
Case Study Analysis of Lisa


Added on  2023-01-19

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Healthcare and Research
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Case Study Analysis of Lisa_1

The trauma-informed care approach mainly helps in understanding the whole of the
individual who is seeking for services. Studies are of the opinion that when a trauma takes place,
it mainly affects the sense of self of an individual along with the sense of others and their beliefs
about the world. It has been found that such beliefs mainly impact the ability of an individual or
their motivation for connecting with and utilization of the services (Berliner et al., 2016).
Professionals in these situations need to utilize the Trauma-Informed Care approach that works
by realizing the direct impact that trauma can induce on the access to services and thereby this
approach responds to the situation by the changing of the policies, procedures as well as
practices for minimizing the potential barriers. Such systems are seen to fully integrate the
knowledge about the trauma into all the aspects of the services as well as for training staffs so
that they can fully recognize the signs and symptoms of trauma and thus avoid any possibilities
of re-traumatization (Lindgrel et al., 2014). This assignment would mainly analyze the case study
of Lisa with the help of the TICP approach so that a holistic care is provided to Lisa and to help
her overcome various mental health and physical health barriers and live better quality lives.
Problems identified and care principles that were followed:
On close analysis of case study of Lisa, it can be seen that her parents were not
supportive of her relationship with her boyfriend John. This made her leave her parents and
move in with John. However, this separation from her parents has affected her emotionally to an
extent where her mental stability was disrupted. This resulted in making her feel lonely and
isolated. Studies are of the opinion that isolation as well as loneliness is two important aspects
that can expose people towards different types of psychological and mental ailments. After close
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observation of the video, it was seen that Lisa was constantly fidgety during communication and
were also found to be anxious and restless and she was also failing to have eye contacts with the
counselor. The counselor named Jenny was closely following her movements and found out that
she was feeling uneasy as well. Jenny also noticed that Lisa was untidy in her appearance and
this could be an indication of her lack of self-esteem and confidence (McKenna et al., 2014). As
per the principles of the Trauma care approach, she was found to lack empowerment. Even the
rejection of her family had added to the present situation of Lisa where she suffered from
complete lack of support from others mainly her family. Her mother used to provide her with
medication and with the withdrawal of such support; she could not maintain her medication as
well. Hence, the professionals need to empower her. Empowering individuals requires them to
develop self-coping abilities as well as self management skills by which she can manage her
medications and also conduct her activities of daily life like cleaning, coking, bathing, being tidy
and others besides taking actions for withdrawal of the substances.
Another concerning issue of Lisa that the mental health professionals should also take
into consideration is the constant auditory hallucination where she felt the need of protecting
herself from her surrounding environment and her boyfriend. Lisa had stated that she was
constantly hearing voices which warned her to protect herself from her boyfriend. She was also
of the opinion that she had several cameras in her house that concerned her of continuous
vigilance. Believing this to be true, her mental peace and her feeling of safety was affected which
made her sleep in the garden shed with that of knife under her pillow so that she could protect
herself from any intruder. She had a constant fear of being watched and this made her sleep
outside the house. Fear plays an important role in the disruption of well-being which can affect
the mental stability of individuals (Hales et al., 2017). Fear is a core process which includes
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discrimination, pwer and control strengthening the attribute of fear by further means (Pearson et
al., 20150. A number of stressors were identified for Lisa like her boyfriend trying to harm her,
keeping a watch over her and also even insertions of transmitter in her stomach. She even
thought that all her thoughts were open to all and she could not maintain her individuality. From
this discussion, it can be seen that transparency and trustworthiness and also from the problem of
feeling of safety. She was not being able to trust anyone because of her auditory hallucination
stating her that she is unsafe. She also could not trust anyone and these two principles need to be
followed by the professionals who would care for her.
The third aspect that is also believed to affect her psychological and mental ability was
her insecurity as well as stress. While interacting with the councilor, she was constantly found to
be distracted and she was even seen to communicate with some virtual individual. A lack of
concentration was also noticed among the client and this can be evidenced where she asked
Jenny to repeat the questions a number of times as he was not attentive in her communication.
She was of the opinion that she cannot adhere to the medication regimen as it was used to be
done by her mother and moving out of the house had affected her medication regime. She had
started taking on more cannabis that further worsened the situation. Insecurity can be considered
as one of the contributors of psychological and mental stability as individuals with insecurity
cannot control their feelings and thinking and constantly feel unsafe even in protected
environment (Sweeney et al., 2015). Another cause of her insecurity was that she always had the
feeling of being harmed by her boyfriend. This further enhances her feelings of insecurity which
had made her addicted to the use of cannabis. In order to help Lisa overcome her insecurity, it is
important for the professional to follow the principle of choice where the professionals would
first put her needs as the main priority and honor her dignity with judging them in any place
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