
Care of the Older Person Assignment Sample


Added on  2021-06-14

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Leadership ManagementTeacher DevelopmentNutrition and WellnessHealthcare and ResearchLanguages and Culture
Running head: CARE FOR THE OLDER ADULTSCARE FOR THE OLDER ADULTSName of the student:Name of the university:Author note:
Care of the Older Person Assignment Sample_1

1CARE FOR THE OLDER ADULTSIntroduction:With the advancement of the science and medicine, expectancy of life has increased. Theolder generation is living for longer days but they are suffering from huge burden of disorders.Most of them are affected by chronic ailments and nursing professionals have to assess theirconditions and develop proper care interventions. However, for achieving that nurses need toestablish effective relationship with patients through therapeutic communication and understandtheir quality of life regarding their activities of daily living. Therefore, this assignment woulddiscuss the barriers that nurses may face while initiating communication and will also show hownurses can overcome them effectively. It will also show how assessment of daily activities ofpatients is done and how it helps in setting of proper care goals with effective application ofRoper, Logan and Tierney’s Activities of Living model (1980).Case study:An aboriginal old woman named Brenga aged 70 years was admitted to the ward aftershe faced a fall in her garden. She was bruised on her arms and legs and was bleeding severely.She was suffering severe pain in her pelvic areas and her knee and was crying heavily.Communication with Brenga:After admitting to the ward, I was assigned as the nurse to care for her. It was seen thatshe was crying with pain and was panting heavily. She was not able to speak at all and washighly anxious. She was fearful as she did not understand the severity of her fall and was notable to comprehend the initiatives that the nursing professional would take. The patient waspanting so heavily that she was not able to communicate with me and I could not understand thatexact issues she was facing. Her anxiety and fear towards the interventions that would be taken
Care of the Older Person Assignment Sample_2

2CARE FOR THE OLDER ADULTSby the western mode of healthcare was actually the main concern of him. Her daughter in lawwho was a non-indigenous Australian was the main person who was accompanying her and shewas quite stressed. On asking her the main issue, she was seen to be fearful of the situation asshe was present in the home when her mother in law fell. She stated that her mother in law is nota believer of western culture and western healthcare system but she had gone against her will tosave her from the pain.Analysis of the communication barrier:From the entire situation, it was seen that there had been two important barriers in thecommunication procedure of the patient and that of the nursing professionals who attended her.One of the most important factors that had created barrier in the communication was the fear andanxiety that she had developed after the fall. The pain associated with the fall had contributed tothe fear and anxiety of the patient as she was anxious that she had gone through fractures or notor whether she had to go through hip replacements like that of one of her neighbour. When suchpresumptions are made beforehand, it results in development of perceptions, fear and anxietythat prevent individuals from communicating effectively (O’Hagan et al. 2014). Patients becomeunable to communicate with nursing professionals, as they remain unaware about the specificinterventions tat nurse would take and these add to their anxiety (Kourkouta et al. 2014). Thesecond barrier that had also contributed to the ineffective communication between the patientand the nurses was his cultural perceptions. She was quite concerned that her cultural preferenceswould not be taken care for and she was upset that her daughter in law had taken her to hospitalirrespective of her wish. For this reason, she was crying heavily, and it was getting very difficultto talk with her. Researchers are of the opinion that non-compliance and lack of will of thepatient may become one of the most important barriers of the communication procedure
Care of the Older Person Assignment Sample_3

3CARE FOR THE OLDER ADULTS(Bramhall 2014). This has the capability to not only harm the health of the patient but alsoinvolve the nurses in legal and ethical obligation if they try to force interventions on the patienteven for their beneficence. In such situations, development of effective communication strategiesare extremely important for the professionals to help the patient overcome her barriers,communicate effectively, get educated about the intervention, express their feelings and therebyreceive care that would help to care for their help (Sprangers 2014).Effective steps that need to be taken for establishing effective communication:One of the most important initiatives that the nurses should take in this situation is anempathetic approach to make the patient calm. As the patient had been going through sever pain,the first priority of the nursing professional would be to care for the pain. However, in order tocare for the pain, the nursing professional should communicate with the patient and ask her forinformed consent. When the patient sees that the nursing professional is trying her best tomaintain the dignity and autonomy of the patient, it would help her to develop trust on theprofessional (Finkelman 2015). This would ensure her that the professionals have genuinefeelings for her. For effective communication, professionals should have active listening skills.Active listening skills mean that individuals should be fully concentrating on what is being saidrather than passively hearing the message conveyed by the speaker (Bramhall 2014). Activelistening skills would help the nurses to understand the concerns of the patient and develop ideasabout the presumptions of the patient. Professionals need to be patient while listening so that theservice users feel that the professionals are keen to know about the issues and are trying theirbest to help them (Davis 2014). This would automatically ensure compliance of the patient withthe interventions. The patient is from a native background and may have language barrier.Therefore, professionals need to ensure that they have culturally competent communication skills
Care of the Older Person Assignment Sample_4

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