
Change Management Assignment | Change Management Model


Added on  2020-05-28

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Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentEnvironmental Science
Running head: CHANGE MANGEMBNT MODEL CHANGE MANAGEMENT MODELName of the StudentName of the UniversityAuthor note
Change Management Assignment | Change Management Model_1

CHANGE MANGEMBNT MODEL1Answer 1Change management theories Organizational change management is the framework that is utilized to manage or tounderstand the effect of new organizational processes. The change that has been implemented inthe organization can be of different types for example cultural change, organizational structurerelated change, business processes, or working environment as these factors could enhance theorganizational productivity and increase the involvement of the employees in the organizationalrestructuring (Rufo, 2012, pp. 325). There are several theories of organizational changemanagement that has been applied by different organizations to successfully implement changein their service or in the structure of their organization. Two from those organizational changemanagement models are going to be explained and critically discussed (Park et al., 2012, pp.123). The first organizational change model is Lewin’s change management model. Kurt Lewindeveloped this model and it is comprised of three steps, unfreezing, changing and refreezing. Thetheory of Lewin of change management was similar to changing the shape of Ice. To change theshape of Ice, it first need to be melted and converted to another shape and finally refreezing to letit retain the shape. Similarly, organizational change needs the amalgamation of efforts from allthe stakeholders, its employees to melt the rigidness and shape the organization in a desiredframe and refreezing again to maintain the newer structural framework of the organization(Hayes, 2014, pp. 213). On the other hand, the second theory that has been chosen for the discussion is ADKARmodel of change. The prime components of this change model are awareness, desire, knowledge,
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CHANGE MANGEMBNT MODEL2ability and reinforcement. According to this change theory, the process of organizational changeis sequential and to achieve the ultimate success or change in the organization every step need tobe successful. The steps of this change theory are interlinked and focuses on every aspect f asuccessful change implementation. This change management model is flexible and focuses onthe importance of communication within the organization to involve the employees of theorganization (Worley & Mohrman, 2014, pp. 220). Therefore, these two change theories provide two different perspective of organizationalchange management. The Lewin model described the organizational change as refreezing aunfreeze water after changing the shape or structure of the framework. The process seems easierand requires melting or dissolving all the processes of that organization. Further, the change isjust limited to the structure or shape of the new frame, no new process is introduced in thischange model (Worley & Mohrman, 2014, pp. 223). On the other hand, the ADKAR changemanagement model involves employees, their communication, the process, the environment andthen related it to the proposed change and the implementation process. The change presented inthis model is derived from discussion with the employees and their feedback and it isimplemented with the involvement of those employees. The change process in this scenario isnot simple and discussion with the entire organization and taking care of their thoughts andbeliefs make the process complicated (Dusseux et al., 2015, pp. 1091). However, the linksbetween these two framework is evident form their structural framework. Any organizationneeds to unfreeze its processes to implement any change; therefore, ADKAR model alsoinvolves processes of Lewin model for successful change implementation. On the other hand,changing the structural framework of any organization cannot be successful without the consent
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CHANGE MANGEMBNT MODEL3from the employees. Hence, the steps of ADKAR model need to be implemented in Lewinchange management model (Bartunek, 2014, pp. 191). Answer 2a. Organizational information The organization that has been chosen for the assignment is The Mobil Australia. Theorganization is a global brand and was established in the year 1911, in New York, the UnitedStates of America. The company changed its name from the standard oil company to Mobil in1963. However, the ancestor company of this company that is known as the Vacuum oil was firstoperated I Melbourne Australia in 1895. However, the name Mobil oil Australia was coined in1990s. The first refinery of the company was established in 1946 in Melbourne. Further, theorganization was able to build refineries in continuous intervals and in regions like Port Stanvac,near Altona refinery and in Bass Strait. However, due to the internal and external unavoidablefactors the organization has to undergo complete organizational restructuring and process re-engineering as to stay alive in the market competition and continue serving the society(Mobil.com, 2018). b. The increasing competitive market and emergence of newer organizations with betterengineering and organizational framework, led the organization the Mobil, re-engineer itsprocess and change the organizational framework. The organization performed all this to stay inthe market competition. As the organization has, a large and complex corporate structure thatinvolves the international division that was responsible for conducting marketing andimplementing necessary steps for the organizations outside USA was established in Australia toindependently continue serving (Killian et al., 2012, pp. 23). The re-engineering of the
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CHANGE MANGEMBNT MODEL4organizational process was divided into different phases such as initiation, diagnosis, process re-engineering, organizational design, implementation and post implementation process. Thechange was to identify a process related activity, changing which can lead to increase theproduction of the company. The further objective for the change management was set in threecategories financial, behavioral and cultural. The company aimed to gain 3 percent in the returnon capital employed compared to its previous year. The behavioral proposed change was aboutthe customers and focused on profits internally as well as externally. The last proposed changewas cultural and the organization wanted to become more team oriented, motivated and astronger and better workforce (Schlichting, 2013, pp. 510). The change agents in this scenariowere the employees as well as the newly appointed Australian Mobil executive, who wasappointed to share the ideas and experiences that he acquired in the headquarter changemanagement happened in USA few years ago. The entire employee, belonging different sectionsand departments of different locations of the organization was divided into teams and their dutywas to use their knowledge and understanding to identify the issue and judge the outcome. Theventure team was also implemented to understand the process related issue and to redefine,redesign and simplify the business activities, and workflow. Further, the recommendation fromthe senior employees was to be proof read by the venture team, which was responsible to takethat suggestion to the Mobil executive (Talbot & Boiral, 2015, pp. 336). c. The change that occurred in the Mobil Australia organization was interlinked with Lewin aswell as ADKAR change management model. The prime aim of the stakeholders of theorganization was to induce change in three sections, financial, behavioral and cultural. Toimplement change in these sections, the first thing that was supposed to perform was involvingemployees and other vulnerable stakeholders in the process. Unfreezing the employees from
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CHANGE MANGEMBNT MODEL5their negative thinking to implement positive change needed three steps of Lewin change model.On the other hand, unfreezing employees limited knowledge needed awareness of the proposedchange, desire, ability of the employee to withstand the change And reinforcement of proposedchange. Arranging workshops about the newer process, meeting for the newer employees withthe experienced ones, arranging feedback sessions to understand the knowledge of the employeeswere utilized to understand the readiness of the organization for change. Involving few loyalcustomers to understand their perspective of organization’s customer involvement policies washelpful to evaluate the change process. Therefore, involving both the theories of changemanagement mentioned in previous answer was implemented in the organization. Answer 3 a. SWOT analysis The SWOT analysis is a marketing tool that is used to determine the market position ofthe company compared to its competitors and helps to understand the future perspective of theorganization with potential threat to its development. The SWOT is made up of strengths,weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the organization in the market. The following table isgoing to describe the SWOT analysis of the organization, when the change was imposed. SWOT analysis Strength The strength of the Mobil company was Its brand power. The organization wasfamous in the global market because ofits brand name and was 4th at that timein global market. The research and development sectionwas strongest portion of theorganization, which led them create orfound three oil reservoirs in Australia
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