2CHILDREN FAMILIES AND COMMUNITIES 8. Outcome for the project- Community The main aim of the project is provide home interventions to the communities and the families of the vulnerable population. This has included the issues such as early interventions and the prevention programs, positively impacting the communities, families and children (Strand & Eldevik, 2018). For the families The home intervention program will be important for those families who had been secluded form the communities. The EIP program will provide an improved life conditions for the families. Programs like parent support program, early care and education For the children Children belonging the families who had been separated from the communities, faces with several psychological issue that impacts the wellbeing of their family life, the personal and the social life (Boyd-Franklin & Bry, 2012). The EIP programs helps to provide a better-quality life condition to the children including education, training and betterchances in the future for establishing a base. 9. for the communities Theisolatedfamilieswillbeassimilatedwithinthecommunity,ensuringacommunity participation of the family members. For the children
3CHILDREN FAMILIES AND COMMUNITIES Children will demonstrate literacy skills and will display les psychological illness occurring due to social isolation. For the families The lifestyle, health, employment and the other factors of wellbeing of each of the families in isolation will be improved. 10. Strategies to meet the Outcome for the society Some of the strategies to meet the needs of the isolated families from the society includes developing smoke free environment, lead free housing. For the families Family care programs for empowering the families, health programs and policies can be provided to the families. Stakeholders like community members, social workers can be the stakeholders for meeting the needs. The children EIP services will be provided for the students, so that they might get equal opportunities. The promoting policies and the programs should be arranged for improving the health and education of the children. Parents and other stakeholders like teachers should be integrated in the project.
4CHILDREN FAMILIES AND COMMUNITIES References Boyd-Franklin, N., & Bry, B. H. (2012). Reaching out in family therapy: Home-based, school, and community interventions. Guilford Press. Strand, R. C., & Eldevik, S. (2018). Improvements in problem behavior in a child with autism spectrum diagnosis through synthesized analysis and treatment: A replication in an EIBI home program. Behavioral Interventions, 33(1), 102-111.