
Diploma of Community Services CHCDEV002 Application Assessment


Added on  2023-06-15

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Disease and DisordersNutrition and WellnessLanguages and Culture
CHCDEV002 – Application Assessment
Unit code: CHCDEV002
Unit title: Analyse impacts of sociological factors on clients in
community work and services
Learner Name:
Learner Phone:
Declaration: The attached assessment is my own work.
I have kept a copy of this assessment for future records.
Learner signature:
Date submitted:
(When you start working on the unit)
Each time you work on your unit, you MUST record the details below.
Date Start
Tick ()
(Includes Face to
face, DVD’s, Zoom,
Reading, Phone
Tick ()
(Knowledge and
Assessor name:
Outcome: Satisfactory  Not Yet Satisfactory (Resubmit Required)
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Important Information
Resource and Assessment Information
Resources and Assessments are written and designed by Aspire to Succeed Pty Ltd and include a range of the
types of scenarios, templates and checklists an Industry Based organisation might use as part of its Quality
Systems. These include documents that form part of a framework for compliance and/or operational policies and
Copyright and Trademark Statement
The Copyright Act 1968 (Commonwealth) protects this material. Requests and enquiries concerning this material
should be directed in writing to:
Aspire to Succeed Pty Ltd
PO Box 637
This product has been prepared by Aspire to Succeed Pty Ltd using their best endeavours to ensure contents are
correct and accurate at time of release. Aspire to Succeed Pty Ltd does not give any warranty nor accept any
liability in relation to the contents or information added by parties during contextualisation and use. If any law
prohibits the exclusion of such liability, Aspire to Succeed Pty Ltd limits its liability to the extent permitted by law.
Continuous Improvement
Aspire to Succeed Pty Ltd is committed to the standard of products it provides and we welcome feedback from
learners and users of our materials. Occasionally during review, we are alerted to minor errors or mistypes. If you
see any, please let us know at admin@aspiretosucceed.com.au
Important Information about this unit
Unit Level
This unit/s have been written in alignment with the requirements found in the CHC Training Package. All up to date
Versions of this unit can be found at - https://training.gov.au/
This unit is delivered AQF – level 4. The unit is written and assessed at the level to ensure that students gain the
knowledge and skills to the unit outcome.
Employment Outcomes applicable to this unit
Level 5 (Diploma
Community Care Manager
Coordinator of Volunteer Work
Team Leader
Care Team Leader
Family Services Coordinator
Support Facilitator (Community Services)
Community Housing Resources Worker
Community Development Worker for Social
Community Recreation Coordinator
Housing Manager
Housing Assistant
Assistant Community Worker
Community Worker
Aboriginal Housing Worker
Community Services Coordinator
Case Coordinator (Disability)
Youth Housing Support Worker
Family Support Worker
Community Access Coordinator
Pastoral Care Counsellor
Aboriginal Neighbourhood House Coordinator
Case Coordinator (Community Services)
Welfare Support Worker
Senior Youth Worker
Disability Team Leader
Support Facilitator (Disability)
Community Housing Worker
Community Work Coordinator
Early Intervention Worker
Community Program Coordinator
Pastoral Care Worker
Assistant Community Services Worker
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Learner Instructions
Resources to complete this unit of competency may include:
To establish overall competency for this unit you may utilise workplace resources such as the ones listed below.
You are not limited to, the following resources:
Residential Care Manual
Aged Care Act
Disability Act
Mental Health Act
Industry and organisation service standards
Industry and organisation codes of practice/ethics
Accreditation standards
International and national charters
Organisation policy and procedure
Workplace documents
Industry – web
Hints and Tips
Attend all training sessions as this will assist with your knowledge and understanding of the unit
If you need assistance please contact your trainer/assessor and ask for it
Visual materials may be provided to support your learning experience. In some cases the DVD may
not have been recorded in the specific environment in which you are training in, the content is
considered to be transferrable and relevant to the overall application of skills within the community
Learner Assessment Instructions
Assessment Process for the Learner
If you feel you can demonstrate or have prior skills for this unit, it is recommended that you inform your
assessor and apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for this.
Overall Assessment
As a learner you are required to demonstrate competency for each unit within your chosen qualification.
To achieve competency, follow the steps below:
1. Knowledge Assessment – Written questions and Case Studies.
2. Complete the minimum 120 hours of workplace requirements.
Additional Assessment
1. WHS and workplace practices will continue to be assessed throughout the course.
Conditions of Assessment
All work submitted must be your own work. Should you add content from other sources, please make sure this
is referenced in your assessment.
Assessor Assessment Instructions
Overall Assessment
Your learners are required to demonstrate competency for each unit within their chosen qualification.
Competency will need to be demonstrated through the following methods:
1. Knowledge Assessment – Written questions and Case Studies.
2. Workplace application.
3. Completed assessor confirmation
Note: should the learner be required to re-submit or repeat the assessment, a new assessment (full
or partial) is to be provided to the learner with a new assessment cover sheet.
Part B – Activities
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1. Select three (3) consumer experiences from the list below. S NS
a) Identify the possible effects and consequences of inequality on the consumer as an individual,
as part of the community and family.
b) Identify the most appropriate program to meet the consumer needs. Discuss your reasons.
Families experiencing
Women and children
experiencing domestic
Asylum seekers
People living with mental
Long term unemployed
People living with a
People experiencing drug
LGBTIQ young people
Aboriginal people
Low-income earners
Single parents
4 Selected Possible effects and consequences of inequality
on the consumer as an individual and as part of
the community and family
Most appropriate program
to meet consumer needs.
Reasons Why.
Women and children
domestic violence
The domestic violence against the women and
children are commonly reported issue to Department
of Communities and Justice(DCJ). The violence
against the children affects their entire life. In the
past decade, many women faces domestic violence in
their families and also forced marriage and children
were forced to work at an early age in the factories
by the families which affect their mental as well as
their physical health. Children and women facing the
domestic violence faces consequences such as
increased anxiety and depression, stress and
disorders in the children.
Campaigns are organized to
make an effort to reduce and
end the domestic violence
faced by women and children.
The Campaign against
Domestic Violence (CADV)
was founded in 1991 to deal
with violence which is faced
by women and reduce the
inequality faced by the
women in the society.
People living with
The inequality faced by the disabled person in the
workplace an also in the community can impact their
mental health which can have negative impact on the
person as they face that they are discriminated form
the other person in the workplace. Living with the
disability is not easy as they can face social and
financial issues and the person is unable to perform
their daily task. It is observed that people with
disability faces criticism in the society.
Under employment act
various privileges are giving
to the disabled person so that
they are not ill-treated and
discriminated on the basis of
their disability. The
government has started a
Comprehensive Program for
Persons with Disabilities
which aims to promote and
focuses on preventing the
areas of disability and provide
opportunities to the disabled
People living with
mental illness
It is a cause of disability in the person and can cause
various emotional, behavior and physical stress. The
person with this disability faces abuse and violence
and not only the disabled person but their family also
faces discrimination in the society as well. Sometimes
their human rights are also violated like paying low
income because of their disability.
The government funds in
variety of programs and
campaigns which provides
variety of support services to
the person with mental
illness. This includes income,
community support. The
government have also
introduced the schemes
where the disabled person are
provided monthly amount for
their care and future.
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1. Select four (4) initiatives from the list below.
Outline the aim and benefits of the program for the consumer.
Anti-smoking and quit
Breast cancer screening
Prostrate screening
Drug abuse
Falls prevention
Healthy ageing
Indigenous health
Leisure and health
Mental health campaigns
Nutrition, eat well, and
obesity programs
Physical activity
Safe driving
Wearing a seat belt
4 selected Aim and benefits of the program for the consumer.
Mental health
Aim:1. To raise the awareness and give priority to the mental issues around the world
and support the programs relating to the mental illness.
2. To reduce the stigma associated with the mental illness.
3. To provide better care and opportunities as normal person has in order to live
their life peacefully.
Benefit: It helps to raise the awareness related to the important health issues so that
individual gets the information and services. Awareness creates new improvement for
the disabled person. It increases the knowledge connected with the mental health. It
helps to decrease the stigma related top mental health and raises confidence and the
ways to approach the person who is suffering form the mental illness. These programs
help to reduce the negative thoughts which arise to the person suffering form the
Nutrition, eat well
and obesity
Aim: The aim of the nutrition program is to motivate people to eat balanced and
healthy diet and also focuses on maintaining the health in future and also creates
awareness of not eating healthy food which can cause serious health problems and
result in obesity which can be dangerous for a person.
Benefit:The benefit of introducing the nutrition and eat well program is to spread
awareness and benefits of the including balanced diet in the daily lifestyle and also
light exercise in the lifestyle. It also specifies the benefits such as reduced risk
diseases, how obesity can cause life threat for person.
Wearing seat belt
Aim: The purpose of wear seat belt program is to create awareness about the safety
of the person and encourages the drivers and the passengers to put their seat belts in
order to avoid serious injuries.
Benefit: The benefit of this program is for the protection of the consumers in order to
avoid serious accidents which can arise in not wearing the seat belt. Strict laws have
been made regarding wearing of seat belts and is mandatory and responsibility that
the consumers have to follow these rules.
Aim: The purpose of the program is to increase and spread awareness about
diabetes and consequences related and take appropriate measures in prevention of
this cause by organizing various related activities. The awareness program help to
safeguard and improve the health of a person.
Benefit: These programs in beneficial as it educates people about the harmful effects
of diabetes and also suggest the ways to reduce its effects and also provided the diet
and food which should be avoided in this type of health problem.
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2. Listed below are some key topics currently being analysed by the Australian
Answer the questions for each topic.
Your answers will vary from others as there will be your own personal beliefs, morals and
religion that may affect your answers.
Should terminally ill patients be allowed to end their lives via assisted suicide?
Yes No
Provide a rationale for your decision.
No, the person is not allowed to end their lives through assisted suicide as firstly attempting
suicide is considered illegal in the eyes of law and also creates negative image in towards the
society as every person will have the same mindset and ending their lives due to the disease.
Analyse any possible cultural effects or consequences from this?
The people will have the negative mentality if people have the mindset for ending up their lives
when they are suffering form the disease. Apart from this, an individual has no right to violate the
laws of the government which they are bound to comply.
Analyse any possible social effects or consequences from this?
It will create a negative impact on the society if the person wants to die due to their bad health
which cannot be cured and the society will also especially the old aged person will have the same
Analyse any possible health effects or consequences from this?
It can have both positive and negative impact on the health of a person as it depends upon the
mindset of the person whether it is right to take such decisions that can have impact on the
Analyse any possible employment effects or consequences from this?
If People do not have knowledge about the laws and opt for assisted suicide so in this case there
will be increase in the death that can affect the employment as well.
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