
Principles of Teachings from Catholic Thought


Added on  2023-06-07

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Teaching from the Catholic principles
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Principles of Teachings from Catholic Thought_1

Article on principles of Catholic teachings
The Catholic social thought has special pillars that guides individuals and members of the
society and embrace the godly behaviors according to Novak, (2017). The following are the five
main principles and how they assist in understanding one self and the community at large.
1. Solidarity
The Catholic teachings embraces treating everyone as brother and sister. Brady,
(2017) argues that solidarity as a principle means being together in times of sorrow and
assisting each other to ensure that everyone prospers regardless of where they stay in the
world. The teaching views the world as one family, one should not dump an individual in
times of need because of where he or she comes from but promote each other through the
love of Christ. As an individual, one should develop a virtue of love to the other people.
It is not good to abandon simply because of his or her race, tribe but treat everyone as a
member of one family. On the part of the community, the principle of solidarity assists in
understanding that even if people come from different societies, they are bound as one
and have a responsibility to be each other brother’s keeper. Every creature comes from
God and it is important to love each other.
2. The principle of participation
The participation principle agitates for the involvement of everyone in the
activities going on in the society. The above principle suggests that every member of the
community should be given a chance to take part in the political, social and economic
development of the society. In understanding the society, the principle teaches that it is
always unfair to ignore other members of the society whether politically, economically
during the development of the society according to Clark, (2014). Ignoring other groups
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of people have a serious consequence. For an example, one part of the society will be
much developed than the other, thus causing unequal balance in the society. Another
evident thing is that there will be constant wrangles between the people allowed to
participate in the developed and the once who have been ignored. However, the Catholic
teaching does not embrace such circumstances. It is important for the society to remain
united as one. The principle helps in understanding on self in that, it makes an individual
understand that no matter where one comes from or the color of their skin, their efforts
are important in realizing the development in the society.
3. Taking care of God’s creation
The principle of taking care of God’s creation as a Catholic teaching means that
every creature on earth belongs to God and each of them deserves more attention as the
other. In many circumstances, human beings tend to use other creatures to meet their
daily needs but fail to acknowledge that they are also God’s creation who should some
rights including food for the stomach. The above rule assist one to understand that, he or
she may not fulfill his purpose without engaging other creatures, however, there should
an extent of care to the creature. Apart from that this principle, Hrynkow & Creamer,
(2015: p.235) says that, in teaching the relationship between the self and the community,
it shows that the other creatures should not be abused but treated as equal to others.
4. Human dignity
The principle of human dignity articulates for the respect of human being’s life.
Using this principle, it is evident that the life of the human being is much sacred and
should and should be treated with much dignity in reference to Massaro, (2015). Every
human being is wonderfully made in the image and likeness of the Almighty Father and
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