
Communication Skills for Business Assignment (Solution)


Added on  2020-12-29

11 Pages2667 Words280 Views
Professional Development
Communication Skills for Business Assignment (Solution)_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3Communication models and systems used in business ..............................................................3Communication methods and technology in businesses.............................................................4Principles of effective communication .......................................................................................4TASK 2............................................................................................................................................5Oral Communication ..................................................................................................................5TASK 3............................................................................................................................................5Communication in Writing ........................................................................................................5CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................6REFERENCES................................................................................................................................6
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INTRODUCTIONCommunication is an effective process that involve transferring of important informationfrom one party to another. Its basic purpose is to communicate the relevant message so that it canbe properly transmitted to receiver's end in proper time period (Mishra, 2014). The reporthighlights various communication models which is used in business and importance ofcommunication skills. Apart from it, there are several styles through which businesscommunication takes place in the form of formal report, letter, emails, webpages so that ultimateobjective could be fulfilled. There are some principles that is followed to make thecommunication procedure effectual. TASK 1Communication models and systems used in business Communication model: Various models of business communication process are:David Berlo: He has formulated the “SMCR” model in which the sender transfers hismessage through medium channel so that every department receive proper message thatthe higher level wants to communicate with their subordinates (Barratt, Hanlon andRankin, 2011).Interactive model: This is created on the concept that communication procedure is not aone way channel. Hence, receiver and sender interacts with each other by giving theirfeedbacks wherever necessary. This is followed in business organisation that involveproper interaction between superior and subordinate level. Communication system:Business communication system assists in carrying out communication process ineffective and efficient manner (Saavedra and Opfer, 2012). The primary form of communicationsystem in business organisation is through audio transmissions, video conferencing and textmessaging. Further description of communication system that is utilised in business functioningare as follows:Fax: It is also termed as “long distance courier process” in which message is send to farway place through fax machine. It assist in sending the similar document to many users atsame time. For example, if an organisation wants to send some important document to
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another branch which is located in some another country than, fax machine helps incarrying out such process. It is a simple procedure that involve requirements oftelephone, scanner, modem so that graphics, text can also be conveyed. E- mail (Electronic Mail): This process allows to transfer message throughelectronically. Businesses communicate majorly through e- mails when they want totransfer some important message to their employees. Hence, it is a formal way ofcommunication used by them. Voice mail: It is carried out to perform oral communication process. Under their, theinformation is send to receiver through network and it is also consider secured way as itcan be accessed with the use of passwords (Tymon, 2013). Communication methods and technology in businessesDifferent description of the methods that are adopted by business organisation aredescribed below:Written: In involve some contents that has to be documented. Business make used of e-mails, SMS, text messages and involve use of symbols. It is carried out to transfer somelegal information.Verbal: It is performed with the use of words, expressions in order to transfer message. Non-verbal: It does not include any use of words hence, it is carried out to transferfeelings, ideas, thoughts of individual person to another. Visual: it involve presenting the information through use of graphics, signs, charts,symbols. Electronic Methods: Teleconferencing, video conferencing, messaging and e-mailcommunication is included in this type of communication method as it is carried out inelectronic form. The benefits of formal and informal communication to organisations.Carrying out the communication process in smooth manner.The effective formal communication helps in creating disciple in employees working.It assist in minimizing the faults and mistakes (Azevedo, Apfelthaler and Hurst, 2012).Principles of effective communication There are number of barrier that is present in business communication process thathinders the overall procedure hence, attention should be made to communicate with some norms
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