CLOUD COMPUTING1 Abstract Cloud computing is defined as the information technology that provides a platform to store data and information of consumers. Mainly, this technology is used to evaluate the data centres available to many consumers over the internet connectivity (Jiang, Ma, & Wei, 2018).The use of cloud computing is growing rapidly and many organizations are using this technique because of their several advantages such as less maintenance cost, more effective, easy to store data and take less time. The security of data is a very crucial problem of cloud computing for which information technology developed many security tools such as encryption, firewall and antivirus software and so on. The objective of this study is to describe the security tools and software in order to improve the security of data and information. The encryption is one of the common technique which is used by many organization to enhance the security of cloud computing. It converts signal and information into a form of code which cannot be accessed by victims without user permission (Zissis, & Lekkas, 2012).The firewall is a type of software that identifies spam and malware from the computer server and enhances the security of data and information. Moreover, antivirus software also helps companies to detect the unwanted signals and block the traffic signals by which they can maintain the security of cloud computing. It is identified that the encryption technique increased the security of cloud computing by 50% and firewall software detects the unwanted links from the system. This study shows the fundamental concept of cloud computing and evaluated the various kinds of security tools to protect data and information from criminals.
CLOUD COMPUTING2 References Jiang, Q., Ma, J., & Wei, F. (2018). On the security of a privacy-aware authentication scheme for distributed mobile cloud computing services.IEEE systems journal,12(2), 2039-2042. Zissis, D., & Lekkas, D. (2012). Addressing cloud computing security issues.Future Generation computer systems,28(3), 583-592.