Social Media Communication Strategies
Added on 2019-09-23
6 Pages625 Words166 Views
Running Head: Communication1ENGLISH COMMUNICATION
Communication2 Task 3The social media has emerged as an important tool for advertising. Use of social media enablesorganizations to use a large number of consumers and interact with them. The social media alsofacilitates the organizations to develop a community by connecting several customers. Thecommunication between an organization and the customers through social media can beexplained with the help of the Social Exchange Theory, Social Penetration Theory, and SymbolicInteraction Theory. The Social Exchange Theory indicates that both parties involved in thecommunication focus on meeting their interests (Anderson-Meli & Koshy, 2017). Use of socialexchange theory in communication enables the parties to establish a trusted relationship byinformation sharing and fulfillment of self-interest. In the case of advertising through socialmedia, the businesses try to influence the customers to purchase the products and serviceswhereas the customers try to collect adequate information on the products to make theappropriate purchase decision. The transparency in information sharing helps the customers tomake the right choice, and it also strengthens the relationship between the parties. The social penetration theory indicates that communication plays a crucial role to evolve therelationship between two parties (Ngai, Tao & Moon, 2015). Communication leads to self-disclosure. As the awareness of parties on each other increases, the nature of the relationshipbetween them changes. The social media helps the organizations to establish a channel ofcontinuous two-way communication with the customers. The two-way communication iseffective to know each other’s requirements in detail. As the organizations gain detailedknowledge on the needs of customers, the relationship between them changes. The symbolic interaction theory indicates that communication can motivate the actions of theinvolved parties by sharing meaningful experiences. The role of language is important toinfluence the actions of individuals through communication (Klöckner, 2015). While advertisingthrough social media, the organizations focus on using the language as per the preference of theirtarget audience to obtain the optimum benefit. The social media campaigns of Apple can be considered as an example of communicating withcustomers. Apple focuses on using social media for communicating with the customers. Apple
Communication3has launched ‘Re-tweet for updates from @Apple’ program which enables the organization toengage the target audience in information sharing and promoting their products among potentialcustomers. The campaign also helps Apple to strengthen the relationship with existing customersthrough a re-tweet. The increased number of re-tweets helps Apple to enhance awareness amongthe customers significantly.
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