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Communication and Negotiation in Organizational Success


Added on  2023/01/18

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This report discusses the importance of communication and negotiation in achieving organizational success. It focuses on two case studies - one on maintaining effective communication for food safety and the other on the negative implications of negotiation issues in air traffic control strikes. The report explores the challenges faced by managers, such as language and cultural barriers, and provides solutions to overcome them. It also emphasizes the use of standard operating procedures and effective communication practices to maintain safe food handling practices.

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Communication and

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This report is based on the concept of communication and negotiation which are the
prominent tool of an organisation and help to attain the overall success. Focusing on these
factors are the advantageous state under which the company help to develop their employee and
prepare them to face any challenges successfully. Along with that negotiation maintain the
relationship of firm with different stakeholders by sustaining the chances of mutual benefit. This
report includes two case studies, in first one discussion is made to maintain the effective
communication in order to sustain the food safety habits. Whereas, the other case study which is
about Air Traffic controllers strikes determine the negative implications faced the PATCO due to
negotiation issue with FAA.
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Table of Contents
Overview of case study ...................................................................................................................4
Communication challenges and barriers faced by Barry.............................................................5
Solution that are addressed by the Barry in order to cope up with the challenges and barrier....6
Standard Operating Procedure which are helpful from the Barry to implement.........................7
Effective communication that Barry can use to follow to maintain the safe food handling
RECCOMENDATIONS .................................................................................................................9
Case Study ....................................................................................................................................12
Did the union use “fair” or “ethical” negotiation tactics? Explain............................................12
Was the government’s response to the strike fair and appropriate? Explain.............................13
Who was at fault in this negotiation breakdown and why?.......................................................13
What do you think could have been done better by the PATCO? By the Government? ..........14
REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................17
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Communication is the process to transmit all the necessary details and information from
one end that is sender to the recipient through various channel in order to maintain the
significance of message (Chase & Shamo, 2012). Negotiation in communications plays an
essential role in settling down any disagreement, dispute as well as conflict amongst different
parties in order to reach out the best suited output. This helps to create the win win situation by
seeking the mutual benefit between different parties in order to sustain the position and carry out
the functioning effectively by maintaining the relationship effectively.
Effective communication that is carried out within the organisation is directly
proportionate to the negotiation. As the more meaningful, relevant and desirable the
communication process is the more desirable the negotiation well be in terms of clarity in the
opinion. This is the power of communication where suitable and healthy discussion takes place
that motivate people to take suitable initiative and effort for welfare of company. Along with that
it direct the employees in right direction where everyone coordinate or cooperate with each other
without indulging in any types of conflict. As this generate the feeling of dissatisfaction and
competitive amongst the similar team member. So communication and negotiation are bind
together that create the transparency regarding the situation as well as adequate functioning of
firm. For the better understanding of report two different case studies are taken one is Effective
Communication as a motivator and other one is Air traffic control strike 1981. So by knowing
about the whole scenario the significance of effective communication and negotiation to run
certain procedure and organisation are covered in the report.
Overview of case study
Effective communication as a motivator
Barry is the food serving manager at the dining restaurant that perform the responsibility
where he is assigned to manage as well as supervise the other employee in order to inculcate the
healthy habits while preparing and serving the food to the customer. These employees belongs to
different background and most of does not have English as their primary language (Costello &
Welch, 2014). Along Barry carry out the communication programme on the regular basis to
maintain the effective communication. Along with that posters are used that display the message
such as maintain appropriate hygiene, wash your hands regularly etc. This signifies the essence

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of favourable communication due to which they are regular trained in order to adopt the healthy
habits and use food safety indicator. Further, due to the high turnover rate Barry finds difficult to
make the things understand to the people of different age group as well as diverse cultural group.
This makes the task challenging for Barry where attires get frustrated to manage the things
appropriately for suitable functioning of restaurant.
Communication challenges and barriers faced by Barry
Communication barriers are simply the hurdles that distract the efficiency of whole
communication process and affect the message that is to be transmitted to the receipt. This fails
the inter-personal communication due to which the sender does not get back the constructive
feedback. Similarly, in the case of Barry where he is puts immense efforts to make the people
understand the relevance of effective communication but due to certain barriers like cultural
difference and language barrier laid to the situation of communication that hamper the
expectations to reach the standard objective. Some of the challenges faced by Barry due to which
he remain frustrated and feel like talking to the wall are defined below:
Language barrier: This barrier takes place if the different parties have specialised
knowledge and habit of conversing into distinct regional launching. So this makes the
communication process ineffective as it is not necessary that receipts have proficient
communication skill of the particular language like English. Along with that inclusion of jargon
is the mistake done by sender that hamper the effectiveness (Houser & et. al., 2014). As per this
case the casual dining restaurant faces the issue of high turnover rate due to which which it keep
on hiring the new employee that belong to different regions and does not share the common
language. So this creates the difficulty for Barry to draft its message and communicate with the
employee. Hence, even after putting strong emphasis on the communication process he less
likely gain the favourable outcome.
Cultural barrier: Generally the organisation include the people of different culture that
share distinct values, religion, language, believes, thoughts, eating habits, dressing sense and so
on. Thus, such diversity amongst employees leads to the communication barrier so the message
needs to be precisely explained otherwise it can affect the understanding and unclear informal
communication can make someone offended. According to case study Barry who is the food
service manager handle the people belonging to different cultural background. So it is the
responsibility of the sender that they transmit the message in best possible manner by using oral,
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written as well as informal way to communicate. Similarly, Barry uses attractive posters so that
their staff understand the meaning and uses adequate spaces to wash the hands before and after
preparing the meal. Along with that thermometers are given to each employee so that they can
maintain the temperature of food items. But still he is facing cultural barrier due to insignificant
performance due to food safety measures.
Thus, these are the common barrier experienced by the food serving manager in the case
study due to which they find difficulty in transmitting the message without hampering its
relevance. Being efficient enough in using the different modes of communications such as direct
(face to face) and visual (posters) the manager lack to get the potential result in terms of
maintaining the food safety which is the most prominent aspect of the restaurant. As by
maintaining quality the company can encourage the customers otherwise they can easily switch
to the other restaurants where the food safety steps are taken in more efficient manner (Myers,
Goodboy & Members of COMM 600., 2014).
Solution that are addressed by the Barry in order to cope up with the challenges and barrier
Communication is the most essential part of an organisation that help to carry out the day
to day processes and functioning in more efficient manner. But due to the disturbance and
existence of barrier affect the significance of whole communication process. At this situation the
encoded messages are are not decoded properly. Further, there are certain solution that can help
the firm to deal with the extreme situation and overcome the barrier of communications. Some of
the ways that can be used by Barry are defined below:
Pay vital attention in the recruitment and training round: Both recruitment and
selection are the essential part of the organisation, so it is the responsibility of the manager to
make the additional expenditure and concentrate on the different HRM Process. In this case
study the manager usually select and train the employees in huge rush which laid the
communication gap and act as a barrier in terms of performing the responsibilities effectively. So
Barry needs to hire the right candidate and invest time to train the staff to use thermometer,
indulge appropriate hygiene and sanitization habits. This programme further leads to the proper
understating between manager of staff irrespective of linguistic and cultural barrier.
Avoid using jargon: Jargon are basically the technical terms which needs to be avoided
by manager otherwise the receiver may not actually understand the meaning of whole
conversation due to which they may misinterpret the information. These jargon can only be used
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if the sender has confidence over the receiver that they will understand the message (Pearce,
2018). Based on case study English is not the primary language of most of the employee. So in
this case the content needs to be concise, meaningful and simple because of which everyone will
remain well versed what they have to perform. This is the effective solution of barrier that need
to opted significantly.
Performance appraisal: Under this process Barry gives constructive feedback to each
and every employee due to which they come to know the ways by which they can enhance their
existing performance. Along with that performance appraisal method is the part of growth and
development under which desirable employee gets the opportunity to get the additional benefit in
terms of salary hike and promotion. This motivate the staff to concentrate on the constructive
feedback and improve the individual performance in terms of food safety effectively.
Therefore, these are some of the efficient ways by which Barry can enhance the
performance of employee and maintain the liaison between employee as well as customer. This
suitably enrich the functioning of overall organisation.
Standard Operating Procedure which are helpful from the Barry to implement
Standard operating procedure are the step by step processes or instruction that is
guided by the employer to employee in terms to achieve the efficiency and gain the quality
output. This sis the effective practice if the manager has to tackle diverse employees and reduce
the chances of miscommunication. This overview employee about the task which they have to
perform and the time duration allotted for each and every activity. This leads to the consistency
as everyone remain well versed with the task they have to perform (Petrucci & et. al., 2015). It
involve the roles and responsibilities where employee are effectively trained in order to build the
effective customer service experience. Additionally, these procedure need not to be vague
otherwise this may create confusion and cater the chances of deviation where gaps between the
actual and standard performance are widen. It is mainly the responsibility of manager to update
these standard on the regular basis for the effective functioning of firm and ensure the viable
Application of these standard by the employees within casual dining restaurant is a great
relief for Barry because then he just need to focus to prepare the standard based on which the
staff can carry out the performance. This helps to attain the effective and consistent task where
everyone will follow the basic food safety habits which are essential to maintain the hygiene,

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temperature as well as cleanliness all around the kitchen area where food is prepared. Being food
and safety main concern of the Barry can be attained with the help of this practice. Apparently,
most of the employees gets the training but during the peak season and to cope up with high
turnover issue the food-service manager lack to give personal attention to each and every
employee. But at the same time to enhance the revenue of restaurant the focus should be given to
enrich the capabilities of internal staff in order to gain the core competencies.
Perhaps unavailability of the adequate evaluation process is the loophole of company but
ultimately it is affecting the operations of firm. Even Barry does not find that some of the
employees are doing justice with their responsibilities. So these standard operating procedure can
only work out to function effectively if employee of right mindset are hired for the sustainable
performance of firm (Venus, Stam & Van Knippenberg, 2013). Along with that huge signs
which are posted on the wall of kitchen is one of the most prominent practices which need to be
maintained by Barry. As it subconsciously realises the staff the practices which they have to
carry out to maintain the hygiene. Essential focus is given in the food safety measure because it
is the propriety of staff which they cannot compromise. Therefore, proper use of the standard
help in the suitable functioning of the firm which is required to enhance the capability and being
perfection while carrying out routine activities suitably.
Effective communication that Barry can use to follow to maintain the safe food handling
Effective communication is the best possible way by which views are presented for the
convenience of receiver in order to fulfil the suitable purpose. The manager of company
immensely emphases on this factor because it help the firm to manage interpersonal relationship
by which all the shared objective are attained in the most desirable manner. There are various
significance associated with effective communication that can help Barry to maintain the food
handling practices. Some of the ways that can be adopted by the respected restaurant are defined
Employee management: Instead of just allocating the work the food-serving manger
need to build the relationship with employee so that they feel free to put forward their problem
and suggestion. This help to minimise the hierarchical gap where every employee may consider
them as an essential part of restaurant. This motivating factor encourages them to perform their
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resposibility and inculcate the safe food handling practices for tehb bettermenet of overall
Ascertain the transparency to develop their trust: Communication usually promote
the transparency where all the essential facts and figures can be shared by the Barry to
employees. This motivate them to attain the target because even there growth and benefit are
associated with overall objective. Also the loyalty and trust encourages the staff to reduce the
chances of turnover and function to adopt the safety measuring practices to carry out the task.
Reduce the chances of misunderstanding: The chances of misunderstanding or conflict
can only be avoided by indulging into deep discussion or interaction. It is the prime way by bring
the clarity amongst the different parties. Barry on the constant basis intimate their staff that what
they have to performance so this display that there is a better scope by which the internal staff
actually understand the whole procedure and then perform the activity in more significant
manner. Moreover, these communication need to be more interactive or can be two way rather
than one way where only Barry takes the responsibility to start and end the communication
(Zaval & Cornwell, 2017).
Facilitate creative and significant way to perform the work: In order to reduce the
boredom of repetitive task the manager and employee needs to identify the creative way. Such
initiative generate the innovative way by which performance is carried out in more effective and
efficient manner. Also it act as motivating factor the rejuvenate the energy of staff and help them
to adopt the suitable food safety practices for the functioning of firm.
Certain suggestion on the basis of case study 'Effective communication as a Motivator'
are stated below:
The messages which are transmitted by the Barry who is food serving manager should be
articulated effectively. As the employees of casual dining restaurant belong to different
cultural background and each of them does not have profound knowledge of English.
Along with that the employees of company belong to different age group which is 16 to
55 years old so they have different understanding and way to perceive the things. Thus,
better presentation of information through graphical, visual and communication pattern
can assist the member to perform task sustainably.
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Further, the restaurant should focus on their recruitment and training cycle where they
focus to hire the most essential employee that can understand the job role and adopt the
food safety practices. All these are the primary activities which should not takes place in
As the casual dining restaurant faces the issue of high turnover rate which mean they are
not able to retain the existing staff of the company. This is the unstable situation because
they invest the particular time, cost and energy to hire the favourable employee and train
them for their responsibility. This determine even the staff are facing certain issues from
the company. Thus, Barry should understand the perspective of staff and offer them
growth opportunity.
From the above case it has been recommended that communication is the vital part of the
company that strength the relationship between the employee as well as employer. So different
organisations need to carry out the deep discussion within internal and external stakeholders to
select the best possible alternative and satisfy the interest of all suitable candidate. Therefore, it
helps to gain the advantage of core competencies and gain vital position.

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Chase, R. S., & Shamo, W. (2012). Elements of effective communication (Vol. 10). Plain &
Precious Publishing.
Costello, R., & Welch, S. A. (2014). A qualitative analysis of faculty and student perceptions of
effective online class communities using Herzberg’s motivatorhygiene factors.
Quarterly review of distance education. 15(4). 15.
Houser, L., & et. al., (2014). From work support to work motivator: Child care subsidies and
caseworker discretion in the post-welfare reform era. Journal of Women, Politics &
Policy. 35(2). 174-193.
Myers, S. A., Goodboy, A. K., & Members of COMM 600. (2014). College student learning,
motivation, and satisfaction as a function of effective instructor communication
behaviors. Southern Communication Journal. 79(1). 14-26.
Pearce, R. (2018). Be a Project Motivator: Unlock the Secrets of Strengths-Based Project
Management. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
Petrucci, A. M., & et. al., (2015). You have a message! Social networking as a motivator for
FLS training. Journal of surgical education. 72(3). 542-548.
Venus, M., Stam, D., & Van Knippenberg, D. (2013). Leader emotion as a catalyst of effective
leader communication of visions, value-laden messages, and goals. Organizational
Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 122(1). 53-68.
Zaval, L., & Cornwell, J. F. (2017). Effective education and communication strategies to
promote environmental engagement. European Journal of Education. 52(4). 477-486.
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Case Study
The 1981 Air Traffic Controllers Strike
On 5th of August, workers of PATCO refuse to return to work due to which they are fired and
around 11,345 air traffic controllers were fired and they were also banned to provide any kind of
federal service in their whole life (Gutierrez and et. al., 2017). This case study revolves around
this strike that has been taken place in this year. In this case study, there are various questions
that will be solved. It covers whether fair and ethical practices are used by union or not. It also
determines whether the response of government in this regard was appropriate or not. Further, it
covers identification of the reason because of which this negotiation broke down and the reason
behind it. At the end, it is typically elaborated things that can be done by PATCO in more better
way such as effective communication, distributive, ethics, integrative bargaining, tactics and
conflict resolution.
Did the union use “fair” or “ethical” negotiation tactics? Explain
In case of any kind of negotiation, it becomes important for unions to understand the kind
of negotiation they can use. They must utilise fair and ethical tactics of negotiation which do not
include any kind of illegality. PATCO strike has been taken place because as per union, safety
problems in air traffic controller system has been ignored to a large extent. When things do not
went good between both the parties, than this strike has been taken place. As per this case study,
the PATCO union did not utilise any kind of fair practices and negotiation tactics.
Although going on strike is very normal when the demand and requirements of workers
are not fulfilled. But the reason why this topic has been extended this much is because union
leader representative of PATCO misused his authority and exceeds it. This strike was considered
to be unethical and illegal because there was a contract that is signed by this union and all its
members in which it is clearly mentioned that if any such kind of strike will take place in future
than it would be considered to be illegal (Hoffman and Conrey, 2018). The union members were
already aware about the contract and circumstances when it would be broken. But still, they did
it which is considered as breaching of this contract. This is the illegal practice which has been
done by union. Although it can also seen that Robert Poli has putted down his opinion in front of
Federal Aviation Authority keeping in mind all the opinions of members of union. But at the
same time, this union can use many other measures to put their opinions in front of FAA.
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Was the government’s response to the strike fair and appropriate? Explain
The response of government in regards to the strike was appropriate as the government
has already made it clear that any kind of strike or action related to this by any organisation is
banned. The reason behind it was negative outcome that can take place when such actions will be
served (Holliday, 2018). The government structure bargains and relationship among federal
workers had complicated the negotiations. The work which is specialised of air controllers and
their grievances regarding working conditions had stressed many. Due to which there was wide
gap that has been created among them which was not able to fulfilled.
Who was at fault in this negotiation breakdown and why?
As per this case study, both government as well as leader were at fault in PATCO strike.
Leader hurried up with actions and has taken an instant decision regarding strike. The leader was
well known about the circumstances and also know that this thing has been prohibited as per the
laws and policies of the government. Due to this irresponsible behaviour, the negative outcomes
has not only led by him alone but it is led by all his team members also and people working
under him. Leader had to think calmly before taking any kind of action and should work with
emotional intelligence. It can be more proper if the leader patiently listened and carefully
listened to the government and their decisions. But instead of this, he did not listened anything
and refused the causes that can place when this strike will take place. Moreover, he can talk to
other senior people and make them understand his problem and if they are not available than he
could have asked for proper guidance.
On the other hand, government is equally responsible in this case as this idea must be
considered by government and must be measured whether it is reliable or not. If government
thinks that this idea is not reliable than it should have given the other party certain reasons to
refuse it (Hua, 2015). This way this thing can be resolved but instead of this government did not
listened to them and their idea which has even increased this problem. It is the responsibility of
government to listen everyone and give everyone a chance to speak on their behalf. But here the
things were completely opposite, the government did not even listened to them which has
resulted in creation of this strike. If government appropriately listened to union than the union
might feel a sense of support from their side and they may not had committed such illegal and
unethical practice. Another thing which can be considered in this regard is that although the
decision of government was right when considered in legal terms. But at the same time, it was

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not accurate as if considered on other terms. Government must have given it a thought before
taking such hard action against the union such as firing them from job and throwing them into
the prison (Jianxun, 2016). This was the inappropriate action that was taken by government in
this regards.
What do you think could have been done better by the PATCO? By the Government?
PATCO ( Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organisation) strike has been held in 1981
on August has been stand out be one of the tough battles in the organised history of labour. With
republican President named Ronald Reagan that has busted of around 107 months of strike, this
is considered as one in which a corporates greed has been expensed of US Workers. As per the
opinions of the union of PATCO, the air traffic control is recognised as one of the most stressful
job as in this many airline passengers live hangs in balancing with each decision which is made
by controller. This has resulted in heart conditions, alcoholism, hypertension which were became
common thing among these controllers. There were many issues that was faced by this union for
which they have committed this strike when government did not hear them.
But as a result they were thrown out of their jobs and in prison, as the strike was
considered illegal and unethical practice as per the government. Now here it can be noticed that
what government did was right and what the union did was completely wrong. But this fact can
not be neglected that the reason why union and leader did was not unfair. When government did
not hear the demands and requirements of union than it became necessary for them to do it. But
at the time it is also considered that they can adopt certain other measures so that government
can hear their opinions and view points and can more clearly understand the problems and issues
faced by them. There are many things that can be done by PETCO and the government by which
this problem can be resolved which are determined as follows-
Appropriate Communication- For negotiation, there must be effective flow of
communication between union and government. The reason why this situation has taken place is
due to communication gap between government and union (Ling, 2017). An appropriate
communication is the most appropriate tool that can be used to avoid any kind of issue taking
place within an organisation. There were various problems that were faced by staff of air traffic
controller as they were not provided appropriate working condition. They have thousand times
raised their voice but due to communication gap, their voice was not able to reach to high
authority. This is the reason when no action has been taken place they have started this strike.
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Here communication plays an important role, as with effective flow of communication between
higher authority and union members can result in appropriate results. In this regard, there can be
an open communication or a two way communication method that can be used, which can give
an opportunity to them to open up with the issues faced by them (Rouhshad, Wigglesworth and
Storch, 2016). This way this issue can be easily resolved without any kind of problem.
Distribute and Integrative negotiation- In distributive negotiation, each navigator pays
attention upon meeting personal interests, regardless about the losses that can be faced by others.
On the other hand, in integrative negotiation refers to a negotiation that pays attention upon the
mutual interests of the other parties as well and as a result it helps in providing constructive
solutions that is considered to be beneficial for all the people. In PATCO case, the union only
thought about their own benefits and do not considered about the results that they can face in
future. They do not even understand the problem and issues of other parties and government and
without thinking about anything they randomly took decision about doing a strike. They have
adopted distributive negotiation. In order to come out of this, they can simply adopt integrative
negotiation by considering about other parties also.
Appropriate Tactics- In this whole scenario both the union leader and government is in
fault and they both have to think calmly before taking any kind of action that can cause harm.
For this purpose, both of them can adopt major tactics that might helped them in resolving such
issues and problems. For instance, PATCO union by using appropriate communication channel
can asked help from higher authority. Similarly if government must had listened to their problem
and try to take any proper action that can be possible.
Ethics- In an organisation or in any kind of industry, one of the most important thing that
have to considered by people are ethics and moral. All the workers in an organisation must work
with ethics and should not use any kind of unfair and unethical measure. In this case study upon
PATCO strike, it has been ascertained that the union had adopted unfair and illegal action against
the government by doing strike (Simmons-Mackie and Elman, 2015). The union leader was
already aware that the strike is illegal as per the government policies and procedures, still this
strike has been taken place which was wrong. For this purpose an ethical practice can be adopted
by them such as they can ask for a meeting and arrive at a decision, also they can ask help from
senior authorities, and so on.
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Conflicts Resolution- While working in an enterprise, there should not be any kind of
conflict as it will have negative impact upon overall functioning of an organisation (Ting‐
Toomey, 2015). It is important to resolve a conflict as soon it is taking place, as no one knows
how far it might go. Same happened in this case study, there were conflicts between FAA and
PATCO union as they were not understanding the issues which were faced by air traffic control
people. In this regard senior authorities can take initiative actions such as they can resolve
conflicts by conducting a meeting and allow each person to speak. This might helped them to
open up themselves in from of authorities and might not lead to such situation.
Health and safety- Another thing that can be considered in this regard is that workers
must be provided appropriate healthy and safe working environment with appropriate working
conditions (Zhang, Chengdong, and Gan, 2019). The main reason of this strike and the idea of
this strike has been raised from the condition that air traffic controllers were not provided
appropriate safety measures which was leading to many problems. If previously actions for
health and safety has been applied than this situation might not have arisen.
The organisation as well as authorities should focus on the negotiation which is used to
settle the issue and maintain the understanding between different parties. So during the time of
crises feasible actions should be taken to come forward and put their opinion. Like, FAA chooses
illegal way under which the strikers were fired and thrown in prises. Thus, the legal authorities
should not opt the harsh rules otherwise the local residence may not put forward their opinion
From the case study it has been determined that negotiation and communication are the
essential part of the firm that need to be effectively practices in order to reach out the better way
to carry the task. So the practices need to be taken place in the ethical manner otherwise it can
affect the peace and functioning of overall economy.

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Books and Journals
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