
Interpersonal Skills for Social Workers


Added on  2020-04-01

8 Pages1782 Words39 Views
Healthcare and Research
Running Head: COMMUNICATION AND THOUGHTSCommunication and thoughtsName of the StudentName of the University Author Note
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1COMMUNICATION AND THOUGHTSThe essay aims to discuss the importance of the communication skills. Communicationskills are essential to excel in any discipline or field. Communication is an intricate skill and isinarguably important for an individual and an organisation. This world is socially reliant andeven on a basic level, interaction between people is required for achieving smallest of a thing. Inthe regard, the essay explains three impersonal communication skills of listening, feedback andquestioning. Further, the essay discusses the benefits of applying these skills in the sociologysector particularly in the social and welfare service. Using theories of sociology andcommunication, the essay explains the usefulness of these communication skills in the chosendiscipline.Social and the welfare service is the discipline that involves the human-to-humaninteraction. Within this discipline, the extensive application of the three interpersonalcommunication skills is necessary for effective functionality within the social service. The goalof the social and the welfare service is to engage with the public via open, honest dialogue andinteraction while maintaing the ethical principles of confidentiality autonomy, respect anddignity of the clients/ This goal is not possible without the interpersonal communication skills oflistening, feedback and questioning (Boys et al., 2015).Listening conscientiously is a communication skill to ensure the public welfare in socialservice. Listening is a skill that require one to deliberately interpret the audio and visual stimulifrom an external source to obtain clear idea or information (Wolvin, 2011). Listening involvesthe steps of “attending, interpreting, remembering, evaluating and responding” to messages bothnon-verbally and verbally. Initially one has to acknowledge the prompts and the giveninformation followed by its interpretation based on personal understanding. Then the person insocial service recalls the information, evaluates and analyses the information based on the
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2COMMUNICATION AND THOUGHTSinterpretation. Finally, the person responses by demonstrating the perceived information andclarifies the message. While receiving or responding to the message the non-verbal language canbe used in conjunction. It will help demonstrate the effective listening. The nonverbal cues mayinclude nodding head, visual attention, eye contact, mirrored behaviour and positive bodylanguage. It will help understand the information more clearly. According to social learningtheory, observation and imitation better explains the human behaviour (Jennings & Henderson,2014).Applying the listening skills in social work will enhance the welfare of the client. Theclients feel more valued and important when they are listened. A social worker must demonstratethe active listening skills. This is an important technique for conflict resolution of the clients, forcounselling and training. The social worker must fully listen to the client’s crisis, observe,concentrate and understand the issue. Then the social worker can design intervention based onthe interpretation (Wolvin, 2011). Active listening involves both listening and talking to analysethe behaviour of the client. This is the crux of the communication theory. It helps the serviceusers to feel that they are understood and build mutual trust in the social worker. A service userwill feel more comfortable when the social worker use positive body language and express rightemotions. It also benefits the social worker to comprehend the state of mind of the client that isaggressive, having hidden pain or in the state of happiness. It will help the social worker to gainmutual trust through listening interpersonal skills (Stacks & Salwen, 2014).The skill of questioning is important one, for analysis and comprehension where allparties involves demonstrates what is understood and projects the meaning. This soft skill helpsboth the sender and receiver to gain insight of what is unsaid and send messages accordingly toenrich the dialogue. Asking questions allows one to control the conversation and is a great
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