
Case Study Analysis for Desklib Online Library


Added on  2023-06-03

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Case Study Analysis
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Case Study Analysis for Desklib Online Library_1

Table of Contents
1. Macdonald Frame Work.......................................................................................................2
2. ACS Code of Ethics.............................................................................................................3
3. ACS Code of Professional Conduct.....................................................................................3
4. Relevant Australian Legislation............................................................................................4
5. Issues for the Case Study....................................................................................................4
6. Strategies for Solving Issues................................................................................................4
Case Study Analysis for Desklib Online Library_2

1. Macdonald Frame Work
a) Recognizing the Moral Dimension
Christina is a programmer in a small software company. Being a smaller company,
they are establishing their market shares and are setting the dates of software release. She
has the core responsibility to program as well as test the next release of accounting package
software. In one of such program, she has found minor bugs and decided to fix them.
However, even before all of the bugs are resolved, the organizational management has
decided to release the software and for this purpose, Christina has to sign that all tests are
being completed. The implementation of ACS Code of Ethics and ACS Professional Conduct
with Australian legislation are the moral dimensions (Noddings 2013).
b) Who are the Interested Parties? What are their relationships?
The interested parties in this particular case study are the organizational
management, software developers and Christina, the programmer. The relationship amongst
all the above mentioned individuals is that all of them are the parts of a same organization
and hence all of them are colleagues (Frank 2013).
c) What values or principles are involved?
There are some of the major values or principles involved in this case study. The first
and the foremost ethical value is honesty. The management is not at all honest and hence
the clients could suffer. The next value is professionalism. They are not being professional
by releasing erroneous software (Fromm 2013). The third value is competence, since they
are not informing their clients about the bugs in the software.
d) Courses of Actions
The major course of action for Christina is to inform the higher authority about this
type of misconduct. Moreover, she should not sign on the completion of test agreement; else
she would be termed as unethical and illegal in nature.
e) Benefits and the Burdens
The major benefits here are identification of bugs by Christina and keeping employee
satisfaction on the highest priority (Peters 2015). However, the burdens here are that
emphasizing Christina to sign on the agreement of completion of testing and releasing
software without resolving the bugs.
f) Analogous Cases
The three analogous cases in this specific case study are as follows:
i) The management could think of a different idea of releasing the software after
proper testing.
ii) Christina will not be forced to sign on the agreement of completion of testing.
iii) The author could himself check the bugs while writing the code (Crane and Matten
g) Discussion with Relevant Others
This decision is undertaken by the management. However, Christina can discuss the
matter with the higher authority and could even take legal help to resolve the issue.
h) Accordance of Decision with Legal and Organizational Rules
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