
Collective Strategy Development : Assignment


Added on  2021-02-18

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Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentHigher EducationLanguages and CulturePolitical Science
Collective Strategy Development
Collective Strategy Development : Assignment_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................11.1. Political, social, ethical and operational needs for common strategies betweenorganisations and administrations..........................................................................................11.2. Identification of methodologies through which collective strategy is developed internallywithin each organisation and externally international collaborative basis.............................31.3 Identification of opportunities for future development of collective strategies to improvethe impact on component organisations, administrations & stakeholders.............................5TASK 2............................................................................................................................................72.1 Define collective strategy and consider how it is formed from the policies of thecomponent organisations, administrations and key stakeholders...........................................72.2 Identify the key policy and strategy issues which influence collective strategy..............82.3 Explain how collective strategy is influenced by the reality of factors – political, global,public interest, media impact, and social, cultural, religious.................................................9TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................113.1 Assess how to resolve the tensions between the cultures and ethics of contributingorganisations, administrations and key stakeholders............................................................113.2 Evaluate how strategic intelligence is used in the development and formulation of strategy..............................................................................................................................................123.3 Contribute original knowledge and thinking to the formulation and development ofcollective strategy.................................................................................................................13TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................144.1 Analyse the differences between the aims and purposes of individual organisationalstrategy and collective strategy............................................................................................144.2 Links between aspirations of collective strategy and ethical, cultural and operationalobjectives of contributing organisations, administrations and stakeholders........................154.3 Critical understanding of different organisational, philosophical and methodologicalapproaches to organisational strategy affects organisational and collective change............17CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................18
Collective Strategy Development : Assignment_2

Collective Strategy Development : Assignment_3

INTRODUCTIONCollective Strategy is being considered as an attempt of companies to maintain inter-dependencies through substituting contractual for competitive interconnections with the help ofsocial environment. This is being considered as an essential component which plays a crucialrole within an organisations that are doing business at both domestic and international level.Under inter-organisational strategic activity, it is required for organisation's directors, seniormanagers to carry good strategic leadership skills. In this report, company which has beenchosen i.e. Tesco plc. It was found in 1919 and its headquarter is at Welwyn GardenCity,Hertfordshire, England, United Kingdom (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). In present, Tescoplc is the third largest retailer on the basis of revenues and having around 6,500 stores all overthe world. It's founder is Jack Cohen. In 2017, net income which was made by this organisationwas £54million. Assignment is going to include analysis of different factors like political, social, ethicaland operational needs related to strategies among organisations and administrators. It will alsoput light over methodologies of collective strategy which is being developed internally underorganisation and externally international collaborative basis. On the other hand, it will also focusover different key policies along with strategical issues which influence collective schemes.Away with this, assessment will show links in between aspirations of collective strategy andethical, cultural and operational objectives of contributing organisations, administrations andstakeholders. Lastly, an analysis has been done in differences among aims and purposes ofindividual organisational strategy and collective schemes (Axelsson and Easton, 2016). It willhelp organisations in making better collective strategies through which they can developthemselves over international market. TASK 11.1. Political, social, ethical and operational needs for common strategies between organisationsand administrationsAccording to Astley and Fombrun, (1983), collective strategy can be defined as ananalysis framework which helps in identifying collaborative strategies that is being developed bycompany with partners including rivals. It can be said that collective strategy plays a crucial role1
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in strategical management particularly when it is desired to attain goals and objectives incompetitive business environment. Apart from this, it is being analysed that there are various factors like political, social,ethical which may affect operational needs of organisations that have collaborated with eachother. Both of the organisations Tesco plc and Sainsbury's done collaboration with each otherand set a common strategy i.e. to fix prices of commodities so that their sales do not getdecreases. But, it is being found that there is a need of political, ethical and social elements whilesetting over common strategy. With the help of these factors, Tesco plc and Sainsbury's caninfluence their stakeholders to accept the changes or strategies that are being made by them.Political : Government plays a crucial role when companies develops a strategy. It ismandatory for Tesco plc and Sainsbury's to look at the laws that have already been made bythem on set strategy. For an example: government fixed price of a product around £25, then bothof the companies have to follow it. On the other hand, it is also essential for organisation'smanagement so that they may manage their operations as per given rules and regulations.Common strategies will be used by both Sainsbury and Tesco regarding political changes madeby government. For an example, pricing strategy will be same for both companies if the prices ofproducts are same fixed by local government in both nation.Social : Trends and needs of customers gets changes on a regular basis. Therefore,demand of a particular commodity or a whole segment of products can get reduced due toalterations among consumer's needs (Balogun and et. al., 2014). Therefore, social element isbeing considered as another need for both of the organisations to understand it and make changesas per the requirements. Apart from this, administrators in present context may take differentinitiatives so that they meet the requirements of consumers. People have their own choices,preferences and tastes that both Tesco and Sainsbury should analysed social trends of thatparticular nation where they are operating in order to meet customer requirements. This will alsohelp to know which product is demanding within nation.Ethical : Both of the companies (Tesco plc and Sainsbury's) are having good name in allover world. Therefore, it is required to follow business ethics of different countries in which theyare doing business. Collaborative approach may aid both of business firms in making each otherstronger through supporting over weak points. For an example: Sainsbury's is out of funding toimplement common strategy in which they have agreed on. Here, Tesco Plc may support them2
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over. Therefore, it can be taken as a need of ethical considerations which will help both ofcompanies in adopting common strategy. Apart from this, administrators may go into meetingswith company they have done collaboration with so that to imply plan in correct time. Ethicsprovides a reflection of contribution of business to the well fare of society. Ethics are also relatedto the contribution of ideas concerning management roles and responsibilities. Commonstrategies are affected by ethics of people living in different countries that Tesco and Sainsburyshould follow ethics on individual level.Operational needs: Every single business firm carries some sort of gaps in theiroperations which needed to be filled right on time. Therefore, collaborative strategy may aid bothof companies Tesco plc and Sainsbury's in grabbing good position in short period of time andremove those gaps with the help of each other.Operational needs are different for both firms thatmarket segment is different as well as operational needs accordingly. Tesco and Sainsburyshould evaluate their operational needs in order to achieve objectives. For an example, resources,personnel and work progress. Henceforth, if Tesco Plc and Sainsbury's consider above discussed elements while settinga common strategy then it may aid them in reaching to desired goals and objectives. Throughthis, both of organisations can influence their key stakeholders in taking right decisions related tochoosing correct product with quality.1.2. Identification of methodologies through which collective strategy is developed internallywithin each organisation and externally international collaborative basis.Organisations or partners that have collaborated may set common goals and aims. Inorder to attain those goals and objectives, it becomes vital for them to have collective strategy. Itis being analysed that for success of a company, it is necessary to collaborate with stakeholdersor with their partners so that no issue come across while executing a plan. It is also required forcompanies that have collaborated and are doing business at international level to adopt collectivestrategies so that to earn profit or to attain all the business concerns in successful manner.There are many methodologies/approaches present in world through which collectivestrategies can get successfully adopted within each company that have collaborated or amongpartners & stakeholders (Bangs and MacBeath, 2012). Both Tesco plc and Sainsbury's if wantsto collaborate than they may use different methods/approaches in which collective strategy caneasily be adopted which are given beneath:3
Collective Strategy Development : Assignment_6

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