
CIS5310: Management of Information Systems Project Report


Added on  2024-04-29

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CIS5310: Management of Information Systems
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Written Report
CIS5310: Management of Information Systems Project Report_1

Executive summary
Cloud computing is a new technique brought about by the growth of digital literacy and the
incorporation of this knowledge in the organisational process. North Sydney local government is
not an exception since it is an entity that is concerned with the handling of voluminous data
contents. Information management is an essential aspect of any entity. The success of the
processes carried out in the said entity is determined by how well the organisation manages its
operations. The paper below is divided into two sections. The first section is concerned with the
project plan process covering from the justification of the project, the use of the right tools and
the costs/resources required in the entire plan. The second section stipulates the critical aspects
of cost-benefit analysis, recommendations for project management, project integration,
implementation plan and the post-implementation plan. A recommendation section provides an
outline of the vital consideration that should be made in the North Sydney Council. The
conclusion proves a summation of the main idea captured in the entire paper.
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Table of Contents
Executive summary.........................................................................................................................1
Project plan-Section 1......................................................................................................................3
Assumption with justification about use of cloud computing technologies in North Sydney
Outline about objectives/goals of adopting cloud computing technologies and justifications....3
Summary of expanding ICT unit to incorporate cloud computing technologies.........................4
Estimated cost and resource structures and justifications............................................................5
Cost structure...........................................................................................................................5
Resource structure...................................................................................................................6
Cost and resource justifications...............................................................................................7
Project PERT and Gantt Charts.................................................................................................10
Ethical considerations in incorporating the cloud computing technology.................................11
Importance of selecting appropriate teams................................................................................12
Written report-Section 2................................................................................................................13
Cost-benefit analysis..................................................................................................................13
Recommendation how the project should be managed.............................................................14
Recommendation for management of project integration.........................................................15
Implementation plan detailing time, cost and resource schedules.............................................16
Post-implementation plan..........................................................................................................17
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Project plan-Section 1
Assumption with justification about use of cloud computing technologies in
North Sydney Council
The North Sydney Council is a local government entity that has administrative authority
covering the lower region of North Shore of Sydney. Its mandate is distributed to an area of 10.9
Square Kilometers covering the land which it sits on. Its neighboring local government regions
include Lance Cover, Sydney Harbour, North Beaches and Willoughby regions. North Sydney
Council was established in 1890 to offer the local citizens with reliable administrative and
authoritative forces (Alshumrani, Munir & Baird 2018, p. 604). The council is concerned with
carrying out governmental regulation on traffic, offer fire services, local urban planning, revenue
collection, enforcement of market regulation, road management, amenity services, local
development and humanitarian acts. Due to the vast number of information that circulates in the
working environment of the council, the cloud computing technique is relevant. Cloud
computing is the aspect of using an integrated computer network that acts as a data reservoir that
accumulates a range of data contents without being regulated by the user. Technology is being
ratified in every scope of life with the local administration not being exempted. The key
assumptions include;
The council will be able to manage the traffic and establish reliable traffic verification via
license reviews of the drivers.
Amenity tracking about how resources targeting to help the communities have been
Better tracking of the revenue and enforce market regulations reliably.
Carry out required information tracking of all the activities and roles it pursues.
Outline about objectives/goals of adopting cloud computing technologies and
Technology is gaining much relevance in all the operations concerning economic, political and
social activities. Digital migration is bringing about tremendous changes concerning how human
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processes are carried out. Cloud computing as an extension of technological application targets
on making significant achievement to be attained in the local administrative authority.
Boosting the operational scope of the North Sydney Council
Enhancing data security
Boosting data recovery
Improving efficiency and reduce data process costs
Elevate data mobility
The main aim of integrating technology in operation targets on boosting the performance of the
entity. Cloud computing offers a reliable information retrieval system where massive data can be
stored and accessed when need be. Use of cloud computing technologies in the North Sydney
Council aims at boosting data security (Malik et al. 2016, p. 181). There a large volume of data
that are used in tracking the day to day operations of the local government processes. Officers
from the North Sydney Council officers stored information and need security for their stored
data. System breakdown is an inevitable occurrence that faces technical data storage systems. By
the use of the cloud computing technique, data recovery is boosted. Once a system breakdown
occurs, data concerning the local government recordings and reports cannot be lost. Efficiency
and reduction of data process costs is also a principal aim in the adoption of cloud computing
technologies. According to Gani et al. (2014, p. 92), data mobility is as well a central objective in
the establishment of cloud computing. This is the aspect where information from the internet can
be retrieved from many ports provided they have verified user identity. The stated objective
target on boosting the operations that the North Sydney Council pursues in its administrative
Summary of expanding ICT unit to incorporate cloud computing technologies
In the expansion of a technical domain in an organisation, there is a dire need for the entity to
restructure its information technology system (Rezaei et al. 2014, p. 5752). Compatibility is a
dominant consideration that should be made in the implementation of the cloud computing
technologies in the North Sydney Council systems. Software development and hardware
developments are vital units that should be redeveloped. Software readjustment requires a cogent
analysis of the existing technological trend. Software components are affected by the shift in
technology. North Sydney Council should, therefore, consider evaluating the flexibility of
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existing software. It should maintain the required compatibility with the newly integrated cloud
computing provisions. On the same note, the hardware to support this newly integrated software
needs to be evaluated. Software and hardware expansion require resources which the
organisation should be able to provide sustainably. Analysis of the resource availability needs to
be known before the cloud computing techniques are incorporated. According to Liu and Cai
(2013, p. 27), the usability extent of a system is as well a key consideration to be granted
maximum priority while expanding a system. The target parties must have the right skills and
knowledge to operate the high-tech systems. Technical literacy is paramount as it will ensure
proper system monitoring, testing and maintenance.
Estimated cost and resource structures and justifications
Cost structure
The cost structure is a considerable outline that depicts the expected costs that will be injected in
the entire project, which helps in bill management and workflow costs management (DeFelice
2010, p. 51). Incorporation of cloud computing system in the North Sydney Council operations
will require adequate funding. Integration of the said system success is heavily reliant on the
availability of the costs necessary to cover the expenses of each stage (Bowers 2011, p. 46).
From the initiation stage to the final stage of project closure, costs should be availed adequately.
The hiring of experts, stakeholder-seeking, acquisition of the required materials, availing
technicians, system maintenance, system testing and combating the risk call for adequate
funding. Software purchasing, hardware units, planning process and miscellaneous expenses are
the critical consideration that should be made during the cost budgeting processes. The following
table provides and outline of the required materials, number of the materials and the expected
cost of each unit.
Unit Number of units Price per unit ($) Total
Software 4 4500 18,000
Hardware 10 3000 30,000
Stakeholder seeking 1 5000 5,000
Expert hiring 1 12,000 12,000
System testing 1 7,000 7,000
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