Cybersecurity Threats and Trends
Added on 2020-02-24
15 Pages4238 Words46 Views
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ContentsIntroduction................................................................................................................................1Comparative analysis of Threats................................................................................................2Challenges of security/risk management approach....................................................................6‘’Risk’’ and ‘’Uncertainty’’.......................................................................................................7Riskcontrol and mitigation........................................................................................................7Recommendations......................................................................................................................8Conclusion.................................................................................................................................9References..................................................................................................................................9
IntroductionInformation security is about protecting the information systems of an organization againstsecurity related threats. These threats can either occur accidently or could be deliberate withintensions to cause some harm. Irrespective of the presence of intentions, both cause theconcerns as they can affect the security posture of an organization. This research wouldexplore both deliberate and accidental threats that can cause harm to an organizationconsidering the case of VIC (Victorian) government. The objective is to explore if the VICpolicy is sound enough to help the organization combat these threats or there is a need forimprovement in which case, appropriate recommendations would be made on whether thecompany should keep the security function with itself or outsource the same to an expertorganization in security domain.The VIC government uses The Victorian Protective Data Security Framework (VPDSF) toprotect their data and systems. This framework identified standards of security, securityassurance model, security guidelines, and other supporting resources. The key objective ofthis security framework is to ensure that security risks to the company are minimized. Itexplains the process of establishing protection that includes identification of information andits value, identification of risks to data, application of measures for data security, creation of asecure culture in the organization and taking steps to mature the security capabilities of theorganization.Security Risks and Concerns
High Exposure Risks: Insiders in VIC can take advantages of situations and theaccess given to them to cause attacks and such risks of attacks have high exposure.This is because internal employees would be well aware of the policies andprocedures of the company and its security systems such that before launching anyattacks, they would find the work around to cause maximum damage without gettingcaught [ CITATION Dey12 \l 16393 ].Medium Exposure Risks: When information of data is leaked to unauthorizedpersonnel, it can be a medium exposure risk as it would affect the integrity of theorganization and its system and can also cause data modifications during transit.Medium-Low Exposure Risks: Certain risks can result into damage of the propertiesof information that may be sensitive or confidential. Legal policies can help in suchcases but such attacks can cause further attacks or risks related to regulatory and legalcompliances. However, the likelihood that such things would happen is not high.Low Exposure Risks: Because of large number of people working in the sameorganization, human errors that can cause operational or technical issues can occurbut they are not easily identified. Yet it can cause severe damages if the roll back doesnot happen on time[ CITATION Eng14 \l 16393 ].Comparative analysis of Threats Security Threats are either deliberate that are used for causing a harm or can be causedaccidently because of ignorance or a mistake. Accidental threats can be:Natural calamities causing physical infrastructure damages resulting into data losssuch as happening in the cases of cyclones, earthquake, hurricanes, and tornadoesBreakdown in hardware can cause technical failuresHuman errors or mistakes can cause harm to the security of organization such ascaused in the cases of device loss, opening of unknown emails, tampering withsecurity levels of machines, and downloading of unsafe files.Social Engineering is another way that can affect security. It may only be used fortricking someone into giving away confidential personal information but when thisinformation is leaked to wrong people, it can pose serious risks to the security of theperson whose data is obtained[ CITATION AlK15 \l 16393 ].
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