Clinical Process Management
Added on 2019-09-25
11 Pages2430 Words176 Views
Clinical Process ManagementStudent Name:Course work:University:
ContentsIntroduction.................................................................................................................................................2History of Clinical process............................................................................................................................2Evaluation of Clinical process......................................................................................................................4Techniques..................................................................................................................................................5Review & Implementation...........................................................................................................................6Conclusion...................................................................................................................................................7References...................................................................................................................................................91
IntroductionIn this present paper, we will discuss the history of the clinical process, business processmanagement, techniques used to manage the clinical process with its example, and application.On the basis of study, conclusion has been made.Clinical processes management is defined as the structural approach with the advent of carecoordination between the meme and policies. The management includes a variety of intertwinedprocesses as it is related to the single patient who is obvious and compelling. The processmanagement helps to understand the process and deliver high-quality care. The processes aremainly divided into two categories, namely, direct and indirect (Aron, 2014). The direct careprocess includes the activities that occur as a result of Patient care activities. The direct careprocess includes the activities what clinicians do and indirect care processes all the indirectactivities such as registration, scheduling, billing, and appointment. The processes areadministrative in nature. The information system supports both the direct and indirect processes.The processes vary by patient, locations, and clinicians.History of Clinical processTraditionally the professional deals with the patients in semi-isolation. The close relation of theclinicians with the consumers as the center of attraction is the relatively new concept in the fieldof the clinical process.The advancement in the science and the medicine can be attributed to the human curiosity fordeveloping new things and making the existence of science felt to everyone. There are manyhuman subjects that have been involved in developing the theories for knowledge enhancement.2
The initial reference to the clinical trial is based on the Bible where there was a king who madesome group of children eats meat and wine for some years. Then these children were comparedto the other children who were made to eat pulses and water (Nikneshan, 2014). It was observedthat those who ate pulses were fitter than the other children. Thus, the clinical process wasinvolved in coming to the conclusion regarding the diet of the people. In the 10th century, there was a Persian scientist who developed some drug for the betterment ofthe mankind, but he recommended that it should be first tested on the animals before starting touse it generally. He also set some rules for the trials of the clinical drug. These rules were: thedrug must not be contaminated, it must be pure, use of the drug must happen on the simpledisease, there must be at least two type of diseases on which the drug is tested, the drug qualityshould be able to match the strength of the disease, there should be measurement of the timingsof the observations for ruling put the effects of the natural healing, the drug should have severaltrials and in those, the drug should show consistent performance, and the testing of drug musthappen on the animals first and after that, it should be tested on the humans. The effects of thedrugs on both may be different. These rules were important to be followed because there weremany cases of abuse that were happening at the time of the World War II and in the name ofscience, the humans were suffering from the horrific experiments. A global response to thosearistocracies was developed by the creation of the Nuremberg Code. This code laid a set ofprinciples that were necessary to conduct the ethical human experimentation. Then there was aperson whose name was Dr. Alexander and he submitted some points to the medical researchcouncil to form the principles for conducting the experiments, and these were benevolenttowards the subjects of the study of the science (Bromberg, 2013). These were the ethicalsubjects, and the human experimentation was conducted successfully. There have been many3
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