
Clinical Leadership and Management Essay 2022


Added on  2022-09-18

21 Pages5950 Words25 Views
Running Head: HEALTHCARE
Clinical Leadership
and Management
Clinical Leadership and Management Essay 2022_1

In-hospital care, numerous diseases affect the health of patients. In all the terminal
infections and injuries, healthcare-associated infections or hospital-acquired infection is
considered as one of the most rapid and challenging infection that are prevailing in the
environment of hospitals (Shiel Jr., 2019). This infection is developed during the provision of
health care in hospitals. The symptoms of the infection are observed within the 48 hours, after
the hospitalization, or in a month during the period of treatment. Many studies were conducted
in the context of this health problem in which it was identified, that the re-occurring infections or
diseases which are adversely impacting the health of the patients are HCAI and other
complexities appearing in the surgeries of patients. In the health terminology health-care,
infection is called as nosocomial ailment (Monegro & Regunath, 2019). It is occurred due to the
presence of harmful viruses and bacteria in the atmosphere of the health care facility. Such
infection can create a hazardous impact on the immune system of the patients (Stevens,
Hemmings, Scott, Lawler & White, 2014 ).
Every year about hundreds of patients lost their lives due to the infections caused due to
cardiovascular diseases and urinary infections occurring in the body. Pneumonia is also
considered as one of the major reasons of ill health of the patients. Such adverse events create
leads to huge monetary loss for health care organizations (World Health Organization , Health
care-associated infections: Fact Sheet, 2019). Besides this, every 7th nation out of advanced
nation and every 10th country from the emerging nations is suffering from the nosocomial
infection. It can be said that, unitary infections and Surgical site infection ailment, has a high
prevalence in developed countries (World Health Organization , Patient safety, 2019).
Infection can occur in any health care environment regardless of its location. These
infections can be developed can any age. However, its prevalence has been observed in the older
Clinical Leadership and Management Essay 2022_2

generation as the immune system elderly patients are inclined to be more vulnerable to bacterial
infection. To justify the fact a research a study was conducted over 18469 patients. Through the
study, it was identified that 20.3% of aged patients are vulnerable to harmful and dangerous
infections. The probability of respiratory diseases like pneumonia, bacterial meningitis,
secondary bacteremia is higher in old age patients due to which mortality rates have been
increased in the aged people (Australian Government Department of Health and Agi, 2019).
Addition to the above statistics, it was examined that the treatment of Pneumonia in the elderly
people is of the critical challenge for the medical professionals as it weakens the immune system
of the body and increases the volume of mucus in the lungs (Russo , Cheng , Mitchell & Hall ,
2018). Along with Pneumonia, Urinary Tract Infection also has a high prevalence in aged
people. About 15% to 30% of the hospitalized senior populaces are detected to have UTI
whereas 25% to 50% women have a urinary infection (Australian Government Department of
Health and Agi, 2019).
In the list of developed countries, Australia has also witnessed the issues and challenges
in resolving the complication, which is occurring due to hospital-acquired infections. In the
hospitals, cases related to the urinary and respiratory have become common, due to which
treatment has become expensive and has increased the burden on the patients ( Willis ,
Reynolds , & Keleher, 2016). Out of the total hospitalized patients, approximately 48% with the
age above 65 are suffering from HAI (Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Hea,
To justify the above discussion, two research experts undertook cross-sectional point
prevalence study in the 19 medical branches and about 2767 patients were included. All the
information was collected in the mid of the year (August-November) in which it was observed
Clinical Leadership and Management Essay 2022_3

that the presence of HAI elderly was 9.9 %, which was very much higher (95%CI: 8.8–11) in
the comparison to other patients. In the total share HAI, Pneumonia and urinary infection have a
great weight of 64%. To focus on the key issue and to analyse its impact a brief discussion will
be conducted below (Australia Insitute of Health and Welfare , 2018).
In Western Australia, geriatric patients are suffering from diseases like Pneumonia,
urinary infection that are developed in the health care environment, which describe the poor
sanitation in the health organizations as people go to hospitals to cure their illness (Asamani,
Naab & Ansah Ofei, 2016). However, such a situation not hurdles in the process of the treatment
but puts the life of the patients on the stake (Patient Care Link, 2019).
Figure 1
Source: (Mitchell, 2017)
Infected people in Australia are suffering a big amount of health -developed blood flow
viruses s every year in Western Australia, with 15,238 arising in government nursing in 2015–
Clinical Leadership and Management Essay 2022_4

16.2. Bloodstream infections can cause patients' important distress as they may experience
enhanced heart rate, tremors, fevers, dizziness, postural hypotension, extreme weakness and
lethargy, skin rash, impaired concentrate and agitation mental status (Abbott, 2014)
There is a high incidence of communicable diseases in Western Australia as it has the
potential to spread quickly in residential care facilities (RCF) environments as Australian citizens
reside nearby. There is a high level of interaction with employees, visitors, facilities can be
shared, and citizens may have hygiene-impact physical or mental disabilities. Residents may also
be more prone to infection in some environments, such as aged care, due to health circumstances
as it can weaken the immune system and increase the mortality rate. A study was conducted in
2010 to identify a variety of reasons, which indicates that a residential aged health care system is
extremely vulnerable to infection ( Russo, Stewardson, Cheng, Bucknall & Mitchell, 2019).
These factors involve advanced age for individual citizens of Western Australia, multiple acute-
illness like pre-morbidities (e.g., diabetes), mental disabilities immune destruction, enhanced
antibiotic exposure causing infection vulnerability, and utilization of sometimes permanent
invasive instruments (e.g., urinary tract catheters).
It has been observed that infections and viruses, which are present in the atmosphere of
the hospitals, are one of the major causes of acute illnesses in elderly patients. From the last 6
years, more than 3310 aged patients have been hospitalized. In all the above cases, the common
health issue is a health-acquired infection (Australian Government Department of Health and
Agi, 2019). During the medical diagnosis, it was identified out of the total hospitalized elderly
patients, 432 patients are were identified to be in contact with the viruses. The prevalence of
Pneumonia (5.6%) and urinary tract infections (UTI) (3.4%) were most commonly stated. To
monitor and control the impacts of infections a pilot program was adopted to investigate the
Clinical Leadership and Management Essay 2022_5

gravity of hospital-acquired disease over the patients. In this 12 hospital-associated health
services in the Grampians Rural Region, Victoria, Australia, participated in the research study of
RACFs (Residential Aged Care Facilities.)
This experimental program aimed to collect data that would guide the Australian
Infection Control Association taking and controlling the development of the virus in the
healthcare system, which implemented through the futuristic programs run by RACFs. Besides
this, 30 RACF participated (Dixit & Sambasivan, 2018 ).
During the program, Australian Government Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT)
evaluated the probability of high-care residents who required assistance with most everyday
living actions. This activity was comprised of lodging, meals, laundry, and personal hygiene care
and, if required, medical care (Drager, 2013). They further analyzed the average life expectancy
of citizens in which the symptoms of the infections and viruses were detected in 84.9% of
Australian during the monitoring duration, whereas 68% of the females are suffering from such
kind of illness. In RACFs, the pilot program was conducted to gather knowledge and understand
the gravity of the diseases and to control and monitor HAI through effective programs. The
information gathered in the Grampians RACFs will assist the residential directs in the decisions
making the process to prevent HAI (J, 2016).
In the health care system, HAI and various other diseases not only create a hurdle in the
treatment of the patients but have become a burden on the facilities as many diseases require
special treatment and attention which also involves hiring medical experts. Such adverse events
increase the overall cost of treatment, which can overburden the patients and make them more
depressed. Moreover, due to the lack of efficient management the case of AMR case has been
Clinical Leadership and Management Essay 2022_6

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