
Health Promotion and Obesity in Australian Children


Added on  2020-07-22

11 Pages3598 Words40 Views
Child And AdolescentHealth And Care
Health Promotion and Obesity in Australian Children_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1Selecting health promotion activity........................................................................................1Need for promotion activity and its potential impact.............................................................1Outlining the potential impact of the activity, care and education........................................2Implementing the care and education activity.......................................................................4Critically evaluating the effectiveness of care and education...............................................4CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................6REFERENCES................................................................................................................................7
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INTRODUCTIONAs the rate of diseases and issues are increasing day by day, involving some preventivemeasures to ensure providing proper care and support to the person is very important. There arevarious factors that are needed to be ensured while managing the health of the children as well asadolescents. The report involves discussion about the rising issues of obesity in children. Also, itincludes its relationship with the Ottawa charter. Obesity is considered as one of the leadingissues through which people are suffering, especially the children. It is responsible for causingvarious different issues further and one of the major factors is considered as the fact that it canlead to death as well. So in this current essay we would be learning about how obesity iseffecting children and their health what are the potential need of promotional activities or whatwould be its impact. Also, the report includes providing care for the children who are above theage of 6. So, health promotion activities along with its potential impact will be based on thesame. Selecting health promotion activityThere are enormous number of factors that cause the issue of obesity in younger onessuch as the children want to eat more junk food these days rather than the healthy food that isbeing prepared at home and is healthy. Obesity in children can turn fatal because it further leadsto various diseases such as type 2 diabetes. There is a small difference in between stayinghealthy and getting obese. So, one can ensure taking a balanced diet in order to gain a healthyweight rather than having extra fats that are of no use and causing further damages to the body.There are various health promotional activities but the recent one that can be associated withanalysing obesity in children is care and education provided to the child group of more than 6years. Need for promotion activity and its potential impactThere are enormous number of health promotion activities that can be used while makinganalysis about the rate of obesity in children such as healthy food environment, providing care,etc. But, in this case, care can be considered as the most suitable and relevant health promotionactivity. It is because; usually children are more prone to have interest in eating junk food, etc.They also prefer cold drinks and shakes that contain high amount of sugar in them. A maximizedamount of sugar can also prove to be harmful for the person as it provides extra fat to the person,1
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resulting in obesity. So, care has been chosen because if some ways and methods will beinvolved on an basis, there might be the possibility that the issue can get controlled. So, herecare can refer to involving exercises on a regular basis, taking a healthy and a balanced diet etc.It is because; if one involves these factors in his daily routine, it can actually help in controllingissues like obesity. Also, it is important as w if obesity will not be controlled, it can further leadto various other diseases such as diabetes, thyroid, etc. Children these days prefer to eat the junk food outside more as compared to the homemade eatables. These retailers usually make use of MSG that is considered as an additivecomponent. So, the food stall owners make the involvement of MSG because of which it seemstasty enough and the children feel the need of eating more. There might be less taste in the homemade food but it is even healthy and full of nutritional values that are essential for coping theneeds of the body. In the junk food, what children eat is not healthy and contains unnecessaryfats as well. Therefore, care and education can be considered as a beneficial factor that theparents can make sure to involve in their children's life so that they may not have to face fromany such further issue. So, the children from smaller age only can involve in any physical activities such asrunning, jogging, gym, etc. so that they can stay fit and healthy enough. People who lack inphysical activities are more prone to risks such as obesity. It is because; after eating andconsuming the food, it is very important to involve any physical activity so that the energy canget distributed to all parts of the body. If the person after consuming food does not get involvedin any of such activity, then there are chances that he will not be able to contribute the amount ofenergy equally, then it can store at some point in the body, which in turns results in gettingobese. So, it can be said that care and education can actually have a positive impact that can helpin reducing the rate of obesity in children, thus, promoting a healthy development. Also, a healthcampaign program has also been developed, Get set 4 life. The initiate of developing this healthprogram was done by CSIRO (Common wealth scientific and industrial research organisation)by the government of Australia. This health program helps in providing all the information in apractical way so that it can stay easy enough for further implementations etc. In this, the role offamily members, school teachers etc. play a very important role. So, the parents can make sure tomake an action plan, involve the whole set of activities etc. that are to be included in the dailyroutine of the child. 2
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