
Methods and Techniques in Civil Engineering for Earthworks and Substructures


Added on  2022-12-15

17 Pages3603 Words73 Views
Civil Engineering Technology
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Methods and Techniques in Civil Engineering for Earthworks and Substructures_1

Table of Content
Executive Summary...................................................................................................................3
Explain the methods and techniques used in civil engineering for earthworks and
Cut to Cross Fill..................................................................................................................5
Loading, hauling and unloading.........................................................................................6
Individual footing...............................................................................................................7
Combined footing...............................................................................................................8
Strip foundation..................................................................................................................8
Raft Foundation..................................................................................................................8
Pile foundation....................................................................................................................9
Drilled shafts.......................................................................................................................9
Present a safety plan risk assessment and method statement for a given civil engineering
Evaluate a given civil engineering problem and propose a solution.................................12
Civil Engineering Problem...................................................................................................12
Prepare a design proposal for a new infrastructure project..............................................14
Design Proposal....................................................................................................................14
Methods and Techniques in Civil Engineering for Earthworks and Substructures_2

Executive Summary
Earthworks are processes that involve the movement of soil or the stone below the
ground level in order to give way for the setting up of structures. Earthworks give way for the
setting out and construction of foundations. There are different types of foundation and the
choice of foundation to implement depends on the type of soil and size of structure to be
carried. For any civil construction works, there should be a risk assessment plan whose main
motive is to mitigate any accidents that may affect normal site operations. On the part of civil
problems, calculation of structural works and the manufacture of material seem to be
different from one country to another thus making it not easy to operate smoothly in another
country. Constants and safety codes should be made uniform thus making it easy for engineer
to work anywhere. Finally, setting up footbridges in place of slow bumps and zebra crossing
points is a very good civil project since it will help in the reduction of traffic snarl ups
Explain the methods and techniques used in civil engineering for earthworks and
Earthworks are an engineering process which involves the moving of huge chunks of
soil or movement of rocks and stone structure with the aim of achieving a desired topography
(Correia, 2012). This procedure on the earth surface was made possible by the invention of
the earth-moving machinery (Correia, 2012). This process normally involves the use of
very heavy machinery due to the huge volumes of materials need to be moved. The machines
that are used include; bulldozer, dump truck, dragline excavator, loader and a grader among
several others (Liu & Lu, 2014). Earthwork involves the following processes; measuring and
calculation of volumes, excavation, loading, hauling and unloading and finally filling.
Measuring and Calculation of Volumes
Methods and Techniques in Civil Engineering for Earthworks and Substructures_3

There are two main ways of determining the volumes. They include; utilizing the
traditional method for estimating the dimensions with a levelling instrument and attracting
the cross-area to scale (Zdravkovic, Potts, & John, 2011). The volume would then be able
to be determined. The other way is through utilizing the slotting technique which empowers
the estimations to be taken with a ruler or tape on the cut itself.
This is basically the removal of the soil from its common, in situ, organize. This process is
divided into 4 types namely; levelling, cut to cross fill, U-cut and finally borrow (Correia,
Levelling is best done with diggers, rakes and scoops as the soil just must be moved over
short distances (Ahern, 2010). The protuberances and edges are cut and the soil is raked,
pushed or tossed into the openings and sorrows with the scraper (Bures, Svabensky, &
Vitula, 2011). Profound gaps ought to be compacted with hand-rammers after they have
been filled.
Cut to Cross Fill
The soil is exhumed from one side of the street and utilized as fill material at the other
(Schwendicke, et al., 2018). On the off chance that the exhumed soil isn't utilized, it will
ruin, for example it is dumped outside the bank. Cut to cross fill is a viable type of adjusting
cut and fill in moving territory without long haulage (Schwendicke, et al., 2018). In hilly
territory where the cross fall is extremely steep, the fill divide is probably going to be
insecure thus it will be important to cut the entire street into the slope.
Methods and Techniques in Civil Engineering for Earthworks and Substructures_4

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