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Develop and Apply Knowledge of Communications Industry - Project Portfolio


Added on  2023/06/15

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This project portfolio for BSBMKG439 Develop and Apply Knowledge of Communications Industry covers various topics such as communication industry research, marketing communication, employment opportunities, industry ethics, and more. It includes information on the key stakeholders in the marketing communications industry, legislation that marketers must follow, and criteria for assessing communication reports. The portfolio also discusses the impact of digital technologies on marketing communications and the latest trends in the industry.

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Develop and Apply Knowledge of Communications Industry
BSBMKG439 Develop and apply knowledge of communications industry – PROJECT PORTFOLIO
Last Updated: July 2021, V. No. 1.0

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Section 1: Communications industry research 6
Section 2: Internal briefing report 12
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BSBMKG439 Develop and apply knowledge of communications industry – PROJECT PORTFOLIO
Last Updated: July 2021, V. No. 1.0
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Section 1: Communications industry research
Describe the
communication industry
and at least six of the
sectors within it
Communication industry is defined as the businesses that will
convey the information that will be covered on the platforms of
television, radio broadcasting, publications and
telecommunications. Communication industry plays an
important role in various other businesses and helps them in
communicating in effective manner with their potential
customers. It assists in delivering high value and standards for
the customer service. It is the key element that will help the
employees in building easy collaborations where having a
remote presence. Communication industry makes
communication possible on global level with the help of phone
and internet, cables and even present in wireless forms. The
service sectors present in communication industry includes
telecommunications services, media, entertainment along with
interactive media and services.
Marketing Communication
What is marketing
Define the term marketing
communication in at least
a paragraph, explaining
marketing communication
in the context of the
marketing mix.
Marketing communication is the most fundamental area that
holds a complex part in the marketing efforts placed by the
company. It helps in delivering the messages and media that the
company will use for the purpose of communication in the target
markets. Marketing communication includes the traditional form
of advertising, direct marketing, social marketing and
presentations. Marketing communication helps in moving the
products and services while working on the idea of end users
and build ways to maintain the relationships with the desired
customers. This in terms of marketing mix is defined as the
process that will allow the public to know and understand the
company while developing a clear idea about what the brand is
looking to offer.
BSBMKG439 Develop and apply knowledge of communications industry – PROJECT PORTFOLIO
Last Updated: July 2021, V. No. 1.0

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Major types of marketing
Briefly explain each of the
major types of marketing
communication methods.
There are different types of marketing communication such as:
Advertising: it is a powerful way to develop marketing
communications and helps in reaching out to extended audience
while delivering high frequency of message.
Public relations: It will help in creating brand awareness
wi9thin the customers in a subtle way. It will communicate the
product in softer and more objective way.
Sales promotion: It deals with the spontaneous buying
decisions of customers during the time of sale. It increases the
possibility of the customers to see the message.
Online media: it includes placing impressive message on the
social media channels where the company can interact and
communicate with wide range of audience.
What is integrated
Define the term.
Integrated marketing communication is the process of planning
and designing while assuring the contacts of the brand. It helps
in identifying and working towards the prospects of customers
and organisation that is relevant with the individual and
consistent over time.
Key features of integrated
marketing communication
What are the key steps
involved in integrated
communications? This
information will assist
students to see what is
involved in marketing
Integrated marketing is the process by which the organisation
can accelerate its returns by attaining a customer – centric
approach. Steps in integrated marketing process includes:
Identifying the customers from their behavioural data
Determining the financial value from prospects of customers
Delivering the message and incentives.
Estimating the return placed on customer investment
and lastly, allocating the budgets and resources.
BSBMKG439 Develop and apply knowledge of communications industry – PROJECT PORTFOLIO
Last Updated: July 2021, V. No. 1.0
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The role of the marketing
communications industry
Within society, as well as
for Success College
Marketing communication plays a vital role in brand building by
the advertising and promoting the products from a company.
These communication tools assists in addressing the
communication problems that is faced by the organisation as a
part of the product promotion. It helps in providing promotional
tools that will offer the information based on the target
customers. Marketing communications will trigger the decision
making process and thus, helping in making informed decisions.
The main purpose of marketing communication is to explain the
underlying concept associated with the process of
Current issues of concern
for the communications
Identify at least two
There are several issues faced in the communication industry, it
Security and risk of breaching important data: The quality of
communication is important to ensure that the customers are
getting the best telecom experience. This makes it important for
the companies working in the communication industry are
applying data security and privacy as one of the main priority.
More regulatory scrutiny: technology has shifted the ways
towards the new and emerging technology such as AI that
allows a chance for the communication industry to improve their
customer service. Customers are more and more demanding to
have a personalised experience.
Marketing communication
and digital communication
technologies, platforms
and devices
Marketing communication can be define as the
combination of various technology that provide
the organization with platform. In order to promote
their products and services in the market. The most
common marketing tools that is used by the
small and large companies. Is social media that allows
the organization to share their products and detail
about the company. That contributes in attracting
more and more customer. Along with this, digital
technology such as E- mail marketing helps the firm
in promoting their products and services in the
local market. In addition, to this, CRM tool help the
organization in identifying the taste and preferences
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of the customer. That contributes in increasing the
communications industry
trends, including impact of
new/alternative digital
Discuss key trends in
Identify at least five and
briefly describe each trend
in your own words. This
section should also
include information on the
impact of digital
technologies on marketing
communications, as well
as the latest technologies
that are impacting on the
Discuss the impact of the
trends on marketing
The Digital marketing has impacted on the every
industry in positive as well as in the negative manner.
And the current digital technology that is used in
creating the marketing communication is Artificial
technology. This is advance technology will allow the
company to empower the customer services that will
contribute in increasing the sales. The another tool that
can benefit organization will be 5 g marketing that
allow the business to share their content in most effective
way. In addition to this, the organization can use data
analytical tool in order to know the taste and
preference of the firm. Furthermore, the other
techniques such as programmatic advertising will allow
the organization to remove the human from
advertisement and it will be more cost effective.
Key stakeholders in the
communications industry
Identify at least three
different marketing
associations that may be
useful to join for someone
involved in marketing
communications. Briefly
explain what the
association does and why
The key stakeholders of the companies are shareholders,
customer, local community and staff. That helps the
organization in running their business. Along with this,
it is considered as most important part of the business.
The stakeholders allows the organization to invest
in the marketing techniques that will help the
firm to grow. Along with this, the customer increase
the sales and allow organization to earn large profit.
The companies that can be useful for an
individual to join i.e. Australian Association of National
Australian Marketing Institute (AMI)
Australian Direct Marketing Association (ADMA).
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Last Updated: July 2021, V. No. 1.0

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it would be useful to join.
Employment opportunities
in marketing
Report on employment
trends in the industry,
including growth or
otherwise and general job
Provide a list of at least
10 job titles in the industry
as examples.
Profile at least three of
these job roles, including
the position title, overall
aim of the position and the
monetary value attached.
Research the Internet
and/or speak to anyone
you know in the industry
to find out why aspects of
this job that someone
might enjoy e.g. exciting,
creative, well-paid.Include
this information as
incentives for students to
enter the industry.
There are various opportunity that I am available in
the marketing sector as it is very vast and it required
huge people to manage. The most common job
that is available in this sector is sales executive and it
job is to sale the product of the company. However,
the aim of this job is to increase the sales of the
firm in cost effective manner. Along with this, it is
well paid job for the fresher. The another job that
is available in this sector is marketing communication
specialist. the role of this job is to collaborate
with various communication channel in order to increase
the growth of firm. However, the other important job
is social media specialist and it main aim to
manage the social media account of the companies. As
well as to increase the sales through social sites.
Along with this, the another job is market executive,
Marketing manager and customer relationship
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Last Updated: July 2021, V. No. 1.0
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communications industry
Discuss the importance of
ethical behaviour in the
marketing communication
industry and provide
examples of what might be
considered to be ethical
The ethics are the set of rules and regulation that is
made by the company in order to conduct their
business. Along with this, it very important for the
organization to follow such ethics in order to reduce
the intervention of government as well as to satisfy their
customer. In addition to this, the common ethics that
need to be followed by the marketing communication
industry is honesty, transparency ,fairness, respect and
Marketing communication
Discuss the importance of
abiding by legislation as a
marketer. Provide
examples of at least two
pieces of legislation that
marketers must be aware
of and follow.
Laws can be defining as set of rules and regulation that
has been made the government in order to maintain
the peace in the society. Along with this, all the laws
are abided on the citizens and the company and
whosoever, do not follow such rules will be liable for
the punishment and fine. Moreover, the most common
laws that need to be followed by the marketing
industries are privacy for the data that has been store
by the company. The another is data protection
related to intellectual property and to follow the
rules that has been made the consumer protection
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Section 2: Internal briefing report
Criteria for assessing your
communication report
Develop at least five
criteria here and assess
whether you have met
these criteria. You can
base these off the
information in your
Student Assessment Tasks
or the Workplace
Procedure and Style
Guide or a combination of
If you have not met all of
the criteria – save your
report as a draft and then
readdress those points by
adding in the necessary
information into your
report and saving another
copy named V2.0
The communication report can be assess through email
open rates and internet analytical, these are the most
common way to assess the internal communication.
However, it can also be asses through turnover rates
and observe behaviour and also through work
performance. The business plan can be defining as structure
that will be used by the firm to increase the growth
of the organization. the first criteria is to identify
the hazards that means to identify the harmful
substance. In the second step of assessing it will be
analysis what will be affected more by the risk.
Along with this, in third stage risk will have assessed
and proper action will be taken to overcome the risk. In
the fourth step risk will be recorded in order to deal
in the future. However, the last stage will include
review of the risk.
Attach: Internal briefing report
Internal briefing report V2.0
Email with report attached to manager
Written feedback from manager (email or

BSBMKG439 Develop and apply knowledge of communications industry – PROJECT PORTFOLIO
Last Updated: July 2021, V. No. 1.0

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