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Enhancing Communication and Academic Skills - A PowerPoint Presentation


Added on  2023/06/14

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This PowerPoint presentation focuses on enhancing communication and academic skills in health and social care. It covers key features of different types of communication, barriers to communication, ways to overcome them, and appropriate theories. The presentation also includes references for further reading.

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Enhancing communication
and academic skills

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Table of
Key features of different types of Communication
Barriers of communication
Ways to overcome barriers
Appropriate theories
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Communication is a crucial component in
establishing a strong relationship.
To do the task efficiently, every profession
need a systematic communication criterion.
In order to includes factors related to
experience and interaction within social and
health care, communication goes further
than expertise and knowledge.
Individuals that belongs from health and
social care must have the capability to
empathize when it is required to
communicate potentially about the difficult
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Key features of
different types of
Commination is a tool that allows an individual to exert influence over others
and bring about changes in their attitudes as well as change in their behavior in
order to form a close relationship with them.
It is social engagement that plays the most important part in one's active
Health and social individual can achieve their aim more effectively and obtain
the objectivity of their services if they have efficient communication among the
In day-to-day work, health and social care workers rely on a variety of forms of
communication, including spoken, nonverbal, written, and computer

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6Cs of
The six 6 C’s of communication are
as follow-
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Types of
Verbal communication- This
describes the communication that are
found in between the patient and the
health and social worker. For this,
providers of health and social need a
variety of capabilities.
Non-verbal communication- Health
and social individuals transmit their
message to their patients by non-
verbal communication that comprises
gestures, posture, closeness, and
facial expression.
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Written communication- To safely preserve or understand accurate
information, the health and social care individuals rely on written form of
communication that include of forms and documents.
Electronic communication- This describes the communication which is
held by using electronic medium such as the internet, email, and text
messages, among other methods.
Formal communication- This describes that the information which is
shared from one place to another by using different channels. This found
successful in social and health as information share by using proper
systematic channels, norms and laws, follows hierarchy, and work
command, as well as saves time due to direct communication.

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Barriers of
Communication can be influenced by a number of variables. The following is a list
of some of them.
Language barriers- The individuals of health and social does not require to usage
medical standards while communicating with their patients because the people
who has low intellect does understand their professional terms which create
misunderstanding for them.
Emotional barrier- Individuals that belongs from health and social care need to
have control on their emotions. The emotional intelligence is significant for
enhancing the probability of getting information, understand it as well as able in
order to react on it in heath and social care profile.
Physiological barrier- This barriers occurs due to the poor health as well as lack
of attention. In social and health care profile, their communication could be
impacted by preconceived ideas, typical behavior or misunderstood the body
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Ways to
Adaptive environment- Making change in the physical environment can
enhance the effectiveness of communication. Health and social care
individuals need to make sure that they can be seen or heard clearly by the
person they are communicating with. They need to make sure that they use
eyes, facial expressions and gestures to communicate where required.
Electronic devices- To address the issue of language barrier, multi-language
gadgets that act as translators between the speaker and the listener should be
available. It considerably aids people in clarifying their problems for staff
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The humanistic theory refers to the process of in view of the study of a single
person. The aim of this approach in social and health care enterprise is to make a
welcoming environment for service receivers and in order to admit them as
participants of their own staff. In health and social care profile, psychology put
emphasis over the empathy and stress the good within the human behavior. Here,
individuals reach their overall potential by moving from basic necessities to self-
Behaviorist Theory- Communication with a person should be done in a way that
resonates with their behavior, according to the behaviorist theory of
communication. This can be talented through seeing and examining the
individual's behavior. In health and social care profile, these individuals need to
observe the behavior of their patients because behaviors are learned from the

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Cognitive theory:
This theory focuses on the opinions of
personality as the definitive of the service user
behaviors and feelings.
In health an social care profile, this approach to
psychology helps in explaining the behavior of
their patients by understanding the thought
process of patient.
For instance, a therapist use cognitive
principles when they teach how to analyze mal-
adaptive thought patterns and also convert them
into constructive outcome.
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As per the above discussion, it is analysed that cognitive
theory is most useful theory for health and social care profile
because this makes them to observe others in order to make
social interaction effectively. This will also helps in giving
the best service to their patients also.
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Based on the above analysis of PPT, it can be concluded that communication
is critical to comprehending the situation and aids in the formation of
interpersonal relationships.
Various modes of communication have evolved in the above PPT, and their
importance in building a proper communication chain has also been
The communication scenario was created by the impediments and their
Finally, the developed theory served as a tool for improving the operations of
the supplied organization.

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Baker, and Sangiamchit, 2019. Transcultural communication: Language,
communication and culture through English as a lingua franca in a social network
community. Language and Intercultural Communication.
Karnieli-Miller, O., 2020. Reflective practice in the teaching of communication
skills. Patient education and counseling, 103(10), pp.2166-2172.
Manheim, J.B., 2020. All of the people all the time: Strategic communication and
American politics. Routledge.
Nurullayevna, S.N., 2020. The key of effective communication is
pronunciation. European Journal of Humanities and Educational
Advancements, 1(4), pp.5-7.
Rese, and, 2020. Chatbots in retailers’ customer communication: How to
measure their acceptance?. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 56,
Xie, and Qin, 2020. A lite distributed semantic communication system for internet
of things. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 39(1), pp.142-153.
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