
Collaborative Working in Health and Social Care Sector


Added on  2023-06-18

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Design and Creativity
Collaborative Working
Collaborative Working in Health and Social Care Sector_1

The Care Act, 2014 aims to improve independence and well-being of others. The implementation of this Act now requires local councils to promote well being of carers
whereas previously their responsibilities were only limited to ensuring well-being of care users. In addition to this this act states that anyone gaming care from regulated
provider which has been arranged by council will be covered by Human rights act, 1998. In addition to this, the care act introduces new appeals systems for care users to
appeal against council decisions on eligibility to care and care funding (Chan, Wan and Ko, 2019). Implementation of this act requires the local authorities to provide and
arrange services which assist in prevention of people developing care and support requirement and delay health deterioration of others which leads to them requiring
ongoing support. The care act places all legislation related to care giving in one place to simplify laws related to care-giving and ensure that person centric approach is taken
to care-giving.
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The adaptive structuration theory is one of the primary theories of group communication which states that group members affect outcomes
and intentionally adapt rules and resources to accomplish goals. The aim of this theory is to understand communication structures provided by
advanced technology and human action which emerge as a result of interaction with advanced technology. This theory suggested interrelation
between structure in technology and structure in action as they continuously shape each other (Green and et. al., 2017).
The link between adaptive structuration theory and health and social care is that introduction of digital technology has changes
communication in health and social care and introduces new barriers in building effective communication and collaboration between
The positive impact of the usage of this theory in health and social care is that it can be used to understand structural potential of different
communication technology while focusing on technology use as key determinant of technological impact. The negative impact of this theory is
that as the theory is not grounded on ethical assumptions it may not provide effective results. In addition to this, the theory can be difficult to
understand and create confusion. This theory can increase effective collaboration and commu8nication between health and social care
professionals by usage of advanced communication tools such as digital communication channels.
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Tuckma's theory of team development provides stages for building an effective team. This theory can be used to increase collaboration between health and
social care professionals. The stages of Tuckma's team development theory are explained below:
Forming: The first stage of team development is forming, which includes introduction of team members to each other. It is important to identify embers skills,
background and interests, Project goals, Timeline, Ground rules, Individual roles in this stage to enhance collaboration (Karamitri, Talias and Bellali, 2017).
Storming: This stage of team development involves clash between personalities as employees are faced with the reality of completing task. In this stage it is
important to focus on conflict management in order to ensure that team moves forward and disputes do not affect the team negatively for long time period.
Norming: This stage involves team members appreciating each others strengths and collaborating with each other to contribute to attainment of group vision.
Resolving disagreements is necessary in order to enhance collaboration in this stage.
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