
SITXMGT001 - Service Quality Management - Case Study


Added on  2020-03-02

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Case studies 1CASE STUDIESBy (Student’s name)ClassProfessorUniversityCity of LocationDate
SITXMGT001 - Service Quality Management - Case Study_1

Case studies 2Case study oneQuality of services is the key to the maintenance of the current clients and attraction of otherclients. More often, the customers remember not only the beautiful sceneries they saw butalso how they were treated during the tour. This, therefore, means that Green Tour Excursionmust provide high-quality services at all the time. The issues raised by the tour partner are ofutmost importance and thus must investigate and solved immediately. Addressing the issuesstarts by going to the root of each issue and suggesting how to solve the problem best. Thisreport provides a feasible solution to the problems experienced by clients during the tour. Vehicle breakdown due to low fuel falls is the worst experience ever for people on tour.Solving this commence by, monitoring the work hours of the tour guide followed by driversoperation assessment. Foremost, the work hours can be followed by making it mandatory forthe drivers and tour guides to check-in and out at the office every time they report orwhenever they leave work in the evening. This will ensure that only people on duty reportand no one covers up for another. The drivers would be required to report on every healthbreak they take and miles made before the breaks. This helps to identify the efficiency ofevery driver on tour. Each four wheel vehicle will be provided with driver and co-driver toensure that not one driver is overworked. From this, issues such exhaustion that would makethe drivers forget to refuel would be highly omitted. Every staff would be provided with theirco-helper just in case of any emergency. The problem associated with this new adjustmentwould be cost implication on the tour company. This decision would implement afteragreement from all the partners (Slack, 2015). The products used to offer services to thecustomers would be procured from certified companies in advance and large quantities thatwould attract a discount. This would ensure adherence to the quality assurance requirements.Hygiene issues are solved by taking the vehicles for washing every evening after they leavethe tour. This is done at the garage to ensure the vehicles are served and refuelled such that
SITXMGT001 - Service Quality Management - Case Study_2

Case studies 3there will not be any issues with air condition again. The new plan involves reminding all thestaff of their job specification and informing them of the new provision of the customerfeedback forms that would be used to evaluate them. Before this, they would all be takentraining to ensure they are fully equipped to carry out their duties. The budget for this trainingwould be an estimate of $10 for each staff in a day. In 5 days this would translate to $ 50. Case study twoThis appears to be a sexual harassment case. This procedure for this complaint begins byinforming the offender that his behaviour is offensive. If the behaviour persists, then Elena isat liberty to tell her supervisor. If the director does not take any action, the Elena can contactany other senior manager in the organization. The management approached must solve thecase failure of which the case would be taken to a court of law for justice. The decisionwould be made based on the codes of ethics that govern the staff behaviour in anorganization. Standard operating procedure for investigating the complaint. Take no assumptions of guiltAdvise the possible results of the investigation being donePerform separate interviews for the parties concerned.Conduct separate interview of all the witnessesDocument the interviews and the investigationInterview the alleged harasser in seclusion and inform them of their charges whilelistening and recording details. Minimum disclosure of information is ensured.Decide on the appropriate action based on the collected pieces of evidence.Action taken must meet the needs of the business. Moreover, it must be ethically informed.
SITXMGT001 - Service Quality Management - Case Study_3

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