
Unit 36 - Human Resources - Values and Contributions to Organisational Success


Added on  2023-06-05

15 Pages1729 Words300 Views
Unit 36 – Human
Resources – Values and
Contributions to
Organisational Success
Unit 36 - Human Resources - Values and Contributions to Organisational Success_1

A background to change management with reference to related theories and models:
The role of HR in managing change and organizational design:
An evaluation of the different types of changes that can impact organizational design
including transformational and psychological change:
A critical evaluation of the often-complex relationship between organizational design
and change management with reference to illustrative examples:
Recommendations on how the organization can take changes forward and implement
them effectively:
Unit 36 - Human Resources - Values and Contributions to Organisational Success_2

Change is one of the most common but important process in the business organization
leading betterment in the workplace, adopting change become necessary at certain
point where firm demand improvement in the work, employee and environment.
This study is based on Tesco, one of the leading retailer in the world with ability to
adopt change.
This report will discuss change management theories and model including role of HR
in managing change.
Later, this report will discuss different types of change including transformational and
At last, this report will discuss often-complex relationship between organizational
change management process.
Unit 36 - Human Resources - Values and Contributions to Organisational Success_3

Change management is complex process, firm face certain type of challenges during
Every business organization have to adopt change for betterment of the workplace and
employee, these changes are necessary in the process.
Tesco need to adopt change management theories and models to manage change in the
workplace, there are certain theories and valuable model for the same, these are:
Lewin's change management model: This is one of the most common but important
model available for adopting change with effective process.
Developed by Kurt Lewin's change management model consist of three important
phases during change, Tesco need to adopt and need to craft strategies during three-
phase, these are:
Unit 36 - Human Resources - Values and Contributions to Organisational Success_4

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