
Case Study Analysis for Dylan's Pregnancy: Priority Assessments, Urine Findings, Fundal Height, Fetal Heart Rate, Blood Test, and Teaching Points


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Case Study Analysis for Dylan's Pregnancy: Priority Assessments, Urine Findings, Fundal Height, Fetal Heart Rate, Blood Test, and Teaching Points_1

Answer 1
The six priority assessments by a nurse in her case are – improper nutrition or less iodine
intake, Dylan body temperature check, checking of respiration rate, diabetes check, signs of
anaemia and check the pulse.
After 28 weeks of pregnancy, Dylan has gained only 4kgs of weight. Nurse predicted that
she is not maintaining her diet. Improper diet can affect the baby; the baby might be of short
stature, deaf or disability to think.
Dylan’s body temperature assessed and suggested that during pregnancy, the mother must
have a normal body temperature. The high temperature might affect the baby, or sometimes the
temperature rises because of dehydration, which might cause tiredness in Dylan.
The respiration rate assessed. Even though Dylan can feel baby kicking; however,
recommended keeping proper growth of the baby as she did not gain weight as expected. It is
common among pregnant women for breathing shortness as the baby grows it squeezes the
lungs, and the breathing becomes normal after the baby drops to lower belly part (Barbosa, Silva,
Cerqueira, Novo, Almeida & Novo, 2015).
As Dylan GTPAL result showed G2 T0 P0 A1 L0, it means that her previous pregnancy
was unsuccessful. The reason might be she is suffering from deficiency or any disorder. In this
pregnancy, the nurse must be sure if Dylan has diabetes. As diabetes in the blood affect the child,
and it might lead to miscarriage. The blood glucose kept under control else increased risk of
kidney, spine and heart defects in your newborn.
Case Study Analysis for Dylan's Pregnancy: Priority Assessments, Urine Findings, Fundal Height, Fetal Heart Rate, Blood Test, and Teaching Points_2

In the case study, mentioned that she is suffering from tiredness and exhaustion. Anaemia
is the cause of the above factors. Blood carries the nutrients to the child, so to keep Dylan child
proper health supply of nutrition required.
A mother must have her heart working properly. Therefore, Dylan pulse rate checked to
see if normal. Treat any unusual sign quickly.
Answer 2
Urine findings during pregnancy are sugar, protein, ketone and bacteria. The significance
of these findings are as follows-
Sugar in Urine shows type II diabetes. Women during pregnancy have high sugar content
in their Urine for gestational diabetes (Adam & Rheeder, 2017). The test helps in diagnosing
whether Dylan having diabetes, or she had taken some sugary drink immediately before the test.
Protein in Urine means of kidney or urinary tract infection. Preeclampsia conducted to
see the difference between protein levels early or later level of pregnancy. It complicates about 7
percent of pregnancies, and the women need immediate attention (Farrar, Duley, Dowswell &
Lawlor, 2017). Doctors recommend performing caesarean and induction of labour once
confirmed that the baby is viable.
Diabetic pregnant women have increased the number of ketones in the blood, causing a
severe feeling of nausea. It affects the bay as the bay is not getting enough energy for the diet.
On the other hand, researched that excess ketone in the blood of pregnant women can affect
brain cells of the baby and baby is born with low IQ (Tieu, Middleton, Crowther & Shepherd,
Case Study Analysis for Dylan's Pregnancy: Priority Assessments, Urine Findings, Fundal Height, Fetal Heart Rate, Blood Test, and Teaching Points_3

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