2016).
The next practice is Critical reflection, which is an action taken through which we can
challenge the rationality and suitability of one’s expectations and principles within one’s
present situation. The reflection on the practice which is found to be revealing the original
expectations, standards, and beliefs which induce a person ability to act as they do in a
specific condition and to understand the activities of another in a precise manner.
Self-assessment statement:
Self-assessment is a process most often use in the healthcare facilities in order to
monitor the quality of the care and treatment that is been provided to the patients and is found
to be an important factor in the developing countries now a day. It is frequently used practice
in clinics and healthcare services in order to make sure that the treatment process and the care
giving in completed within the region of expertise and also to keep the healthcare facilities
and the treatment procedure upgraded. Several educators and researchers have recognized
that self-assessment is a vital part of professional self-regulation (Urden, Stacy & Lough,
2017). The Self-assessment procedure has been stated generally as an involvement process
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for learners in order to judge whether or not standards identified by the learners have been
encountered. Self-assessment is low-cost and a reasonable, easy-to-operate tool that can be
used to determine whether the service providers are accomplishing their aims according to
the standards and also for modifying those errors and behaviours which are taken as non-
reliable with the standards (Kennedy et al., 2015). As the practice is attractive because of
their brief and encircling nature, it is a matter of fear as such definitions might build risk
factor by misleading as they might cause some under obligation of the difficulties of the
concept. Self-assessment serves as a mechanism that can be used to identify a person’s
weaknesses and also as a mechanism in order to identify an individual’s strengths. All these
mechanisms can be measured as to have discrete, though complementary, purposes. As a
mechanism that can be used for identifying people’s weaknesses or breaks in a person’s skills
and capabilities, self-assessment is also observed to serve numerous potential purposes
(Naqib et al., 2018).
The self-assessment is build up by various factors that altogether makes it an effective
aspect of providing better care and treatment to the patients. In order to attain a better
capstone experience, as a nurse I took help of a questioner process in order to perform self-
assessment (McDonald, Boulton & Davis, 2018). As I was preparing my questionnaire, I
came to know that I have a very low amount of knowledge regarding the pressure ulcer
condition and this helped me to gain a broad range of information and idea that I was not
aware with. I was very excited and interested about the process as it was helping me highlight
my strengths and weaknesses regarding the topic. It helped me understand the importance of
lessons as it induces awareness regarding the fact that how important it is to understand and
study everything to become competent in one’s profession. It is essential to update proper
skills and information by practicing various other professional steps so that you could keep
yourself updated in the field of your practice. The self-assessment process has helped me in
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