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Customer Service Management: A Case Study


Added on  2021/02/19

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5 TASK 27 Representation of the four keys :-7 Ways in which four keys are embedded to staff training: 8 CONCLUSION 11 REFERENCES 13 INTRODUCTION Customer Service Management can be defined as the process which exclusively focuses on the service provided to the customers and utilizes a proper support system through which all the inquires and requirements of the customers are met timely and detail of all the activities regarding customer satisfaction are determined. In this report, the case study of Disneyland has been taken in order to

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Case study, customer service management

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Table of Contents
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3
a) Difference between American and European consumer behaviour........................................3
b) Changes to be made in Marketing mix...................................................................................5
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................7
Representation of the four keys :-...............................................................................................7
Ways in which four keys are embedded to staff training:...........................................................8
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Customer Service Management can be defined as the process which exclusively focuses
on the service provided to the customers and utilizes a proper support system through which all
the inquires and requirements of the customers are met timely and detail of all the activities
regarding customer satisfaction are determined. In this report, the case study of Disneyland has
been taken in order to identify cross cultural differences between European and North American
Customers and the changes which will help the management of Disneyland Paris in adjusting to
the local Culture along with reviewing the Marketing Mix for the company. Further, this report
will also evaluate the 4 key aspects of the models adopted by Disneyland and the success of the
organization along with analysis of factors that are limiting the experience of the customers
visiting Disneyland have been identified and discussed in this report.
a) Difference between American and European consumer behaviour.
Consumer behaviour :
It refers to the activities related with group, individual or organization related with buying
products or service of the firm. Behaviour of customers affects the process of buying goods and
services (Stead and Hastings, 2018).
Hofstede Model of Culture :
Culture -
It refers to the behaviour, values, beliefs of the people they accept without thinking very
much about them. These values, behaviour etc. are transferred with the help of communication.
It is the widely used framework for culture. The dimensions of Hofstede Model also
helps to understand the differences in behaviour of consumer across nations. It describes the
impact of society's culture on the values of people that are living in the country such as Europe
and America etc. and how these values influence consumer behaviour (Wirtz and Lovelock,
2016). Difference in behaviour of people living in Europe and America can be understood with
the help of dimensions of Hofstede Model. Such as
Power Distance Index-
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It is the extent to which people having less power expect that power is not distributed equally. In
US, the score of power distance index is low it means that all the people expect that they are
having certain power. It means that everyone has power to influence behaviour towards the
services of Disneyland. In Europe also there is low score of Power distance index. It means
consumers in Europe and America is having less preference for strong brands.
Individualism vs Collectivism-
It means the strength of relationship people are having with other community. In Europe, score
of Individualism is low whereas, in US the score for individualism is high. It means the need of
consumers from US towards theme parks in Disney Land will precede over the need of
community (SOFICĂ and Cosma, 2018).
Masculinity vs Femininity-
The model consider nurturing values as feminine and values that focuses on achievement as
masculine. In Europe, the score for masculinity is low whereas, in US this score is high. It means
that, in Europe the behaviour towards services offered by Disneyland will affect both male and
female. The behaviour of US consumers men will have assertive behaviour.
Uncertainty Avoidance Index-
The extent to which people are threaten due to uncertainty. The score for uncertainty avoidance
is high as compared to Europe. Therefore, consumers of US will have weak behavioural
intentions towards product and service of Disneyland as compared to consumers from Europe.
Long vs Short term Orientation-
In US, the score for long term orientation is low whereas, in Europe it is neutral. It means,
consumers of US will not take economic, cultural, political factors in consideration while
availing services of Disneyland.
Indulgence vs Restraint-
It can create an impact on generational difference. US is having high score of indulgent. It means
that, consumers of this country will focus more on leisure activities offered by Disneyland.
Europe is having restraint culture. It means consumers will not focus more on availing services
of Disneyland theme parks (Mohammad, 2015).
Globalisation theory:
Globalisation can be described in relation with production, technology or communication
across the world. Neo-liberalism theory can be applied to evaluate the difference in behaviour of

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North American and European people on the basis of various factors (Khlif, 2016). This theory
will support trading in goods and services offered by Theme parks of Disneyland.
Food difference-
Generally, consumers from North America prefers to eat beans and bread. They do not
like to consume rice as compared to Asians. People living in different countries prefer to take
more and more vegetables and meat. Therefore, theme park, shopping centres of Disneyland etc.
should consider food preference of Americans and Europeans.
Meal timing-
North Americans took their meal between 7-8 am and dinner between 6-8 pm. Whereas,
consumers living in European countries took their meal approximately 8-8.30 pm. Therefore,
seven hotels, entertainment complex of Disney should consider meal timings opf consumers
while offering food.
Perception of consumers towards Disneyland-
Majority of Americans views theme parks of Disneyland as charming and spectacular
park. Theme parks of Disney in Paris is considered as beautiful park by people living in
America. Whereas, Europeans consider the food offered by Theme park, hotel accommodation
as costly but the experience provided by these place cannot be compared with others.
Labour laws-
Disneyland has to comply with labour laws for parks in California and Florida. Under
this, theme parks should comply wage and hour laws that are given under Fair Labor Standards
Act (FLSA). Whereas, Euro-Disney, theme parks located in Paris will have to comply labour
laws like regulations related with anti-discrimination, participation at work, job security etc
(JAIN, 2017).
b) Changes to be made in Marketing mix.
Marketing mix: It refers to all those factors that helps an organization to influence customers to
buy product or service (Huang, S.S. and Crotts, 2019.). Changes that should be made by Disney'
Paris in marketing mix are as follows:
Standardization of products refers to making the product in a way that it can be sold to
people that are living in different countries. Whereas, adaptation in products means that,
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differentiating the product helps to satisfy the needs of customers that belong to various
countries. For Example- Products offered by Theme park, hotels, conference centre in Paris
should adapt to the needs of Europeans and Americans towards food and other services of
Ethnocentric staffing means, providing employment to people that belongs to same
nationality of which organization belongs whereas, under poly-centric staffing management from
host country. Disneyland Paris should use Ethnocentric staffing because it will help to remove
any communication and cultural barriers. Moreover, Disneyland should provide adequate level
of training to staff members. Different scheme of training should be used for Disneyland Paris
other than as it is being used in America.
Price is the amount at which an organization offers its products or services to customers.
There are various types of pricing policies that may be used by an organization such as premium
pricing, value based pricing, penetration pricing etc. Example - Currently, Disneyland Paris is
using premium pricing policy under this, it has kept price for Theme parks high to develop
favourable perception among customers. At that time, price per adult was in between £13 and
£17 Disneyland Paris should adopt price skimming as it will help to increase the profits and sales
of Disneyland theme parks, hotels etc (De Mooij, 2019.).
It refers to the process through which company makes available the product or service to
the customers. Disneyland should provide various facilities to tourist so that, they will not find
any difficulty to contact at theme parks, hotels of Disneyland in Paris. Currently, Disneyland
assumed that, tourists came through car or public transport individually. Organization should
make efforts for maintaining better relationship with travel operators like coach holiday
operators and short break operators. So that, visitors that are visiting to Theme parks in
Disneyland Paris will easily avail the products and services. For example - Disneyland Paris
should maintain private operators for providing services personally to customers.
The basic concept of promotion is related to marketing function of organization.
Promotion is an activity that is used by company to improve the visibility of organization in
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global market. Purpose of promotion is to make the customers aware of produce, services and
uniqueness of theme park. There are different changes can be implemented by organization to
improve marketing and promotion of theme park (Crane, D., Kawashima and Kawasaki, 2016).
For promotion organization can use different technologies like digital technology and social
media. By using both social media and digital company can increase the accessibility to
Physical Evidence-
The tangible property of organization can be considered as the physical evidence of
company. Physical evidence is most important for organization because it can positively
influence the customer of organization to use services and experience provided by theme park. It
includes the name of organization, posters and promotional boards of with company name and
product. The management and leaders of organization can improve the physical evidence of
company by promoting the name, product and services of company through its property.
Company can promote its name by promoting name of brand through creative and innovative
sign boards on property of company.
The process can also be consider as the methods and procedures that are used by
organization to provide product and services effectively to consumer. To improve process of
company different methods can be implemented in process of theme park. Technology like
artificial intelligence, automation and digital technology can be used to attract more customer
towards the theme park (Beck, 2018).
Representation of the four keys :-
Safety here represents that the rides and various other activities incorporated at the Theme park
are absolutely safe and and the safety of children as well as the adults visiting the park is the top
priority of the workers working there. In every decision that is taken, safety is the top most
priority (Denzin, 2015).

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Courtesy is the second factor which explains that the workers play a major role in ensuring that
customers have a magical experience at Disneyland. Therefore, they must always be courteous
and polite every moment they are in contact with their customers as well as with their colleagues
or partners so that the experience is best.
Show, which is the third element represents that the purpose of the Theme park is to provide
surreal experience to visitors and therefore the workers must always be in their character and
behave in that manner. The customers should live the stories that Disney has presented before
them and this directly or indirectly, contributes in the experience of the guest.
Efficiency, which earlier was capability helps in ensuring that the workers work with diligence
and efficiency so that all the activities are performed smoothly without a hitch and the visitors do
not experience any inconvenience or unpleasantness in their experience (Wills, 2017).
Their impact on creating happiness :- These four keys collectively helped in formulating seven
basic principles guiding the behaviour of the workers at Disneyland based on the characteristics
of seven elves under which they were given key terms like making eye contact and smiling,
seeking guest contact, giving immediate services, creating magical experience, thanking every
guest etc. these four models helped in formulating a service vision with tag line “We create
Happiness (Littaye and Ghez, 2019).” Safety helps in increasing the safe behaviour, courtesy
helps in projection of positive energy and meeting expectations of visitors, show helps in
intensifying the satisfaction level of the experience and efficiency helps in giving maximum
benefit to the visitors of Disneyland.
Four Keys serving as a foundation for all the activities of Disney :- These four factors are the
key servers for all the aspects of Disney:-
Technology under which they try to minimize the waiting time, giving online ticket buying
facility to buyers etc. which will minimize their frustration levels. They also give a magic wrist
band which is linked to the bank account making transaction process easier. They have
developed a great customer experience by successful Employee Engagement where they fo0cus
on giving regular offers and discounts to their employees so that they believe in the concept of
theme park and work in motivated manner (Daley, 2018). While Training their employees also,
they make them cast away their real self and adopt the characteristics of the character for which
they are trained thus putting Disney in the people rather than putting people in Disney.
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Ways in which four keys are embedded to staff training:
The Disney holds the philosophy to pay more attention on customers. The staff needs to
understand requirements of customers and understand them on the basis of psycho-graphics. The
training given to guides ensures that all guides understand the importance of safety as well as
courtesy. In order to make staff eligible the company has make use of these four keys service
standards and embedded this four keys into their staff training process in the following way:
Safety: Disney tries to make sure to provide safety to their customers in order to do so company
appoints chief safety officer. Generally these officers are trained to look and report about the
safety operations in which they train the staff with operator guidelines, the process of designing
rides and also by accident reporting procedure.
However the company does not allow its employees to carry weapon for the purpose of
Disney trains its employees to monitor pools which is located in ships, beaches and on resorts.
The lifeguards are trained for water rescue, basic first aid, CPR and also train them with use of
automated external defibrillators. While in theme part employees check the bags of the visitors
for safety purpose(Yao, 2017).
Courtesy: Disney guides are made to follow these rules which is positive image and
energy,respect to people of every age group and to give services beyond guest expectation.
Show: For implementing this key the guides are trained to remain in their character and perform
their role in show. And to make sure that the show area is ready all time in order to entertain
their guests.
The guides of Disney assures that all its customers are provided with best of their
Efficiency: The employees are trained to be efficient in their work so that guest may get most
from their visit to place. The employees are guided to use their time and resources wisely.
Disney assures that all its employees should be well trained and should be provided with
efficient resources so that all employees are capable to use its resource in best efficient manner.
In Disney institute all employees at every level are provided with highly intention
training. At the initial class which is taken on first day all employees are given training which is
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known as traditions(Zurcher, J. D. and 2017). As the company believes that empowerment
of employees is the most essential factor in order to provide outstanding service. Disney believe
that before providing employees technical training it is required them to understand their role in
a better way, the company share big picture with its employees for creating happiness. As the
company believes that sharing common goal empowers every cast members. Way in which
Disney empowers their employees in order to improve their customer service
However from seeing above two facts it can be seen that there are various opportunities
as well as benefits of model has on the organisation success. The opportunities and benefits
which has been analysed is as follows:
The four key model has helped Disney to achieve success as this model has helped company to
create a team of efficient as well as proficient employees. The team of Disney consist of artists,
story scriptwriters, graphic designer etc., the team is well qualified and also properly trained by
the Disney in order to provide better services to customers(Goldsby and Mathews, 2018).
The model will help company to increase the customer as the model is made by keeping in mind
the customers therefore all its keys help its members to make the guest experience better
therefore it will help company to increase its customer base(Müller and, 2016).
The Disney has made a human brand by enhancing by focusing on enhancing people
relationship and personal experience. The company make changes in its customer service process
with the change in time. For example with the increase of use of technology the company has
also adopted new technology in order to attract and keep up with people of every age group.
Disney also provide exceptional service experience to their guest. The guides are trained in such
a manner as to provide great experience to customers. Disney always tries to provide new
experience to its guest every time. This is one of the important reason behind why customers are
loyal to the Disney(Senarath and, 2019).
However safety is one of the most important factor which almost all organisation need to take
care off so do the Disney do but in spite of this good practice it is also one of the limitations of a

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company. Due to strict security its visitors sometimes face difficulty. It will need that all its
employees are highly technically skilled.
As many of the visitors of Disney is kids therefore the company focuses on creating rides
which is safe for children however this is good for safety of children but because of this reason
Disney fails to provide thrill experience in their rides which results in loss of interest of
youngsters and adults(So And, 2016).
Example of good practice:
Disney believes in sharing and following a common goal which is ingrained in its all
workers starting from top executive to Disney property. The employees or guides of company
always welcome its employees with smile.
Facts and statistics
About 52 million visitors visit the Disney world. It is the most visited vacation resort all
over the world. The Disney is successful because of its amount of manpower, machinery,
technology and creativity(Mustak and, 2016). These are the reasons which make the Disney
world successful.
Global revenue of Walt Disney is about 59.43bn USD
The net income of company is about 12.6bn USD
Number of Disney channel subscribers 225m
Attendence in Disney Animal Kingdom 13.75m
After going through the research conducted in this report, it can be concluded that it is
very important to manage the cultural diversity at the workplace which in this case is
Disneyland. This report analysed the various cross cultural problems that management at
Disneyland faced when they opened their park in Paris. Further, various terms like
standardization, ethnocentric etc. were analysed along with different staffing and pricing policies
have been discussed. Marketing mix of the park were evaluated along with the relevant facts and
the 4 main keys adopted by Disneyland were discussed. This report also identified the factors
that empowered the customer service and the method through which the company has created
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human brand. Lastly, limitations and different examples of good practices were discussed
supported by relevant facts and figures which would help Disneyland in improving their services
in European market. However it can be seen that Disney most of the revenue is generated from
Disney land rather than from Disney movies or any other resources.
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Books and Journals
Daley, J. M., 2018. The Keys to Disney’s Magic and Success.
Denzin, N. K., 2015. Disneyland Indians: circa Paris, 2014. Qualitative Research. 15(4). pp.506-
Gao, R. and Jerome, D., 2019. Cross-cultural management analysis of Disneyland
Paris. Человеческий капитал и профессиональное образование, (1-2), pp.109-112.
Goldsby, M. G. and Mathews, R., 2018. Entrepreneurship the Disney Way. Routledge.
Littaye, A. and Ghez, D., 2019. Disneyland Paris. Aldebaran Publishing.
Müller, O. and, 2016. Using text analytics to derive customer service management benefits
from unstructured data. MIS Quarterly Executive. 15(4). pp.243-258.
Mustak, M. and, 2016. Customer participation management: developing a comprehensive
framework and a research agenda. Journal of Service Management. 27(3). pp.250-275.
Senarath, N. G and, 2019. Method and apparatus for customer service management for a
wireless communication network. U.S. Patent Application 10/200,543.
So, K. K .F. And, 2016. Enhancing customer relationships with retail service brands: The
role of customer engagement. Journal of Service Management. 27(2). pp.170-193.
Wills, J., 2017. Disney culture. Rutgers University Press.
Yao, J., 2017, October. Research on marketing strategy: case study of Disneyland. In Second
International Conference On Economic and Business Management (FEBM 2017).
Atlantis Press.
Zurcher, J. D. and, Parental Roles in “The Circle of Life” Representations of Parents and
Parenting in Disney Animated Films from 1937 to 2017. Mass Communication and
Society, pp.1-23.

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Disney: A Short SWOT Analysis - Value Line. 2019. [Online] Available through
< › Stocks › Highlights>
Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions. 2017. [ONLINE] Available
through :<>
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