
Communication and Technology


Added on  2022-11-01

5 Pages1124 Words69 Views
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Communication and Technology_1

With the development of the technology, the method of human interaction and the
exchange of communication has changed drastically owing to the fact that the time and space
constraint have been overcome in order to make communication easier and faster with the help
of technology. This particular factor of the development of the technology for the purpose of the
facilitation of the communication and also for the purpose of the exchange of ideas and
experiences have been made possible because of the revolution brought about by the
development of the wireless communication technology, or the internet. The development of the
internet has brought about drastic changes in not only method of communication but has also
brought about changes in the global economy and the dynamics of personal relationships have
also undergone paradigmatic shifts and changes, thereby leading to an overall change in the way
in which human beings lead their lives. Thus it can be said that the creative possibilities that
which are being made available through the evolutionary technological advancements are also
transforming the method in which human beings communicate with each other and also represent
the ideas and experiences. This particular statement shall be adjudged on the basis of the sum
and substance of two chosen books titled ‘Lion : A Long Way Home’ by Saroo Brierly and ‘The
Matrix’ by Joshua Clover. The idea being conveyed in the books pertaining to the
communication and technology shall be related to the hypothetical statement chosen which says
that the creative possibilities that which are being made available through the evolutionary
technological advancements are also transforming the method in which human beings
communicate with each other and also represent the ideas and experiences.
In the book titled, ‘Lion : A Long Way Home’ by Saroo Brierly the real story of a boy
from India named Saroo has been narrated, dealing basically with the theme of detachment from
the biological family and the reunion with it after a period consisting of several years. The theme
Communication and Technology_2

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