
Civil Liberties in America - Assignment


Added on  2021-05-31

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Running head: POLITICS1PoliticsName:Institution:Date:
Civil Liberties in America - Assignment_1

POLITICS2Two (2) Civil Liberties in AmericaThe past two years has seen an increased activism led by “Black Live Matter” initiative that has been at the fore front of equal right for all. Over the past several years, protests have erupted in the US after high profile shooting of black men who are unarmed by the police. Majority of black people see it as police brutality, discrimination and racism by the majority. They claim that a white person cannot be shot by police officers under similar circumstances(Hershey,2017). The black lives matter movement has also highlighted the racial inequality on the justice system in the United States. As a result, the government has been put to task in regards to its justice systems considering that prisons in the US have more black minority that the majority. It is a system that is skewed towards oppressive tendencies against the black. Parliament in both the senate and the lower house have discussed the oppressive judicial system and reforms have started to be implemented(Lawson, 2014). The second civil right is based on the civil rights on restrictions of some people entering the United States from certain countries. This has also seen round up of illegal immigrants in the United States to be deported to their respective countries (Schuck, 2018). Civil rights groups said in a statement that it is discriminatory to restrict new entrants and deport people who have been in America for long periods curtailing their rights(Moore, Murray, Farrell &Youm,2017). American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) launched a challenge on President Donald Trump to challenge the decision. It was a campaign pledge made by president trump to block Muslims from entering the United States. Restrictive immigration laws hit eight countries that are predominantly Muslim and which perceived to harbor terrorists. However, generalization of tendencies by a government is wrong (Lipschultz, 2014). This has led to thegovernment creating a safe environment for the country. The department of justice in America. However, judges squashed the ruling and declared it illegal upon appeal by the
Civil Liberties in America - Assignment_2

POLITICS3judge. The Muslims have since stopped being profiled due to terrorism although it remains a highly emotive factor(Hershey, 2017).Discuss two (2) media events (past or present) that have positively and/or negatively influenced the public’s opinion of a government agency. Any particular media event can influence greatly the perception of the public towards the government or its agency. One of such events is the in depth research at the Ruby Ridge. Thisis a site that witnessed a standoff between the federal agents that is the US marshals and the FBI and the weaver family. This was witnessed at their remote Idaho residence. The standoff was prompted and instigated by the attempt to issue an arrest warrant against Randy for the making and possessing illegal arms. Weaver would resist peaceful surrender attempts and a 10 day standoff ensued. In the course of the standoff, Randy’s wife, a US marshal and Randy’s young son lost their lives. The death of two unarmed civilians led to the public beliefthat the federal agencies are ruthless and aggressive in handling civilians matters especially related to gun ownership. Distrust ensued after the event and was seen again at the Waco siege in Oregon. The media plays a major role in public belief, perception and societal change. It plays a majorrole in informing the public on what happens in the country and in the world at large. The 2017 mass shooting at a Las Vegas concert which happened in October 1, 2017 at a music festival. 58 people were confirmed dead in the shoot-out while more than 800 were reported injured. Federal agencies and US marshals were quick at the scene of the shooting trying to capture the suspect a 64-year old retiree. His motives have not been known up to now but the police and other agents tried all their best to kill him putting their lives in danger(Farrell, & Newman, 2015). For about an hour he fired shots using his semi-automatic machine gun. Themedia captured all the event as it happened. The agencies put their lives at risk and helped to
Civil Liberties in America - Assignment_3

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