
CHCDIS004 Communicate using Augmentative and Alternative Communication Strategies


Added on  2023-06-09

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Communicate using augmentative and
alternative communication strategies
Learner Guide
Student Name:
Integrated Training Solutions (Aust) Pty Ltd
T/A Intercare Training
205 Thomas Street
Dandenong Vic 3175
Phone: 1300 10 2273
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CHCDIS004 Communicate using augmentative and alternative communication strategies
Version 1 December 2016 ITS (Aust) Pty Ltd Page 2 of 110
Table of Contents
How to study this unit........................................................................................................ 4
Element 1: Identify the current communication capacity and needs of the person............7
Working in collaboration with the person, family and/or carer and/or relevant other, to
identify communication needs
Working collaboratively...................................................................................................... 9
Coexisting health conditions............................................................................................. 10
Communication and culturally diverse clients..................................................................12
Augmentative and Alternative Communication................................................................13
(AAC) Augmentative and Alternative Communication systems........................................14
Principles and practices.................................................................................................... 15
Using appropriate tools to identify the level of current communication ability -AAC
practice / Person Centred Assessment
Using appropriate tools.................................................................................................... 16
Using appropriate supports to aid the person’s current communication capacity............20
Basic AAC strategies......................................................................................................... 20
Documenting the outcomes of this process in line with organisation procedures............24
Consulting with additional people including family and/or carers and/or relevant others as required
......................................................................................................................................... 27
Consulting other health professionals..............................................................................28
Making appropriate referrals to professionals and other service providers as required in
consultation with supervisor
Making a referral.............................................................................................................. 35
Using translation and cultural interpreters.......................................................................36
Using professional interpreters.........................................................................................37
Other sources of interpreters...........................................................................................37
Different types and levels of Interpreters.........................................................................39
Element 2: Develop effective AAC strategies...................................................................41
Providing information to relevant professional/s about the person with disability in
relation to their likes/dislikes, daily activities and current communication needs
Developing communication strategies to meet individual needs and level of
communication, considering the person’s history and preferences and in consultation
with relevant senior staff/professionals
Adjusting available tools and programs to address individual needs and preferences.....45
Adjusting programs.......................................................................................................... 46
Seeking advice from other staff and relevant others as required and work within scope of practice
......................................................................................................................................... 48
Element 3: Implement AAC strategy.................................................................................50
Using different strategies and devices in AAC..................................................................50
Non-electronic AAC........................................................................................................... 51
Key word Signage............................................................................................................. 54
Key Word signs................................................................................................................. 60
Electronic AAC.................................................................................................................. 63
Training and support........................................................................................................ 65
Documenting communication support strategies in the person’s individualised plan......68
Organising the environment to optimise communication opportunities...........................71
Environment..................................................................................................................... 73
Practical support methods................................................................................................ 74
Reinforcing communication by timely and appropriate response.....................................76
Identifying difficulties experienced by the person when communicating and respond to
difficulties within own work role and responsibilities
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Referring difficulties outside own role and responsibilities to appropriate person............84
Providing practice opportunities and information to the person to maintain consistency in
their use of communication strategies and encourage contact with other users or support
Making contact with other users and support people.......................................................87
Element 4: Monitor report and review communication strategies....................................89
Setting up and maintain reporting and recording system to assist with monitoring and review 89
Reviewing reporting and recordings to monitor success of communication strategies and
make changes as required in consultation with senior staff/professionals
Holding a case conference...............................................................................................91
Identifying barriers to the effective use of AAC strategies and devices............................93
Working with other relevant people to overcome the barriers.........................................96
Implementing any modifications to communication strategies and devices.....................98
Identifying opportunities to increase communication vocabulary...................................100
Maintaining accurate written records according to established directions and within
organisation protocols
Individual Education plans (IEP) and Individual Learning Plans (ILP)...............................104
Personal Futures Planning (PFP).....................................................................................105
Guidelines for preparing documentation.........................................................................106
Storing documentation................................................................................................... 108
Bibliography.................................................................................................................... 110
Copyright © This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the
Act 1968 (Amendment Act 2006), no part may be reproduced by any process
without prior written permission of the author Andrea Kelly - Resource Learning:
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Version 1 December 2016 ITS (Aust) Pty Ltd Page 4 of 110
How to study this unit
You will find review learning activities at the end of each section. The learning activities in
this resource are designed to assist you to learn and successfully complete assessment
tasks. If you are unsure of any of the information or activities, ask your trainer or
workplace supervisor for help.
The participant will be required to demonstrate competence through the following means:
Methods of assessment
Observation in the work place
Written assignments/projects
Case study and scenario analysis
Role play simulation
Learning activities
Class discussion and group role-plays
Assessment tasks
Asking for help
If you have any difficulties with any part of this unit, contact your facilitator. It is important to
ask for help if you need it. Discussing your work with your facilitator is considered an
important part of the training process.
Name of facilitator: Phone number:
Consult your
coach or
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CHCDIS004 Communicate using augmentative and
alternative communication strategies
Welcome to the unit CHCDIS004 Communicate using augmentative and
alternative communication strategies, which forms part of the 2015
Community services training package. This unit describes the skills and
knowledge required to communicate with people who have complex communication
needs through effective use of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
strategies and systems.
AAC refers to methods that replace or supplement speech to address the needs of
people whose oral speech skills limit their ability to meet their participation and
communication needs. AAC systems comprise communication aids, symbols, strategies,
and techniques and methods that may be aided or unaided.
This unit applies to disability support work in a variety of contexts. Work performed
requires a range of well developed, person-centred skills where some discretion and
judgement is required and workers will take responsibility for their own outputs.
The skills in this unit must be applied in accordance with Commonwealth and
State/Territory legislation, Australian/New Zealand standards and industry codes of
Element 1: Identify the
communication capacity and
needs of the person
1.1 Work in collaboration with the person, family
and/or carer
and/or relevant other, to identify communication
1.2 Use appropriate supports to aid the person’s
current communication capacity
1.3 Document the outcomes of this process in
line with organisation procedures
1.4 Consult with additional people including family
and/or carers and/or relevant others as
1.5 Make appropriate referrals to professionals and
other service providers as required in
consultation with supervisor
Element 2: Develop effective
2.1 Provide information to relevant professional/s
about the
person with disability in relation to their likes/dislikes,
daily activities and current communication needs
2.2 Develop communication strategies to meet
individual needs and level of communication,
considering the person’s history and preferences
and in consultation with relevant senior
2.3 Adjust available tools and programs to address
individual needs and preferences
2.4 Seek advice from other staff and relevant
others as required and work within scope
of practice
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Element 3: Implement AAC
3.1 Use different strategies and devices in AAC
3.2 Document communication support strategies
in the person’s individualised plan
3.3 Organise the environment to optimise
communication opportunities
3.4 Reinforce communication by timely and
appropriate response
3.5 Identify difficulties experienced by the person
when communicating and respond to
difficulties within own work role and
3.6 Refer difficulties outside own role and
responsibilities to appropriate person
3.7 Provide practice opportunities and information
to the person to maintain consistency in their
use of communication strategies and encourage
contact with other users or support persons
Element 4: Monitor, report
review communication
4.1 Set up and maintain reporting and recording
system to
assist with monitoring and review
4.2 Review reporting and recordings to monitor success
of communication strategies and make changes as
required in consultation with senior
4.3 Identify barriers to the effective use of AAC
strategies and devices
4.4 Work with other relevant people to
overcome the barriers
4.5 Implement any modifications to communication
strategies and devices
4.6 Identify opportunities to increase
communication vocabulary
4.7 Maintain accurate written records according to
established directions and within organisation
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Element 1: Identify the current communication capacity
and needs of the person
Communication is fundamental to all aspects of life and is the foundation for learning. The
Australian Bureau of Statistics defines communication as “understanding and being
understood by others: strangers, family and friends. Communication allows us to enjoy
social relationships where we share thoughts, problem solve, express emotions and feelings,
learn, develop self image, give feedback and influence others. Language is essential to
communicate. Humans are the only species to have developed an elaborate system of
communication that uses words, gestures and sounds that all combine to form meaningful
units of language. Communication refers to the process of transferring a message from a
sender to a receiver using language.
There are two aspects to communicating effectively;
1. Expressive language. Involves the ability to formulate words and sentences in
the brain to communicate with others.
2. Receptive language. Refers to comprehension and the ability to understand what
is being said and/or read.
We communicate through our entire message – our spoken or written words – where
7% of the communication is made up of the message itself, and 93% of the
communication is made up of the non-verbal aspects of the message such as touch,
eyes, tone of voice, signs, vocalisations, behaviour, gestures, facial expressions or
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Here are some guidelines which can assist you to communicate
efficiently and successfully with a client who has a communication
Make sure you have the client’s attention by using their name, gaining eye contact or
respectfully touching their arm
Start your communication with the assumption that the client can understand
you, and then adjust your level of communication based on how they respond
Ask the client how they want to communicate if they do not use speech. This could
include offering them communication aids or devices, or finding a way to answer yes
or no to questions using eye gaze or head or hand movements, sign language,
gestures or facial expressions. If you cannot understand the client you may need to
ask whoever is accompanying them for assistance
Make sure your language is appropriate for the client and the situation, using simple,
clear words and short, uncomplicated sentences. Remember that if the client is an
adult, don’t speak to them as though they are a child
Use visual information such as pictures, diagrams, signs, object, gestures or miming
to aid with understanding
Make sure you maintain a respectful tone and volume, and use a different way of
providing information or asking a question if the client doesn’t understand you.
Remember that raising your voice won’t help
Don’t rush the communication, instead make sure you allow the client time to
listen, process your words and then formulate a response. If you wait patiently this
shows you are interested and respect what they have to say
To check that the client understands what you have said, ask them to rephrase it in
their own words instead of simply asking ‘Do you understand?’ as they may simply
answer yes to avoid embarrassment, or because they think that is the answer
you want
If you don’t think the client has understood you, try repeating the information or
question more slowly or using different words. It is your responsibility as a disability
services worker to make sure your message is understood correctly
If you don’t understand your client don’t pretend to understand. Instead be honest
and take responsibility for a communication breakdown, saying ‘I’m sorry, I don’t
understand what you’re telling me. Would you please tell me again?’
If you can’t understand or make yourself understood try a different approach, look
for an alternative way to communicate. Request involvement from another worker
or family member who is familiar with the client.
You will also need to remember:
A person with a communication disability may need help with daily living tasks such
as self-care, and accessing and participating in the community
A client’s personality, the presence of other disabilities and social support can play an
important role in how your client functions in day-to-day life
If you’re not sure whether your client can understand you, assume that they can, and
check their understanding throughout the communication to adjust your language and
communication style accordingly
Always show respect for your client, and communicate in a way which acknowledges
the age of the person and the value of their contribution.
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