
Anecdote-Based Developmental Insights: A Week in the Life of a Two-Year-Old


Added on  2019-09-19

5 Pages1784 Words452 Views
CHCECE013 - USE INFORMATION ABOUT CHILDREN TO INFORM PRACTICEChild profile:Age: 3 years Developmental Level: Enhanced Language and Cognitive SkillBackground: Urban Australian, girl child with no disabilities, single child of parentsThe child, whom I observed is three years old. She belongs to the urban Australian community and has no sibling so far. The child is currently developing the enhanced language and the cognitive skills. Still now, no sign of physical or cognitive disability is observed in the child.Observation and recording techniques used:The child is observed using anecdotal nodes and the check lists.The anecdotal nodes are used for recording particular observations regarding the behaviour ofindividual child. The anecdotal nodes are also used for recording the skills and attitudes of the child, theability to comprehend the instructions, and identifying the learning directions. The anecdotal notes aretaken on basis of the continuous observations. However, the anecdotal notes can also be taken on basisof the performances done by a student. The notes are written in brief and objective manner. In addition,the notes focus on recording specific outcomes. The anecdotal nodes are taken immediately after anactivity is executed. As an effect, the notes are generally highly accurate. The anecdotal notes aim at fulfilling the following goals—Collecting information regarding development of the child over a period Collect information regarding the instructional needs of a childObserving the significant behaviours of the child Documenting the learning process of a childThe checklist is a tool that records particular traits and behaviours of a child in logical order. Checklistsare effective for recording the specific type of behaviour in a child. The information in the checklists canbe interpreted easily because of their objective nature. The checklists are advantageous because theyenable the observer to record the data in time-efficient and easy manner. Recording the data overchecklist does not require any skill set. The observer can collect the data in presence of the child.However, in case of checklists, the observer can record the observed data later also. The checklistsenable the observer to give importance on several behaviours at once. The checklists help the observersto compare the behaviours of a child with the expected development milestones. Therefore, using thechecklists, the observers can identify the behaviours which a particular child has not shown yet.
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Therefore, the curriculums can be planned accordingly so that the particular behaviour in the child canbe encouraged. The checklist does not facilitate the observer to collect information in very detailed manner. Thechecklist also does not provide any information regarding the context or sequence of the events. Finally,the checklists do not facilitate the observers to include all information. Therefore, the importantinformation can be missed while recording information on the checklist. Finally, the checklists do notfacilitate the observer to record the duration of a particular behaviour.Original observations:AnecdotesAnecdote 1: 1st Week Observation On the first week, the child has shown remarkable progress in different areas. The child can eat from thecups without any help. She can wear dresses without any assistance. The child is able to hold pencil andcrayon properly and tries drawing sketches. She has gain efficiency in catching balls. She enjoys playingwith adults and her peers. She also shows interest to get involved into the play activities which requirehighly intense physical activities. The child shows interest to interact with others during play. Theobservation indicates that the child faces difficulty to balance herself on a single leg. However, still nowshe has not shown any preference over the same-sex playmates. She enjoys playing equally with anyplaymate in her peer group irrespective of the gender. The child is strongly attached to her parents andtries to copy them sometimes. However, she likes being at the center of attention for the adults. Thechild also developed several cognitive abilities. For instance she can differentiate between the images ofmale and female. She can count objects. She is able to identify the similarities and differences betweentwo and more objects by pointing them out. The child shows interest to play with natural objects such asthe sand and water and enjoys learning about those objects more by asking questions. The child canaccept two or more instructions at a time and can act accordingly. She can imitate rhymes and copyanimal activities. The language skill of the child is developing rapidly. The child is able to develop smallsentences. The child is developing knowledge on right grammatical structure as well and she is able todevelop correct sentences. The child can take part in the singing and dancing activities.Anecdote 2: 2nd Week observation In the second week of observation also, the child showed different signs of development. In the secondweek, she was equally enthusiastic regarding the play sessions with high –intensity physical activities.The child also started taking part in the activities such as the squat, jumping, moving over hurdles, getdressed without assistance, and eat from cups. This week also, the child showed difficulty to keepbalance on a single leg. The drawing skill of the child with pencil and crayon improved. The vocabulary ofthe child improved significantly. The child learnt new words and so, the social interaction of the kid alsoimproved. Along with interacting with the peers, the child is also showing interest to interact with adultsas well. In this week as well, the child has not shown any specific interest over the same-sex playmates.The child does not prefer sharing toys with others. However, the child shares toys when she is instructed
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