
Case Analysis and Leadership.


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Case Analysis and Leadership._1

Case Analysis and Leadership
Scenario analysis....................................................................................................................2
Australian Health Leadership Framework.................................................................................3
Leads Self...............................................................................................................................3
Engage Others........................................................................................................................4
Achieve Outcomes..................................................................................................................4
Drive Innovation.....................................................................................................................5
Shapes System........................................................................................................................5
Part 2- Leadership assessment tool............................................................................................6
Demonstrating personal qualities...........................................................................................6
Working with others ·.............................................................................................................7
Managing services ·................................................................................................................8
Improving services ·...............................................................................................................9
Setting direction ·.................................................................................................................10
Creating the vision................................................................................................................11
Delivering the strategy.........................................................................................................12
Participative or Democratic Leadership style.......................................................................13
Transformational Leadership Style......................................................................................13
Apply to scenario..................................................................................................................14
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Case Analysis and Leadership
The objective of this report is to analyse the use of leadership style and strategies to manage a
critical case in health care and development sector. This report will discuss a case analysis of
Helen, a registered nurse, and challenges she is potential to face in upcoming project related
to healthcare development in a specific community. This report will identify the issues she
will face and effective leadership style useful for Helen to deal the challenges in effective
manner. This report is divided in three phases. Initially this report will analyse the entire
scenario of critical challenges, ad planning of the strategies useful to manage effective
leadership for Helen. In the second stage, this report will focus to fill and discuss the
leadership self-assessment tool develop to analyse self-effective analysis strategies and skill
to manage critical healthcare at the third stage this report will write self-reflection over the
leadership and management strategies in healthcare practice.
Scenario analysis
Helen a registered and experienced nurse practicing in the Warnambool, state of Victoria for
the 5 years, initially she focus to provide healthcare services to the individuals in the country
for her effective involvement in healthcare service she got awards from the board. In the
meeting she also find a duty to practice healthcare development duties for the close-knit
community, infect she war responsible to manage their primary health as well as she has to
plan health care development program to reduce their health problems (AbuAlRub, 2004).
This community is not focused for the health and due to their cultural practices; they resist to
allow a female to lead their healthcare practices. in addition she also have to deal her team
because managing the work with this community is not easy and team allocated ti her is new.
Hence this report will focus to solve the issue of nursing leadership and practice with
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Case Analysis and Leadership
focusing the personality development of nurse to handle the issue effectively (Edmonson,
McCarthy, Trent-Adams, McCain, & Marshall, 2017).
Australian Health Leadership Framework
This framework is very significant for the nurses, planning to bring an equitable and
sustainable change in a community for the health care sector. The idea of this LEADS Tool is
to evaluate the effective leadership practices in the nurses (Institute of Medicine (US).;,
Leadership is same in all aspects but when it comes to nursing leadership aspect become
more critical because there are many challenges associated with the nursing leadership
activities where they felt hopeless. Nurses manage healthcare practice with effective internal
staff management challenges. Hence in case of Helen this tool will guide her to plan
strategies and lead challenges effectively.
Source: https://www.aims.org.au/documents/item/35
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Case Analysis and Leadership
Leads Self
Before making plan for others an effective leader plans strategies for the self at first, because
a leader have to manage ego, attitude, and conflicts of others, if one have effective
coordination and control with follower’s ego and conflicts. hence a leader to be aware about
personal strength and issues before leading others and need to improve challenges. Here in
this scenario Helen has issues to manage the new team and possible to face difficulties with
community resistance. To deal this Helen need to build effective communication skills and
motivating skills to leads self and others towards change and adaption of healthcare services
(Geyer, 2016).
Engage Others
Before making others to involve in any practise an effective leader needs to understand others
perceptions and thinking very well. a nursing leader deal with many different communities
having diverse cultural values beliefs, practices and many other factors that affect the values
of the healthcare practice in a community. Hence before investing and involving team of
nursing in the Clos-knit community health and development practice Helen needs to collect
additional and essential information about their living and culture effectively. After this, she
needs to identify the challenges she has to focus more seriously and effective strategies with
the help of team member’s coordination and communicate the goal clearly to assure effective
engagement of others (Giddens, 2018).
Achieve Outcomes
Leaders have quality to bring change and make difference in the community and
organization. They plan direction and strategies to attain the successful result from the plan
and they keep making efforts to attain the goal. Collaboration with community and
motivating strategies in this leadership to make the community and team engaged Helen has
to plan target and deliver these targets to the team. Clear outcome and representation of the
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Case Analysis and Leadership
targets helps to move easily in a set direction. Continues evolution of the change and
effective strategies to make proper development can help Helen to meet the goals (Jyoti &
Manisha, 2015).
Drive Innovation
Allowing the innovation represent the effective leadership because two heads are better than
one. Taking help from the followers to innovate the change and appraising the contribution of
others can build effective teamwork. Helen can take innovative ideas from the local nurses
have effective information about the community, their culture and their beliefs towards help.
These make a great effect on beliefs of the followers and build effective connection among
the team. Nurses with local community information can help to plan effective strategies in
this proposed healthcare development plan (Zydziunaite, 2013).
Shapes System
Healthcare system is very complex; a nursing leader needs to deal physical and emotional
both challenges to manage the effective system implementation. Effective Communication
with system awareness and effective negotiation and management skills within and across
health groups, services, and sectors to improve individual and local health outcomes can help
Helen to make effective contribution to shape the system. this shaping allows to understand
the community, their needs and effective steps can help to manage these challenges
effectively (Park & Yoo, 2019).
Based on the above LEADS Tool Helen can build effective strategies and healthcare
management strategies to develop the healthcare facilities for Close-Knit society.
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