
Sustainability in Project Management PDF


Added on  2020-11-09

21 Pages5982 Words114 Views
Leadership ManagementData Science and Big DataStatistics and ProbabilityEnvironmental ScienceLaw
Chapter 1: IntroductionAs sustainability is very significant subject but limited literature is available in ProjectManagement context. In textile industry sustainability is quite a nonpractical concept. Thesedays our organizational entities are facing substantial issues regarding social andenvironmental parameters and not even a single study has been encored in textile framework.So, this motivated the special issue. This study will help to acknowledge the correlationbetween project sustainability management (PSM) and project success (PS).In Pakistanicontext this study will provide specific recommendation and valuable insights for the policymakers like senior management and leadership to provide export driven industrialization inthis economic turmoil. It will obviously decrease the trade deficit. Since the UN declared 2005-2014 to be the decade of education for sustainabledevelopment (ESD), educating students about sustainability has increased in importance.Higher education’s response encompasses a range of activities, including, but not limited to,campus greening, student activism, and development of academic programs and courses. Onediscipline that has responded is apparel and textiles (AT). According to Dickson et al. (2009),educating and involving students in promoting sustainability throughout the apparel supplychain is warranted. Over the last decade, the AT industry has adopted a more globalizedbusiness model and issues of sustainability have gained significance among all key players,including firms and consumers (Kunz and Garner, 2011). Model has been adapted by (Marly M. Carvalho & Rabechini, 2017) in which socialand environmental performances will be mediated in between above-mentioned aspects.Model has been deployed in product, project perspective and will analyzed to satiate triplebottom line theory as social, environmental performance and project success (economicimpact). “Product perspective will involve Design for environment (DfE), and environmental
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technologies (ET) while project perspective encompasses sustainability focusing PM process& knowledge, the green procurement and partnership (GPP), and social responsibility (SR) inthe project”. Unit of analysis will be Project in which more than 100 orders of export clientsof textile industry will be analysed. Accordingly, at the end “Preacher & Hayes macroStatistical Analysis Technique” will be used to check the validation of hypothesized model inregression framework. Elsewhere that, this study will provide specific recommendation andvaluable insights for the policy makers like senior management and leadership to provideexport driven industrialization.When the opening key-note presentation of the 2008 World Congress of theInternational Project Management Association (IPMA), called upon the project managementprofession to “take responsibility for sustainability” (McKinlay, 2008), the consideration ofthe principles of sustainability in project management was still in its infancy. Some authors,for example Brent and Labuschagne (2006), Labuschagne and Brent (2005, 2007, 2008) andPade, Mallinson and Sewry (2006, 2008), were performing studies on the topic, and theAssociation for Project Management recognised that “the planet earth is in a perilous positionwith a range of fundamental sustainability threats” and “Project and Programme Managersare significantly placed to make contributions to Sustainable Management practices”(Association for Project Management, 2006, p. 1, 7). However, Gareis, Huemann and Martinuzzi, observed in 2009, that “Sustainabledevelopment in temporary organizations such as projects and programs is rarely considered”(Gareis et al., 2009, p. 1). And Eid concluded that the standards for project management “failto seriously address the sustainability agenda” (Eid, 2009, p. 288). More recently, Silvius andTharp (2013) concluded that “the relationship between sustainability and project managementis ... picking up momentum” and that the majority of studies was published in the last fouryears (Silvius & Tharp, 2013, p. xix).
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This growing attention for the consideration of sustainability in project managementis encouraging, however, it also bears some challenges as the concept of sustainability isunderstood by instinct, but difficult to express in concrete, operational terms (Briassoulis,2001). The content and understanding of corporate sustainability also varies according to thecontext (van Marrewijk, 2003). With insights and knowledge developing, Silvius (2013)concludes that an overview is needed. This article aims to contribute to this overview byproviding a structured review of the available literature on sustainability and projectmanagement. With this review, we aim to answer two main research questions: How issustainability defined or considered in the context of project management? How doesconsidering sustainability impact project management?Most of the scholars and professionals have been attentive towards the sustainabilityand PM(Silvius & Schipper, 2014) but despite of bridging under discussion fields are stillchallenging(Mauro L. Martens & Carvalho, 2017; Mauro Luiz Martens & Carvalho, 2016b)and it is hard to contribute perfectly. In a previous decade history, publication growth on thistopic is quite significant(Silvius, Utrecht, Schipper, Aetsveld, & Management, 2016).While considering the sustainability in projects it is needed to acknowledge that triple bottomline is basic concept under this span where economic, environmental and social aspects ofprojects are discussed(Elkington, 1998). The interlinking between Eco-design and PM is a “missing link for the integration ofsustainability”(F. Brones, De Carvalho, & De Senzi Zancul, 2014), which is clearlyexhibiting the importance of concern study. But on the other side academic literature islacking so much in this linking as PSM and PS. In-fact most of the scholars and researchershave put this gap in the practice and literature as well(Marcelino-Sádaba, González-Jaen, &Pérez-Ezcurdia, 2015; Singh, Murty, Gupta, & Dikshit, 2012; Thomson, El-Haram, &Emmanuel, 2011).
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In order to build a model between sustainability and PM we need to think out of the box andmust overcome axiological mindset on sustainability(Bolis, Morioka, & Sznelwar, 2014). It isvery important to collect complete details about the model making, parameters and aspects ofyour construct in sustainability of PM area because it is very hard to develop a model withinsufficient, inaccurate, misleading details without knowing the gravity ofcomplexity(Cooke-Davies, 2004; Din, Abd-Hamid, & Bryde, 2011). This type of studycouldn’t able to provide any findings. The research model has been adapted by (Marly M. Carvalho & Rabechini, 2017), Inwhich the mediation effect of environmental performance and socially performance will beanalysed. Advocated by (Blackburn, 2007) that While considering the sustainability moreprecisely It is observed that sustainability is triple bottom line affect in which economicsustainability is basically achieved by boosting environmental and social performances moreefficiently. Achievement of economics and financial goals in a project is effectiveness of PS.Customer cooperation and green purchase can be enhanced by improving green practices andenvironmental orientation of internal stakeholders of the project(R. Y. K. Chan, He, Chan, &Wang, 2012). While socialization and education is occurred in any project, it helps to adoptenvironmental ethics and to observe the manager’s commitment towards growth of corporatesustainability (Banerjee, Iyer, & Kashyap, 2003). Organizations having projects are very much focused to their deliverables that it mustbe innovative and value creative(Keeys & Huemann, 2017). They emphasise to acknowledgeall critical success factors which enhanced the capacity and aptitude of organisation toexecute the project with its full strength(Baccarini & Archer, 2001). PS in the organizations isto achieve desired outcome as per customer with maximum efficiency(Paolo Landoni, 2011).
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In textile organizations where raw material is converted into finished goods significant levelof negative implications regarding environmental and social activities are existed especiallywater effluent, air pollution and human resource activities are manipulated. Triple bottom line concept clearly providing equal importance for environmental,economic and social sustainability. Meanwhile most of the companies ready to pay extra forfollowing sustainability practices during their product production. (Bin Shen, Yulan Wang,2012). At worldwide market level, most of the eminent brands as fast fashion brand H&M,outdoor wear brand Patagonia and luxury brand Louis Vuitton have executed manyapproaches to improve the sustainability level in their production units(Shen, 2014; Shen,Choi, Wang, & Lo, 2013; L. Wang & Shen, 2017). Concerned study is necessity of presentindustrial culture and of Pakistan. One of the most widely used definitions of sustainable development states thatsustainable development is “development that meets the needs of the present withoutcompromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (Bruntland, 1987).And although about half of the publications in the sample does not explicitly provide adefinition of sustainability or sustainable development, 28% of the publications refer to thisdefinition of the World Commission on Environment and Development (Bruntland, 1987) asa conceptual starting point. Sustainability focused Textile curricula concentrates onincreasing students’ knowledge of sustainability issues and engagement in sustainableconsumer behaviors. Researches little to none are available in context of project managementin the field of textile.1.1Problem statementThere are many questions related to sustainability and project management are stillpending(Marcelino-Sádaba et al., 2015). Especially project sustainability management and
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success in fact bridging between them still lacking empirical evidences(Schaltegger, Lüdeke-Freund, & Hansen, 2012). A hypothesis adapted model of (Marly M. Carvalho & Rabechini,2017) will be presented to analyse in the textile industry. It is the call for the researcher thatthis model will give different result by specifying country and industry so country, industryspecially export clients are being specified in this study. (Marly M. Carvalho & Rabechini,2017)provided direct affect between PSM and social impact generation which is PS, butadapted model will give parallel mediation affect between above mentioned aspects withdistinct and differential impact. Textile industry is one of the polluted industries and it is global concern, meanwhilePakistan is developing Asian country where sustainability parameters are not followed by theindustries properly but export client which is unit of analysis has specific targets andmandatory sustainability requirements for the export, so this is pioneer and timely study inthis frame work. 1.2Significance of studyDue to the value of sustainable development, only minimal literature can be found inthe field of project management. Sustainability is not a realistic term in the textile industry.Our organisations are currently facing major social and environmental criteria and not even asingle research in the area of textiles. This was thus the explanation for the particular issue.This research helps to understand the connexion between PSM and PS. Project Performanceis the product of this analysis. The report would provide Pakistani policymakers includingmanagement and leadership with concrete guidelines and useful perspectives to ensureexport-led industrialization in this financial turbulence. Clearly, the trade deficit will decline.1.3 Research QuestionsThe following uestion is the primary aim of the entire research investigation:
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