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Transformation and Implementation of Innovation Systems in Dubai Municipality


Added on  2019/09/16

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The provided assignment content includes a research study on the transformation of UAE's air transport industry and its contribution to the country's economy. Additionally, there are various academic papers and articles on urban development, sustainable cities, and innovation practices in different fields. The content also includes an appendix with a questionnaire survey on innovation practices being followed in the Building Permits department of Dubai Municipality.

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Chapter Three : Research Methodology
3.0 Introduction :
Research methodology is considered to be vital in research study. In this section,
the researcher describes research philosophy, significance, methodology,
approaches, sample, etc.
3.1 Research Philosophy:
There are three major research methods. As Creswell (2013), points out these three
major research methods are quantitative, qualitative, and mixed. These methods are
based on nature of the research and the questions mentioned, the research will
depend mainly on the mixed method of qualitative and quantitative approach that
consists of integrating one set of data, using theoretical and philosophical frame
works. The reason for having the mixed method can be as Kumar, (2005) highlighted
the collection of both quantitative and qualitative data, will neutralize weakness of
analysis findings and makes its results comprehensive and applicable. By using
reports for the current and past situations, enhance the overall view of the research.
According to Easterby-Smith, Thorpe & Jackson (2008), descriptive study of data
collection, allows the researcher to use both quantitative and qualitative data to find
characteristics of the phenomenon being studied and offers a valuable multifaceted
approach for the data collection. It is where the researcher seeks for adequate
description of processes and accurate information. As Monsen (2007) states,
descriptive approach supports facts that are uncovered rather than to test predicted
relationship among variables. For this study, descriptive approach is the best model
to adopt, because it is keen to collect information regarding existing situations .
Initially, the data summary is critically reviewed through analytic tools to analyze
them completely. The next stage is to ask about the findings. Then, the researcher
will explore why these findings here exist and what more investigation, explanation of

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justifications should be sought. The researcher will try to remove weakness factors of
the descriptive approach as the objectivity, confidentiality and bias concerns to
avoid human interests (Berg, 2004). Atkinson, P. & Hammersley, M.,(1988)
suggested that qualitative research approach can be strengthened by integrating
interviews with the study observations.
3.2 Research Design:
This study is designed to provide help in evaluating, selecting, and determining the
best actions for the situations studied. Based on Bryman and Bell (2015), research
design is the milestone for performing any research.
3.3 Methods of Data collection:
A- Interviews:
According to White, M.D. & Marsh, E.E.,(2006) interview is a popular instrument for
data collection and this can give valuable data and information when it is organized
properly. Even King, and Horrocks (2010), stated that qualitative interview
approach is one of the most useful methods for collecting data.
The purpose of the qualitative interview is to share with the knowledge that is
conceptual and theoretical and based on the interviewee experience (Patton, 2005).
It is also demanded that in the interview, information should be followed and sought
in depth around the topic, and therefore, whatever is gained is for study and
investigation purpose only. Furthermore, the researchers employ their expertise,
hypothesizing and analyzing data collected from interviews.
Denzin and Lincoln (2000), recommended that semi-structured interviews are most
likely to be used in healthcare industry research due to its content of vital questions
to address the areas for exploring. Because it enables the interviewer to move freely
to follow ideas or responses with more details. Such flexibility approach gives an
opportunity for expansion of relevant information and discovering areas that might be
previously thought not relating to the research.
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B- Questionnaire:
According to Burgess (2001), questionnaire is a tool of collecting data and recording
information on specific topics or issues of interest. Hence the questionnaire mainly
consists of a list of questions and these questions should be directed with
instructions, based on its nature and purpose.
Boynton and Greenhalgh ( 2004), mentioned that defining aims of the study is the
first step in doing a survey. According to Krause (2002), researchers should review
the relevant literatures, study previous researches on the same topic, examine
previous questionnaire designs and check the latest findings. Therefore, before
conducting the survey all these principles were taken into consideration for this
The questions of the study were categorized and organized in a logical order. The
questionnaire was designed to suit to a case based situation, with a view to attract
respondents to read and complete easily.
According to Bryant and Smith (2001), rushing for the survey indicates that quality
and reliability of survey might be questioned. In the survey, design of questionnaire,
time needed for answering survey questions, the purpose of survey and the
participants profiles to be included. Even there should be details in the introductory
letter such as title, purpose of the survey, questions being asked, and who will
conduct it.
C - Design of interview / Questionnaire
Bradbur ,et al ., (1992) suggested maximum ten questions to be asked for in any
group. Questions for the interviews to be designed as open ended questions. It
should also considered to be clear to point and short, avoiding ambiguous words.
Brace, (2008) mentioned that questions of the interviews are ideally to be semi-
structured in nature with open ending format.
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According to Kothari (2004), questionnaire design is essential for collecting useful
data and information. It requires lot of efforts and exerting more thoughts to be
developed in sequential stages. Therefore, all questions of the questionnaire are
selected to provide value to the topic, being understandable, clear, and to avoid
confusion. Questions were so selected to examine attitudes and opinions of people
related to the same subject .
Here for this study the online method was chosen because it allows a very wider
number of facilities to share in, a speedy communication mechanism of responding
and receiving. The reasons for using closed ended questions is that closed
questions are easily managed and also coded (Kelley, et al., 2003). The main reason
for selecting these type of questions is because it will allow comparisons of different
respondents and observes the variations. Just few questions were open ended.
D - Case Study Design:
According to Merriam (1988), case study is a research approach by which
exploration of a phenomenon within its given setting can be prepared by using a
wide variety of data sources.
The case study finds exploration and understanding of some complicated issues
(Yin, 2011). Hence, it is considered to be one of the genuine research tools to be
used for in depth investigations. This approach seems to be fit to align with the
study purpose while tries to understand deep complexity and the barriers.
From the varied case study designs, selection of a specific type of a case study
entirely depends on purpose of the study. Four types of case study designs were
observed : single - case (embedded) design, single - case, (holistic) design, multi-
case (embedded) design, multi-case (holistic) design. Stake (2013) highlighted that
the evidences and findings generated from this type of study is dependable and
reliable. However, some disadvantages can be anticipated like cost and time
consuming factors.

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Therefore, it is clear that the reason behind selecting the mixed approach and the
questionnaire is designed in a way to have both closed ended and open ended
questions as it required.
E. Sample :
A questionnaire was designed and sent via e-mails / Online surveys to 126
respondents in Dubai Municipality – Building Permits department; out of which 104
responses have been received. A response rate of 82.5 has been obtained through
Surveys which the researcher found a good response rate. A blank questionnaire
is attached at Annexure 1 at the end.
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Chapter Four : Analysis & findings
4.0 Introduction :
Analysis and findings of the survey is described in following pages :
4.1 Analysis :
Question 1 : I have knowledge in innovation
This question assesses the knowledge level of employees on Innovation. Out of
104 surveys, 65 respondents (62.5%) have agreed that they have knowledge and
aware of innovation process. Analysis is shown in figure 1 below :
Q1 : I have knowledge on innovation
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Figure 1 : I have knowledge in innovation
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Question 2 : I believe using knowledge of innovation increases my productivity at
To test usage of innovation in work, this question was asked. A total of 74
respondents (71.15%) have agreed that they believe usage of innovation increases
productivity in their work place. Analysis is shown in figure 2 below :
Q2 : I believe using knowledge of innovation increases my productivity at
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Figure 2 : I believe using knowledge of innovation increases my productivity at work

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Question 3 : I feel overwhelmed by understanding innovation practices in other
To understand awareness of innovation practices in other countries, this question
was put. A total of 64 respondents (61.5%) have agreed that they are aware of the
innovation practices being followed in other countries. Still 25 respondents (24%)
have not been able to clearly articulate practices in other countries. Analysis is
shown in figure 3 below :
Strongly Agree
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Q3 : I feel overwhelmed by understanding innovation
practices in other countries
Figure 3 : I feel overwhelmed by understanding innovation practices in other countries
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Question 5 : My organization makes effective use of technology in implementation
of innovative practices.
From this question it was understood effective use of technology in implementation
of innovative practices. 60 respondents (57.6%) have agreed that they are using
technology in implementing innovation practices. 31 respondents (29.8%) have
remained neutral. Analysis is shown at figure 5 below :
Q5 : My organization makes effective use of technology in implementation of
innovative practices
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Figure 5 : My organization makes effective use of technology in implementation of innovative
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Question 6 : Benchmarking innovation practices of other countries being followed in
Dubai Municipality.
For this question, only 57 respondents (54.8%) have agreed that they are following
benchmarking innovation practices of other countries. But 30 respondents (28.8%)
have neither agreed or disagreed. Analysis is shown at figure 6 below :
Q6 : Benchmarking innovation practices of other countries are being followed
in Dubai Municipality
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Question 6 : Benchmarking innovation practices of other countries being followed in Dubai

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Appendix 1
Innovation at Building Permits Department
Dear Respondent,
I am conducting survey on Innovation practices being followed in Building Permits
department of Dubai Municipality. I request you to kindly give your candid opinion
on various factors/parameters provided in the below questionnaire.
Please be informed that the information provided by you will be kept anonymous
and strictly confidential .
Warm regards
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* Instructions: Please answer the following questions by indicating your preferences on the scale mentioned
below each question
1. I have knowledge on innovation
1 = strongly disagree 2 = disagree 3 = neutral 4 = agree 5 = strongly agree
2. I believe using knowledge of innovation increases my productivity at work
1 = strongly disagree 2 = disagree 3 = neutral 4 = agree 5 = strongly agree
3 I feel overwhelmed by understanding innovation practices in other countries
1 = strongly disagree 2 = disagree 3 = neutral 4 = agree 5 = strongly agree
4 I implement innovation practices in my work place.
1 = strongly disagree 2 = disagree 3 = neutral 4 = agree 5 = strongly agree
5 My organization makes effective use of technology in implementation of innovative practices
1 = strongly disagree 2 = disagree 3 = neutral 4 = agree 5 = strongly agree
6 Benchmarking innovation practices of other countries are being followed in Dubai
1 = strongly disagree 2 = disagree 3 = neutral 4 = agree 5 = strongly agree
7 We face lot of challenges in implementation of innovation practices in Dubai Municipality
1 = strongly disagree 2 = disagree 3 = neutral 4 = agree 5 = strongly agree
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8 In the Dubai Municipality, major focus is on changing from hard infrastructure to soft
1 = strongly disagree 2 = disagree 3 = neutral 4 = agree 5 = strongly agree
9 The innovation system will increase productivity of the employees
1 = strongly disagree 2 = disagree 3 = neutral 4 = agree 5 = strongly agree
10 Learning the new system will take time and effort of the employees
1 = strongly disagree 2 = disagree 3 = neutral 4 = agree 5 = strongly agree
11 In Dubai Municipality, employees are very reluctant to learn new innovation systems
1 = strongly disagree 2 = disagree 3 = neutral 4 = agree 5 = strongly agree
12 All the employees and staff are motivated to learn and implement innovation systems iin the
Dubai Municipality
1 = strongly disagree 2 = disagree 3 = neutral 4 = agree 5 = strongly agree
13 All employees would like to receive training for implementing the innovation system
1 = strongly disagree 2 = disagree 3 = neutral 4 = agree 5 = strongly agree
14 What improvements would you like in implementation of the existing innovation system to
benchmark with other countries?
15 Any other suggestions you would like to give regarding the implementation of the new
1 out of 19
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