CASE STUDY Brief Overview The patient had a health issue of Choledocholithiasis; a condition in which gallstones are present in the common bile duct. These gallstones usually remain in the gallbladder or pass unobstructed via the common bile duct. The patient experiences abdominal pain and complaints of loss of appetite. The gallstones may be of cholesterol type, which is evident with a previous medical history of increased cholesterol, decreased bile salts and increased bilirubin. The possible previous medical history of the service user is thought to be hereditary blood disorders, biliary tract infections or cirrhosis of the liver. Healthcare Professionals in Imaging Department Every health care department have several professionals from varied fields, which is crucial for ensuring the proper delivery of all aspects of health care to the patients. In a typical diagnostic imaging department, there are radiologists, radiographers, sonographers, physicists, staff nurses, health care assistants, assistant practitioners, and other support staffs. One of the most common communication strategies amongst healthcare professionals is with the use of the SBAR tool (Situation Background Assessment Recommendation). This tool offers the professionals a clinical assessment of the patientin the imaging departmentto transfer clinical data effectively. Out of the aforementioned different health care professionals, the radiographers, staff nurses have direct contact with the service user. They offer a range of services for the user and are engaged in direct communication with the userto get MRIs and analyse the results from the scan. The primary role of the radiographer for this specific user is to perform a particulartypeofMagneticResonanceImagingknownasMagneticResonance Cholangiopancreatography (MRCP), which helps to get detailed images bile ducts and gallbladder.
CASE STUDY Intheacutecaresettings,especiallyforthementionedserviceuser,the gastroenterologists, the health care assistant, and practitioners, provide services to the patient, which includes comprehensive consultant services. In addition to these professionals, the staff nurses play a crucial role post medical interventiongiventotheserviceuser,whichincludesplanning,implementationand evaluation of care plan strategies, which is aimed at improving the overall health of the services user. Managing Challenges There are several different factors that influence patient satisfaction, several of which are affected by the service provided by the professionals. In the imaging department, one of the most crucial influencers of patient satisfaction is the wait time. An increase in the wait time leads to a significant decrease in patient satisfaction, and the radiographers and radiologists need to ensure they reduce their wait times for the patient as low as possible. Another factor that affects health outcome and is a concern in the imaging department is the use of ionising radiation. MRCP used for service user’s pathway is non-invasive and does not makes use of ionising radiation, does protecting the service user. There are several potential themes for conflicts between the healthcare professionals in the imaging department and the service user’s pathway. Role conflicts arise due to incompatibility,andunmetexpectationsoftenresultedduetolackofprofessional commitments from the professionals. Increased efficacy of communication skills is one of the most effective ways to address role conflicts amongst health care professionals in a clinical setting. Increasing interdisciplinary compatibility is another compelling way to address the role conflicts and decrease the incidence of ambiguity.
CASE STUDY Role of Radiographers Radiographers play a crucial role in supporting the diagnosis of a service user by employing sophisticated equipment forMagnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography to produce high-quality images using radio-waves & magnetic field. They are specially trained health care professionals who work with other professionals to deliver a complete service pathway to a user. One of the positive outcome out of this profession for the user would be early detection of a health condition and its early diagnosis, which critically improves the chances of a speedy recovery.The use of MRI has been evident in providing detailed images to differentiate between healthy tissue and diseased tissue, better than ultrasound, CT and X-ray. For the particular service user, the diagnostic image reports stating gallstones in the common bile duct can be detrimental, which decreases the self-confidence of the user significantly. Stating the results of the diagnosis to the service user can be deemed to be the negative highlight in the episode of care. The courteousness of the radiographer will influence the outcome from this episode, and it is essential that they sound professional with compassion while interacting with the service user for a positive outcome.Moreover, for the specified service user’s pathway, the radiographer has to ensure that the service user is devoid of any metal attached tothe body during the scans.