
(PDF) A perspective on Peter Mitchell


Added on  2021-04-24

8 Pages2290 Words39 Views
Running head: CASE STUDY OF PETER MITCHELLCASE STUDY OF PETER MITCHELLName of the student:Name of the university:Author note:
(PDF) A perspective on Peter Mitchell_1

1CASE STUDY OF PETER MITCHELLClinical reasoning cycle can be defined as the procedure through which the healthcareprofessionals use their inductive as well as deductive cognitive skills to make clinical decisionsfor providing safe care to patients. Researchers are of the opinion that clinical reasoning can beconsidered as the approach that involves scientific knowledge that may be sometimes in the formof scientific reasoning (Wills & Kelly, 2018). In clinical reasoning cycle, critical thinking isconsidered inherent in clinical reasoning which thereby helps professionals to take decisions thatresult in best outcomes for the patients (Tate et al., 2016). The professionals then need toevaluate the outcomes of the initiatives taken and reflect on and learn from the procedures. Thisassignment will exhibit how a professional can use the CRC cycle to sequentially proceedthrough the case of Peter and help him with interventions so that he can develop a better qualitylife.Peter Mitchell is seen to be a 52 years old man who is currently divorced and has twosons. Sons do not have very close relationships with their father and rarely visits him as they livein other towns. He is seen to suffer from diabetes and even does not know how to properlycontrol the disorder for better life. He is also suffering from obesity and smokes about 20cigarettes in a particular day. He is also seen to be in the preliminary stage of depression and hasisolated himself socially. H e is quite embarrassed by his huge weight that may be another reasonfor his depression.His disorder of obesity is the first priority of nursing professionals. Two importantconnections are found between the chronic situations of obesity as well as diabetes. His illcontrolled obesity symptoms have been the main reason for which his diabetes could not comeunder control. Researchers have stated that when individuals exhibit overweight conditions, itcreates a stress on the endoplasmic reticulum which are membranous networks found inside the
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2CASE STUDY OF PETER MITCHELLcells (Brown et al., 2017). When these organelles have more the amount of nutrients that theycan carry successfully, the networks begin sending alarming signals. These signals tell the cellsof the body to slow down or dampen the receptors of insulin in the cells that are present on thesurface. Therefore, the cells of the body become resistant to insulin for which sugar level in theblood increases. Researchers have also stated another important theory that links obesity withdiabetes. Abdominal fat mainly causes the fat cells to release a particular type of chemicals thatare called the pro-inflammatory chemicals. These chemicals become successful in making thebody less sensitive to action of the insulin. Therefore, the cells of the body become lessresponsive when the pro-inflammatory chemicals are present in the body (Cook eta l., 2018).Obesity hyperventilation syndrome has mainly taken place because of ill-managed obesity. Here,the patients feel to breathe rapidly as well as deeply. As a result, it leads to high blood carbondioxide as well as low oxygen concentration sin the blood. This may expose him to lungdisorders in future.Nursing professionals can conclude that as Peter has poorly managed diet system and noproper health literacy to maintain obesity as well as diabetes. He has developed serioussyndromes of sleep apnoea, obesity hyperventilation syndrome, increased hunger and high basalglucose level. If both the disorders are treated properly, he will develop better quality lives. Fromthe case study, it becomes quite clear that Peter suffers from lack of determination andconfidence to adapt to different interventions to lose weight although he understand the necessityof the interventions in his life. Proper health literacy would be ensured for Peter where he shouldbe first taught about how his obese situation had been the reason of his poorly controlled diabetesand how they are threatening his life. The first initiative of the nurse would be to counsel him inways by which they can assure peter’s self-inclination and determination to follow the strategies
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