
History of Animal Testing: Analysis of Arguments and Evaluation of Sources


Added on  2022-12-30

12 Pages2602 Words88 Views
Political Science
Case study
History of Animal Testing: Analysis of Arguments and Evaluation of Sources_1

1. Apply understanding of logic reasoning to analysis the argument that are presented in the
case study.....................................................................................................................................3
2 Evaluation of sources of information and data to validate the positions taken in this case
3. Conclusion...............................................................................................................................9
History of Animal Testing: Analysis of Arguments and Evaluation of Sources_2

Animal testing is type of experiment or research done by human in order to study or get
information about specific field. Pharmaceutical companies, universities and medical school
provide several facilities for animal testing services to industry. It has been founded that around
26 millions of monkeys, dogs, horses, cat and other animals are endure to painful experiment in
United States. Three states of United States have passed law of ban testing cosmetic on animal so
that no harm can be caused to their life. This report is based on the one such case study of history
of animal testing that has included logical reasoning in order to analysis key argument, evaluate
source from which information has been derived. At last, it has covered information related to
systematic and rigorous process carried out in animal testing.
1. Apply understanding of logic reasoning to analysis the argument that are presented in
the case study.
Since many years animals are used for testing in order to developed medical treatment or
to check the safety of products so that no harm can be caused to human life. Or the practice of
testing animal has been started since 500BC, which also contribute in determining the toxicity of
medications. There are different purposes from which animal has been used in United States
such as in entertainment, sport, food, other products and in research, testing or education (Facts
and Statistics About Animal Testing, 2019). There are some research in which animal are firstly
included in experiment then with better care, support are provided to them so that they can
survive for many years. While some animal have to suffer from painful procedures or toxic
material test that caused great harm or end death therefore many individuals are against animal
testing (Kojima, 2017). Erasistratus and Aristotle are scientists that have performed numerous
experiments in order to discover function of living organisms. Therefore, from the perspective of
Aristotle, animal does not have intelligence or they are not capable of deciding what is justice
and injustice so this concept is not applied to them in any manner. So, on contrary, another
scientist named as Theophrastus object that like human, animal also have pain thereby it is not
good to given then pain in order to test whether the experiment is fruitful or not.
Galen, is also Roman Physician and philosopher that truly believe that animal are almost
similar to human being despite of the fact it does not have any empathy on the animal thus
History of Animal Testing: Analysis of Arguments and Evaluation of Sources_3

continued testing and experiment in order to find outcome. Moreover, it also suggested its
student that without any compassion or pity they can test on animals which clearly show that the
Galen was agreed to animal testing. In 1596-1650, Rene Descartes that occasionally test on live
animal such as fish, rabbits and eels feels that animal doest suffer similar pain as human.
Thereby, Descartles identified that animals cannot think as human so they are unable to
experienced same pain as human (History of Animal Testing, 2020).
As per point of view of proponents of animal testing, it is the only method that could be
used for research of complete organism. Furthermore they stated that animal testing contribute in
development of numerous life saving treatment for both animals as well as human being. Strict
regulation has also helped in preventing mistreatment of animals within laboratories to several
extend (Weerts, 2019). On the other hand, several other individuals illustrated that testing or
conducting experiment on animal is inhumane and cruel therefore universities, pharmaceutical
companies’ needs to find different method that can be used to replace animal testing.
Until 19th century there was little objection of public to animal testing or experiments but
with increase in number of adoption of pets a new movement named as anti-vivisection started in
England. In 1875, vivisection was promoted by society for protection of animal liable which was
further followed by similar groups or several individuals in order to protect animal for several
experiments (Read, 2018). Therefore, one of the French physiologists in its Introduction to study
of experimental medicines has stated that it is ethical behaviour to experiment or test on animal
for extension of human life and benefits of medicine. Queen Victoria was also against the
practice of animal testing therefore she was much more anxious, force lawmakers to introduce
regulatory that can stop individuals to practice testing more on animal. Thus, efforts of Victoria
have helped in development off first law such as Great Britain Cruelty to Animal Act of 1876.
One the book published by Will Russell and Rex Burch that has specified about key or “
three R’s ” principle that need to be used in research or experiment of animal. Like replacement-
which specifies that individuals or scientist need to replace the animal in testing thus should
make use of alternative method for better study. Reduction stated that persons needs to minimise
or reduce the extend of use of animals and refining means rather than providing pain to animal,
individual needs to improve their living condition (De Mori, 2019). Animal welfare act (AWA)
it is act that is passed in United States in 1966 to eliminate practice of animal testing so that no
History of Animal Testing: Analysis of Arguments and Evaluation of Sources_4

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