
CHCECE001 - Develop cultural competence


Added on  2023-06-16

22 Pages6604 Words460 Views
Professional DevelopmentHigher EducationLanguages and CultureCalculus and AnalysisSociology
CHCECE001 - Develop cultural competence_1

Table of Contents
1.1 Evaluate significant events in your own family background or history affects your current
values, beliefs and attitudes and reflect on the impact they have had or might have..................4
1.2 What environmental conditions/ characteristics are likely to influence your cultural
1.3 What effect might an educator’s background have on interactions and relationships with
people from other cultures?.........................................................................................................5
1.4 How would you identify knowledge, attitudes or skills that should be developed to ensure
cultural competency?...................................................................................................................5
2.1 List 12 things that might be taken into consideration when determining the cultural
identities and needs of children and the families who utilise the early learning facility.............5
2.2a Explain why it is important to regularly review the curriculum, resources and activities...6
2.2b Why should relationships be critically analysed?................................................................6
2.3 List eight qualities or skills a culturally competent person might exhibit.............................6
3.1a Explain why workers in early learning facilities should have at least a basic
understanding of the impact of colonisation and of historical events and issues on Aboriginal
and/or Torres Strait Islander people............................................................................................7
3.1b List 12 historical issues that impact on Australia’s Indigenous people today.....................7
3.2 How does reflecting on the contemporary impacts of historical issues, including those
relating to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people, assist with the provision of a
culturally appropriate service?.....................................................................................................8
4.1 With whom could service providers consult when wanting to obtain knowledge of local
cultural groups and to develop support activities that encourage and promote participation by
relevant cultural groups? Make a list of 15 useful information sources......................................8
4.2 List ten activities that might encourage children from diverse cultural groups to participate
and to understand and accept diversity........................................................................................9
4.3a How can information be handled and processed in a culturally sensitive way?..................9
4.3b How should information be protected and what information can be shared?.....................9
4.4/4.5 How can families share their context and cultural knowledge, and enhance their
experience of cultural diversity?................................................................................................10
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4.6 Good experiences, appreciation of linguistic diversity and respect for home languages can
be supported by exposing all of the children to different languages and dialects. How and why
is it beneficial to introduce children to linguistic diversity?......................................................10
5.1/5.2 What experiences will help foster positive attitudes to inclusion and help children
explore their culture, heritage, backgrounds and traditions within the context of their
5.3 Explain the benefits of constructive, trust based relationships, respectful interactions and
understandings of alternate world views...................................................................................11
5.4 How are oral communication skills used to model open, inclusive, ethical interactions with
all children, families and colleagues?........................................................................................11
5.5 Why is it important to observe children’s interactions and participation?..........................12
6.1/6.2 List six ways in which the service can build on the diverse backgrounds of children
and families, broaden children’s perspectives and encourage appreciation of diversity...........12
7.1 Why should early learning services support experiences and environments where secure,
respectful and reciprocal relationships between children, families and other adults can be
7.2 How can service staff help children work toward a strong sense of identity, wellbeing and
of being connected with and contributing to their world?.........................................................13
7.3 How do group activities that support collaborative processes and problem solving assist
children’s learning?...................................................................................................................13
7.4 How can engaging with peers, mentors or others help early learning educators?...............14
7.5 It might be necessary to engage with community/ cultural leaders in order to determine
how best to support individual children with specific cultural needs. In such cases appropriate
communication protocols must be followed. Give three examples of community groups to
which this might apply...............................................................................................................14
8.1 Explain the National Quality Framework (NQF) and the National Quality Standards
(NQS), and how can these be accessed. Conduct independent research as needed and navigate
through the framework and standards documents to answer this question...............................14
Nationaly quality framwrok mainly refers to includea ctivites to.............................................14
8.2 How will you improve your knowledge of cultural competence and diversity as outlined in
the approved learning framework relevant to the workplace?...................................................15
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8.3 Each early learning facility..................................................................................................15
PERFORMANCE TASKS............................................................................................................15
T1: Own cultural identity and biases.........................................................................................15
T2: Cultural competency...........................................................................................................16
T3: Research Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities........................................16
T4 Support individual cultural identities...................................................................................17
T5a Support children's and families cross-cultural understanding and relationships...............17
T5 b: Support children's and families cross-cultural understanding and relationships.............17
T6: Inclusive learning experiences............................................................................................18
T7: Support children in developing confidence and strength in personal and cultural identity 18
1.1 Evaluate significant events in your own family background or history affects your current values,
beliefs and attitudes and reflect on the impact they have had or might have.
I recognize family play major role for efficiency development individual, they provide idea to
which things useful for life or not. When I grow up with my joint family their all members has
different personality but they all tell me that its essential that always take right etiquette and
speak true in any situation. And when I grow up this behaviour create effective personality
because other people recognize and evaluate that I speck true things or not. And family provide
idea to how to communicate and stay in society with great manner (Redding, C., 2019).
1.2 What environmental conditions/ characteristics are likely to influence your cultural identity?
Cultural identity affects by environmental conditions includes family tradition, religions, skin
tone, education, language, behaviour and many more. Individual activities mainly affects by
these all factors. I identified that I believes in performing well in given task and I decide to take
right education but the social environmental factors and people thinking badly affects individual
CHCECE001 - Develop cultural competence_4

personality. Family has responsibility to provide information to children to develop them better
understating and provide them information about cultural activities so they evaluate right things
1.3 What effect might an educator’s background have on interactions and relationships with
people from other cultures?
Educators provide best sustainable cultural and provide information to
maintain good relationship with every individual, so they helps to develop better
understanding and provide information to students about every culture are
same and its not good thing that individual develop comparison and
communicate on the basis of their social background. So from the idea about
this term teacher play effective roles for effective society development. They
provide guidance to children and motivated them to maintain good relation with
individual. Also they develop awareness about friendship development, maintain
good and positive relation with different culture and background people.
1.4 How would you identify knowledge, attitudes or skills that should be developed to ensure
cultural competency?
Self awareness development about different cultural activities, identification and their
beliefs, values from their performance, communicate with and identify their perspective about
different people and many more. Its easier to evaluate different cultural activities near to by
society people and their different religion but the major thing is to individual has to develop
practices to communicate and not showing attitude on the basis of their background and their
lifestyles. So individual can easily find and develop self awareness from their near society people
behaviours and believes.
2.1 List 12 things that might be taken into consideration when determining the cultural identities
and needs of children and the families who utilise the early learning facility.
Society values and believes
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Social class
Health aspect
Self perception
2.2a Explain why it is important to regularly review the curriculum, resources and activities.
Its essential to develop regular basis curriculum because it provides idea that individual get
things with right manner or wrong manner which perception they develop and get from given
instruction. Educators mainly use this approach for interact with student and provide them
knowledge with application of new practice and information distribution and promoting to find
real world experience from cultural activities. Curriculum activity and approach mainly includes
four major factors which includes like learning, engagement, experience and outcome of student.
2.2b Why should relationships be critically analysed?
Good and polite communication and always being kind nature is the best
option to maintain and create good relationship with other. This term basically
refers to includes activities to understand other point of view, perspective, their
view points and then communicate and share reviews and advice and then
develop right decision-making activity. Effective relationship development within
two people is easier when both has mutual understanding and they not develop
violence and arguments in decision-making and every day discussion.
2.3 List eight qualities or skills a culturally competent person might exhibit.
Polite behaviour
Listen things carefully
CHCECE001 - Develop cultural competence_6

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